进出口货物名称中英对照(195) 1-Henry Tao's Blog-搜狐博客

    rock cork board 石棉板

  rock cork 石棉

  rock crusher 碎石机

  rock crushing plant 碎石设备

  rock crystal 水晶

  rock cutter 切石机

  rock drill 凿岩机

  rock drilling machine 凿岩机

  rock electric drill 岩石电钻

  rock grab 抓岩机

  rock loader on rail 轨行装岩机

  rock loader 载岩机

  rock loading machine 装岩机

  rock lobster 岩虾

  rock pants 贴脚细窄中长裤

  rock peg 岩锥

  rock phosphate powder 磷矿石粉

  rock phosphate 磷矿石

  rock pitch hammer 地质锤

  rock piton 岩锥

  rock salt 岩盐

  rock sampler 采石取样机

  rock screen 碎石筛

  rock shovel bucket 岩石铲斗

  rock skirt 高腰宽展裙

  rock sugar in tablet 冰片糖

  rock sugar 冰糖

  rock 透明硬糖

  rock-boring machine 钻岩机

  rock-core borer 岩心钻机

  rockbell 蓝花参

  rocker swaging machine 摆式轧机

  rocker arm plunger 摇臂柱塞

  rocker arm resistance welding machine 摇臂式接触焊机

  rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴

  rocker arm spot welder 摇臂式点焊机

  rocker arm 摇臂

  rocker bar furnace 摇杆推料炉

  rocker bar 摇杆

  rocker bearing 摇臂轴承

  rocker conveyer 摆动式输送机

  rocker dump car 翻斗矿车

  rocker lever 摇杆

  rocker shaft 摇臂轴

  rocker switch 摇臂开关

  rocker type pickling machine 摇臂式酸洗机

  rocker 震动机

  rocket bomber 火箭轰炸机

  rocket engine 火箭发动机

  rocket launcher 火箭发射器

  rocket motor 火箭发动机

  rocket-assisted takeoff unit 火箭助推起飞器

  rocket-borne infrared mapper 火箭携带的红外绘图仪

  rocket-borne ultraviolet spectrograph 火箭携带的紫外摄谱仪

  rocketsonde 火箭探空仪

  rocking apparatus 摆动设备

  rocking chair induction furnace 可倾式感应炉

  rocking chair 摇椅

  rocking fly shear 摆式飞剪

  rocking lever 摇杆

  rocking shaft 摇臂轴

  rocking sieve 振动筛

  rockover core making machine 翻转式型心机

  rockover moulding machine 转台式造型机

  rockright mill 摇摆式冷轧管机

  Rockwell hardness meter 洛氏硬度计

  rockwell hardness tester 洛氏硬度试验机

  Rocky 落矶牌汽车

  rococo embroidery 罗可可丝带绣

  rod antenna 拉杆天线

  rod basket 罐笼

  rod boring machine 杆式镗床

  rod breaker 辊式破碎机

  rod chilli 野山椒

  rod coil compressor 盘条紧捆机

  rod coil 盘条

  rod coiling machine 盘条卷取机

  rod coupler 棒状耦合器

  rod cropping apparatus 盘条切头机

  rod cutter 杆状刀具

  rod for flour food making 擀面杖

  rod for water diviner 水准尺

  rod insulator 棒形绝缘子

  rod iron cropper 圆铁截短器

  rod mill 棒磨机

  rod oil-pump 杆式油泵

  rod radiator 介质棒辐射器

  rod repeater mill 活套式线材轧机

  rod shears 棒料剪断机

  rod strainghtener 棒材矫直机

  rod thief 棒形采样器

  rod type thermometer 直棒形温度计

  rod weeder 杆式中耕除草机

  rod-control soft light 杆控柔光灯

  rod-curtain precipitator 静电集尘器

  rod-like fibre 棒状纤维

  rod-rolling mill 线材轧机

  rod-toothed crusher 齿辊破碎机

  Rodanin 罗唐纳牌手表

  rodent-resistant cable 防鼠光缆

  rodenticide 杀鼠剂

  Rodeo 竞技牌汽车

  rodethanil 硫氰苯胺

  Rodina 祖国牌手表

  Rodine 红海葱

  rodocaine 罗多卡因

  Rodos 罗度士牌手表

  rods and bars of aluminium alloy 铝合金棒材

  rods and bars 棒材

  rodtool rig 钻杆式冲击钻机

  roe hair 獐毛

  roe horn 獐角

  roe's sinew 狍筋

  roentgen kymograph 伦琴射线描波仪

  Roentgen meter 伦琴计

  roentgenokymograph X线记波照相装置

  roentgenometer X射线计

  roentgenoscope 伦琴射线xx机

  Rofil 罗菲尔聚乙烯鬃丝

  Rofina 罗非纳牌手表

  roflurane 罗氟烷

  rogor 乐果

  Rogue 敌稗

  rokitamycin 罗他霉素

  Rolan 罗纶聚丙烯腈纤维

  Roland 罗兰牌手表

  roletamide 洛利米特

  Rolex 劳力士牌手表

  rolicyprine 罗利普林

  Rolinch 罗林奇牌手表

  Rolinick 罗林尼克牌手表

  rolitetracycline 罗利环素

  roll adjusting device 调辊器

  roll breaker 辗轧破碎机

  roll crusher 辊筒式碎石机

  roll crushing machine 辊筒式压碎机

  roll crushing mill 对辊破碎机

  roll cutter 辊式切纸机

  roll feeder 辊式给料机

  roll film camera 卷片照相机

  roll film developing tank 卷片显影箱

  roll film process camera 卷筒软片版照相机

  roll film reader 胶片阅读机

  roll film slide adapter 卷片幻灯连接器

  roll film slitting machine 卷筒软片裁切机

  roll film 胶卷

  roll fluting machine 滚筒切割机

  roll force meter 轧辊测压计

  roll form body maker 罐身成圆机

  roll former 辊轧成形机

  roll forming machine 成圆机

  roll gap indicator 辊缝指示器

  roll gap setter 辊缝调整器

  roll grinder 轧辊磨床

  roll grinding machine 辊子磨床

  roll jaw crusher 滚轴颚式破碎机

  roll lathe 轧辊车床

  roll machine 滚轧机

  roll mill pulverizer 辊式粉磨机

  roll mill 轧钢机

  roll motor 辊道电动机

  roll nut adjusted quick grip pliers 螺母调节快速夹紧卡钳

  roll oil 轧钢机油

  roll onoff adjustable platform 滚装可调平台

  roll over draw machine 翻转式起模机

  roll paper 圆筒纸

  roll press for paper industry 造纸用压光机

  roll press 辊式压制机

  roll shears 辊式剪断机

  roll squeezer 辊压机

  roll straightening machine 辊式矫直机

  roll tile 瓦片

  roll toilet paper 卷筒卫生纸

  roll toilet tissue 卷筒卫生纸

  roll turning lathe 轧辊车床

  roll with crisp filling 酥心卷

  roll with egg & sesame 麻心蛋卷

  roll wobbler milling machine 轧辊梅花头铣床

  roll wobbler neck milling machine 轧辊梅花颈铣床

  roll-bond evaporator 压焊式蒸发器

  roll-chart recorder 转筒记录仪

  roll-chock washing machine 轧辊轴承部件清洗装置

  roll-fed offset printing press 卷筒纸胶印机

  roll-fed platen press 卷筒纸平压机

  roll-fed press 卷筒进纸印刷机

  roll-forged straight shank drill 滚轧直柄钻头

  roll-leaf stamping press 卷箔压印机

  roll-neck shirt 樽领衫

  roll-over moulding mahine 翻台式造型机

  roll-polishing tool 滚抛磨具

  roll-shaped abrasive cloth 卷状砂布

  roll-type briquetting machine 对辊制团机

  roll-type briquetting press 对辊式压制机

  roll-type coiler 辊式卷取机

  roll-type crusher 辊式破碎机

  roll-type decorticator 辊式脱壳机

  roll-type downcoiler 辊式地下卷取机

  roll-type electrostatic separator 滚筒型静电分选机

  roll-type magnetic separator 辊式磁选机

  rolled 8-panel skirt 压线八片式裙

  rolled condenser 卷式电容器

  rolled design baby's blanket 轧花童毯

  rolled edge handkerchief 卷边手帕

  rolled gold watch 包金表

  rolled gold 金箔

  rolled iron 轧制钢材

  rolled lead 铅皮

  rolled mild steel disk wheel 轧制软钢实心轮

  rolled oat 燕麦片

  rolled steel products 钢材

  rolled steel 钢材

  rolled tap 滚压丝锥

  rolled towels 卷筒餐巾纸

  rolled tube 滚压管

  rolled zinc alloy 轧制锌合金

  Rollei 禄来牌照相机

  Rolleiflex 禄来福来牌照相机

  roller agitator 转筒式搅拌机

  roller bearing axle 滚柱轴承轴

  roller bearing rope hoist 轮辗绳索起重器

  roller bearing sleeve 滚柱轴承套

  roller bearing stretcher 轮辗绳索伸长器

  roller bearing 滚柱轴承

  roller bit 牙轮钻头

  roller blind of steel 钢制滑轮百叶窗

  roller bridge 天车

  roller cam 滚子凸轮

  roller carrier oil seal 托辊油封

  roller carrier shaft 托辊轴

  roller chain coupling 滚子链联轴器

  roller chain 滚子链条

  roller cloth compressor 压呢芯机

  roller cloth 皮辊白呢

  roller clutch 滚柱离合器

  roller coating enamel 滚涂搪瓷

  roller coating printing ink 滚涂印刷油墨

  roller cold header 滚柱冷镦机

  roller compaction riveting press 滚辗式压铆机

  roller conveyor 滚柱式输送器

  roller cooling bed 辊式冷床

  roller covering machine 套皮辊机

  roller crusher 滚筒式碎石机

  roller cutter for pipe 转轮割管机

  roller digital indicator 滚动数字显示器

  roller distributor 辊式分配器

  roller drier 滚筒干燥机

  roller drum 压路机滚轮

  roller ending machine 皮辊烧边机

  roller feeder 滚筒加料器

  roller for self-opening thread rolling head 滚压式板牙头用圆滚子

  roller for stationary exercise bicycle 锻炼用固定自行车滚轮

  roller gear 滚柱齿轮

  roller ginned cotton 皮辊棉

  roller grinder 磨皮辊机

  roller grinding machine 磨皮辊机

  roller grizzly 滚动筛

  roller head machine 滚压成形机

  roller hydraulic jack 滚轮式液压千斤顶

  roller iron 滚轮熨斗

  roller jack 滚动千斤顶

  roller kiln 辊道窑

  roller leather 皮辊革

  roller leveling machine 辊式矫直机

  roller lifter 滚子式气门挺杆

  roller machine 滚压机

  roller measuring gauge 测皮辊机

  roller mill for soap 肥皂轧制机

  roller mill 轧制机

  roller of cast iron 铸铁轧辊

  roller of cast steel 铸钢轧辊

  roller oiler 皮辊加油机

  roller paint applicator 油漆滚轴

  roller paint brush 油漆滚刷

  roller pin 滚轮销

  roller polishing machine 轧辊抛光机

  roller press 滚压机

  roller pump 滚柱泵

  roller raising machine 拉毛机

  roller reel 辊式卷取机

  roller rock arm 滚轮摇臂

  roller screen 滚筛

  roller section-straightening machine 辊式型材矫直机

  roller shape-straightening machine 辊式型材矫直机

  roller skatse 四轮溜冰鞋

  roller snap thread gage 滚柱螺纹卡规

  roller spot-and-seam welding machine 辊式点-缝焊机

  roller suspension pipemaking machine 滚筒悬置式制管机

  roller switch 滚轮开关

  roller tappet 滚柱挺杆

  roller tilter 辊式翻钢机

  roller tractor 轮式拖拉机

  roller train 滚轴运输机

  roller transmission chain 滚子链条

  roller way control case 辊道控制箱

  roller wheel 滚轮

  roller with supporting ring 带托环炉辊

  roller 滚轧机

  roller-bit hole rig 牙轮钻机

  roller-crushing mill 对辊磨

  roller-hearth type furnace 辊底式炉

  roller-straightening machine 辊式矫直机

  roller-stretcher machine 辊式板材拉伸机

  roller-type breaker 辊式破碎机

  roller-type pump 滚柱式泵

  roller-type rice mill 辊式碾米机

  roller-type seam welding machine 辊式缝焊机

  roller-type sinterer 辊道烧结机

  roller-type thickness gauge 辊式测厚规

  roller-type venier calliper 滚轮式游标卡尺

  rollette 罗兰特细亚麻布

  rolling and stretching machine for band saw blade 锯条辊压机

  rolling ball planimeter 转球求积仪

  rolling bearing 滚动轴承

  rolling belt type surface treatment machine 滚带式表面处理机

  rolling cone 滚锥

  rolling disc planimeter 转盘求面积仪

  rolling drum 滚筒

  rolling forming machine 滚压机

  rolling head 滚压头

  rolling liquid sealing apparatus 滚动式液膜密封装置

  rolling machine for counter 鞋后帮滚轧机

  rolling machine 揉茶机

  rolling mill stand 轧机机架

  rolling mill 轧机

  rolling millmotor 滚轧电动机

  rolling needle 滚针

  rolling pin 擀面杖

  rolling piston compressor 旋转活塞式压缩机

  rolling press 滚筒印刷机

  rolling rotor compressor 滚动转子式压缩机

  rolling shaft 滚轴

  rolling shear 滚剪机

  rolling shed loom 滚动梭口织机

  rolling stock and rolling stock accessories 车辆及配件

  rolling stock 车辆

  rolling-ball viscometer 滚球式粘度计

  rolling-ball viscosimeter 滚球粘度计

  rolling-wheel taker 滚轮取料机

  Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯-罗伊斯牌汽车

  rolodine 罗咯啶

  roly-poly 不倒翁

  Roma pewter 罗马铅锡合金

  romain 罗曼缎

  romaine crepe 罗马绉

  romal handkerchief 洛美格子麻纱手帕

  romal 洛美塔夫绸

  Roman brass 罗曼含锡黄铜

  Roman bronze 罗曼锡青铜

  Roman candle 古色蜡烛

  Roman carpet 罗马双面地毯

  Roman cement xx水泥

  Roman cut work 罗马雕绣

  Roman duck 罗马画布

  roman sandals 罗马式无面鞋

  Roman stripes 罗马横条缎

  Roman 罗曼牌重型自卸汽车

  Romanium 罗马尼姆铝基合金

  Rome Beauty 瑞光苹果

  rompers 背心连裤童装外衣

  Ronda 龙达牌汽车

  rondolette 龙多莱绸

  rongalite 雕白块

  rongeur forceps 骨钳

  rongomy 龙戈米棉

  ronidazole 罗硝唑

  ronifibrate 氯烟贝特

  ronnel 皮蝇磷

  Ronoaks cotton 罗诺克斯棉

  Ronrico 郎利哥郎姆酒

  Ronson 朗生牌打火机

  Ronstar 恶草灵

  roof bolting jumbo 顶板栓锚眼用钻车

  roof condenser 顶式冷凝器

  roof paint 屋顶漆

  roof tile 屋顶瓦

  roof-bolt drill 顶板锚栓钻机

  roof-temperatrue controller 炉顶温度调节器

  roof-temperatrue indicator 炉顶温度计

  roofing felt 屋顶油毛毡

  roofing filter 修平滤波器

  roofing hammer with tubular handle 管式柄独角锤

  roofing hammer 独角锤

  roofing nail 瓦楞钉

  roofing paper 油毡

  roofing tile 瓦

  Roofloy 鲁夫洛伊耐蚀铅合金

  room air conditioner 室内空调器

  room dryer 室内干燥器

  room socks 室内短袜

  room thermostat 室内恒温器

  room-size rug 全室地毯

  room-temperature laser 室温激光器

  rooster 1号成熟公鸡

  Rooster 鲁斯特牌手表

  root brier 树根烟斗

  root carving 根雕

  root cutter with cleaning cage 带清理滚笼的切根机

  root drill 块根作物条播机

  root elevator 块根升运器

  root extractor 拔树根器

  root of American ginseng 西洋参

  root of balloonflower 桔梗

  root of Chinese slender-leaved polygala 远志

  root of Chinese trichosanthes 天花粉

  root of common fig 无花果根

  root of glutinous rice 糯稻根

  root of herbaceous peony with bark 赤芍

  root of herbaceous peony without bark 白芍

  root of herbaceous peony 白芍

  root of hollyhock 蜀葵根

  root of iris lactea 马莲根

  root of Japanese banana 芭蕉根

  root of kudzuvine 葛根

  root of largeleaf gentian 秦艽

  root of lilac daphne 芫花根

  root of loquat 枇杷根

  root of pseudo-ginseng 三七

  root of purple flowered peucedanum 前胡

  root of ramie 苎麻根

  root of red rooted salvia 丹参

  root of rehmannia 生地

  root of straight ladybell 沙参

  root of subprostrate sophora 广豆根

  root of the narrow-leaved polygala 远志

  root of three-nerved spicebush 乌药

  root of {Gansu} euphovbia 甘遂

  root of {Zhejiang} figwort 玄参

  root peeler 去根机

  root picker 掘根机

  root plugger 根管充填器

  root rotary pump 鲁特旋转泵

  root washer 块根洗涤机

  Root's blower 罗茨鼓风机

  root-bark of Chinese silkvine 五加皮

  root-bark of Chinese wolfberry 地骨皮

  root-bark of ditlany 白鲜皮

  root-bark of mysorethorn 云实皮

  root-bark of peony 牡丹皮

  root-bark of the Chinese sumac 盐肤子根皮

  root-bark of tree peony 丹皮

  root-bark of white mulberry 桑白皮

  root-canal plugger 根管充填器

  root-tuber of aromatic turmeric 郁金

  rootdozer 除根机

  rooter plough 掘根犁

  rooter plow 除根犁

  rooter 除根机

  rooting machine 除根机

  Rootone 萘乙酸

  Roots type supercharger 罗氏增压器

  rope bag paper 麻浆纸袋纸

  rope bleaching machine 绳状漂白机

  rope braiding machine 编绳机

  rope brown paper 棕绳纸

  rope clips 抱索器

  rope dyeing machine 绳状染色机

  rope form scouring and bleaching range 绳状练漂机

  rope hoist 钢绳绞车

  rope ladder 绳梯

  rope laying machine 搓绳机

  rope machine 制绳机

  rope Manila sand paper 马尼拉麻浆砂纸

  rope paper 绳纸

  rope silk 弱捻多股刺绣丝线

  rope souring machine 漂酸机

  rope transfer 钢丝绳移送机

  rope washing machine 洗绳机

  rope winch 钢丝绳绞车

  rope wire 钢丝绳用钢丝

  rope wool 绳状原毛

  rope yarn 绳索用纱

  rope 绳索

  rope-edge bowl 绳边碗

  rope-form scouring and bleaching machine 绳状练漂机

  rope-lay cable 扭绞式电缆

  rope-pulley hoist 索滑轮提升机

  ropitoin 罗匹妥英

  ropizine 罗匹嗪

  rorifone 旱菜素

  Rosa 玫瑰牌汽车

  rosalin 结晶玫瑰

  rosaprostol 罗沙前列醇

  Rosar 罗沙牌手表

  rosaramicin 罗沙米星

  rose alicanta 珊瑚红石

  rose arena 粉红麻石

  rose aurora 黄玉石

  rose bengal sodium 放射性玫瑰红钠

  rose bit 扩孔锥

  rose black tea 玫瑰红茶

  rose cream roll 玫瑰奶油蛋卷

  rose drill 梅花钻

  rose essence 玫瑰精

  rose hip 剌玫果

  rose in syrup 玫瑰糖浆

  rose nail 圆花钉

  rose net 蜂窝形网眼纱

  rose Norwegian 挪威红石

  rose oil 玫瑰油

  rose olive 玫瑰榄球

  rose paprica 尖头红辣椒

  rose perfume compound 玫瑰香精

  rose porcelain 粉彩瓷

  rose quartz 蔷薇石英

  rose sandal amber 玫瑰檀香琥珀

  rose sandal savona 檀香玫瑰

  rose savona 红玫瑰

  rose soap 玫瑰香皂

  rose supreme 玫瑰

  rose syrup 玫瑰露

  rose taste salted turnip 玫瑰大头菜

  rose tea 玫瑰花茶

  rose tobacco flavour 玫瑰烟草香精

  rose type laundry soap 玫瑰型洗衣皂

  rose water 玫瑰水

  rose white 白玫瑰

  rose wine carignan 桃红葡萄酒

  rose wood 黄花梨木

  rose {gongfu} tea 玫瑰功夫茶

  rose 玫瑰花

  rose's alloy 罗斯软焊料合金

  rose-ambrein sandal perfume compound 玫瑰龙涎檀香香精

  rose-flavoured fried flour 玫瑰油茶面

  rose-flavoured salted mustard 玫瑰大头莱

  rose-flavoured salted turnip 玫瑰大头菜

  roseate moon cake 玫瑰月饼

  roseberry 杂色横条子布

  rosebud print knit rayon panty 针织人造丝玫瑰芯印花内短裤

  rosecran 亚麻平布

  rosehip oil 蔷薇油

  rosehip without seed 无籽玫瑰果

  Rosein 罗泽茵镍基合金

  Roseley 罗赛利牌照相机

  rosemusk 玫瑰麝香

  Rosenhain's etchant 罗森海因浸蚀剂

  Roseum cotton 罗森棉

  rosewood arm-chair 紫檀扶手椅

  rosewood cabinet with bamboo design 有竹子图案的檀木柜

  rosewood cabinet with dragon design 雕龙檀木柜

  rosewood cabinet with peach flower and magpie design 带桃花喜雀图案的檀木柜

  rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pearl 镶嵌珍珠母雕龙檀木椅

  rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl 镶嵌珍珠母的檀木床

  rosewood couch 檀木床

  rosewood desk inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木桌

  rosewood desk with movable surface 花梨木活面写字台

  rosewood floor screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木屏风

  rosewood furniture inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木家具

  rosewood furniture 檀木家具

  rosewood hexagonal stool with brown stone top 花梨木石面荷茜六角鼓凳

  rosewood lantern stand 花梨木灯柱

  rosewood low table inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木炕几

  rosewood shelf 花梨木架子

  rosewood square stand 花梨木四方几

  rosewood stand 花梨木几

  rosewood stool inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木凳

  rosewood table with stone top 花梨木石面桌

  rosewood table with wood top 花梨木木面桌

  rosewood telephone cabinet with stool 花梨木带凳电话间

  rosewood triangular cabinet 花梨木三角柜

  rosewood wall hanging screen inlaid with carved bone 嵌骨檀木挂屏

  rosewood wood carving 花梨木木刻

  roshanara 罗纱纳拉绸

  rosin amine 松香胺

  rosin anti-fouling paint 松香防污漆

  rosin core 松香硬心焊锡

  rosin denatured phenolic resin 松香改性酚醛树脂

  rosin emulsifying agent 松香乳化剂

  rosin modified phenolic resin 松香改性酚醛树脂

  rosin nitrile 松香腈

  rosin oil 松香油

  rosin solder wire 松香焊锡丝

  rosin tree 松香树

  rosin water 松香水

  rosin 松香

  rosin-coumarone 松香古马隆

  rosin-free oil 无松香油

  Rosina 罗西那牌手表

  Roskopf 罗斯科夫牌手表

  rosolic acid 蔷薇色酸

  rosone 结晶玫瑰

  rosoxacin 罗索沙新

  Rospin 丙酯杀螨醇

  ross quartz 芙蓉石

  rosso rubino 再造皇妃红麻石

  rostano 罗斯塔诺织锦

  rotabobbin spinning machine 筒管纺丝机

  rotameter 旋转计量仪

  rotaplane 旋翼飞机

  rotary shears 圆盘剪

  rotary accelerator 回旋加速器

  rotary agitator 旋转式搅拌机

  rotary air drill 回转式风钻

  rotary air pump 回转式空气泵

  rotary amplifier 旋转放大器

  rotary attenuator 旋转式衰减器

  rotary axial plunger motor 旋转轴向柱塞马达

  rotary bench 卷筒式拉丝机

  rotary bit 旋转钻

  rotary blade cutter 转刀切割机

  rotary blade mower 旋转刀片割草机

  rotary blade vacuum pump for medical use 医用旋片式真空泵

  rotary blower type supercharger 旋转鼓风式增压器

  rotary blower 旋转鼓风机

  rotary blowing machine 回转式蒸呢机

  rotary board cutter 旋转纸板裁切机

  rotary bottle filler 回转式灌瓶机

  rotary broom 旋转路帚

  rotary brush damper 回转刷润湿机

  rotary brush 旋转电刷

  rotary bucket-type flowmeter 旋转叶片式流量计

  rotary buckle 旋转扣件

  rotary cam type automatic voltage regulator 旋转凸轮式自动电压调整器

  rotary can filler 回转式装罐机

  rotary capacitor 可变电容器

  rotary capping machine 旋转式压盖机

  rotary carbon spotlamp 炭精照射灯

  rotary charger 旋转式装料机

  rotary chuck 回转卡盘

  rotary classifier 螺旋分级机

  rotary clippers 滚切钳

  rotary coating machine 转筒式涂布机

  rotary cobalt-60 therapy unit 旋转式钴60xx机

  rotary compressor 回转式压缩机

  rotary condenser 旋转电容器

  rotary cone crusher 圆锥破碎机

  rotary continuous filter 旋转式连续过滤机

  rotary continuous sterilizer 回转式连续xx机

  rotary converter 旋转变流器

  rotary conveyor 回转式运输机

  rotary counter-pressure filling machine 旋转式反压灌装机

  rotary coupler 旋转耦合器

  rotary crane 旋转式起重机

  rotary crusher 旋转式碎石机

  rotary cultivator 回转中耕机

  rotary cup atomizer 转杯雾化器

  rotary cutter 旋切机

  rotary cutting and bending machine 对开滚线机

  rotary cutting machine 旋转式裁切机

  rotary DC arc welder 旋转直流弧焊机

  rotary dewaterer 旋转式脱水机

  rotary die head 旋转式夹模器

  rotary diesel engine 转子柴油机

  rotary digester 回转式蒸煮器

  rotary disc feeder 圆盘喂料机

  rotary disc filter 转盘过滤器

  rotary disc meter 转盘式流量计

  rotary disc valve 转盘阀

  rotary discharger 旋转放电器

  rotary disk driller 转盘钻机

  rotary disk filter 转盘过滤器

  rotary disk press 转盘式压机

  rotary displacement gas meter 旋转位移式煤气表

  rotary displacement pump 回转式排量泵

  rotary distributor 旋转式分配机

  rotary ditcher 旋转挖沟机

  rotary drier 回转干燥器

  rotary drill for shaft sinking 凿竖井用回式钻机

  rotary drill jumbo 回转式钻车

  rotary drill with oil pressure 油压转盘钻机

  rotary drill 回转式凿岩机

  rotary drilling machine 回转式钻床

  rotary drilling rig 旋转钻机

  rotary drilling swivel 旋转钻井水龙头

  rotary drive guard 转盘链条罩

  rotary drum dough mixer 转鼓式和面机

  rotary drum drier 转筒式干燥机

  rotary drum filter 转筒式过滤器

  rotary drum grader 滚筒分级机

  rotary drum mixer 圆筒混合机

  rotary drum regenerator 转鼓式回热器

  rotary drum type flying crop shears 转鼓式端头飞剪

  rotary drum vacuum filter 转鼓真空过滤机

  rotary drum washer 滚筒式清洗机

  rotary dry vacuum pump 旋转式真空干燥泵

  rotary dryer 回转干燥器

  rotary drying drum 旋转干燥筒

  rotary encoder 回转式译码器

  rotary end-sealing machine 回转式封底机

  rotary engine 转缸发动机

  rotary evaporator 旋转式蒸发器

  rotary excavator 旋转式挖掘机

  rotary exhaust valve 回转式排气阀

  rotary eyelet punch press 旋转式鞋眼冲压机

  rotary fan 旋转式风扇

  rotary fettling table 旋转式清砂台

  rotary file assortment set 成套圆头尖头旋转锉

  rotary filter 旋转式过滤机

  rotary flanging machine 回转式翻边机

  rotary flash lamp 回转闪光灯

  rotary flying crop shears 滚筒式切头飞剪

  rotary flying hot saw 回转式热飞锯

  rotary flying shears 滚筒式飞剪

  rotary forced-air cooler 鼓风环式冷却机

  rotary forging machine 回转式锻造机

  rotary forging mill 周期式轧管机

  rotary frit furnace 回转熔块炉

  rotary fulling mill 滚筒式缩呢机

  rotary furnace 旋转炉

  rotary gage 旋转液面计

  rotary garden duster 园地旋转吹尘器

  rotary gas meter 旋转式气体流量计

  rotary gear shaving cutter 盘形剃齿刀

  rotary gear type oil transfer pump 旋转齿轮式输油泵

  rotary gill roving frame 转针粗纺机

  rotary grain grader 滚筒式谷粒分选机

  rotary grate gas producer 转蓖式煤气发生炉

  rotary hammer 电锤

  rotary hand drill 手摇钻

  rotary harrow 旋转耙

  rotary head milling machine 转头铣床

  rotary head type universal milling machine {wn}回转头铣床

  rotary heat exchanger 旋转式热交换器

  rotary helical screw compressor 回转式螺杆压缩机

  rotary high speed glue dryer 旋转式高速胶水烘干机

  rotary hoe 旋转锄

  rotary hook 大钩

  rotary hose 水龙带

  rotary hydraulic motor 旋转式液压马达

  rotary impeller exhauster 叶轮式排气机

  rotary index machine 多工位转台式机床

  rotary injection and foam moulder 转盘发泡式注塑机

  rotary interrupter relay 旋转断续继电器

  rotary interrupter spring 旋转断续弹簧

  rotary interrupter 旋转式断续器

  rotary jaw plunger 回转爪柱塞

  rotary kiln 回转窑

  rotary letterpress ink 凸版轮转机印刷油墨

  rotary letterpress machine 凸版轮转印刷机

  rotary letterpress 凸版轮转印刷机

  rotary line switch 旋转式寻线机

  rotary mercury pump 旋转式水银泵

  rotary microtome 旋转切片机

  rotary milling machine 滚筒式缩绒机

  rotary mixer 回转式搅拌机

  rotary moulder 旋转注模机

  rotary mower with swather 轮转式条铺割草机

  rotary mud screen 转筒泥泵筛

  rotary multivane compressor 多叶回转式压缩机

  rotary newsprint 卷筒新闻纸

  rotary off-normal spring 旋转离位弹簧

  rotary offset machine 轮转胶印机

  rotary oil pump 旋转式油泵

  rotary oiler 旋转加油器

  rotary oven 旋转炉

  rotary pawl guide 回转爪导杆

  rotary pawl 回转爪

  rotary peeler 坯料剥皮车床

  rotary pelleting machine 旋转压片机

  rotary phase converter 旋转式相位变换器

  rotary phase modifier 旋转式调相机

  rotary photogravure press 轮转凹印机

  rotary piercing mill 回转式火力穿孔机

  rotary pilot valve 回转式控制阀

  rotary piston engine 旋转活塞式发动机

  rotary piston gas meter 旋转活塞式气表

  rotary piston meter 旋摆式活塞流量计

  rotary piston pump 旋转活塞泵

  rotary planer 旋转刨

  rotary plate 转盘

  rotary plough 旋转犁

  rotary plunger pump 旋转柱塞泵

  rotary pocket feeder 星轮式给料器

  rotary power broom 旋转式动力扫路机

  rotary press 旋转式压机

  rotary printer 旋转印花机

  rotary printing ink 轮转印刷油墨

  rotary printing machine 滚筒印花机

  rotary pump with liquid piston 液体活塞回转泵

  rotary pump 回转泵

  rotary rectifier 旋转整流器

  rotary retort type electric resistance furnace 滚筒式电阻炉

  rotary retort 旋转式干馏炉

  rotary rheometer 转动流变仪

  rotary rheostat 转式变阻器

  rotary ringing generator 旋转铃流机

  rotary rock drill 旋转式钻岩机

  rotary saw 盘锯

  rotary scavenging valve 旋转式换气阀

  rotary scraper 旋转式刮土机

  rotary screen press 旋转丝网印刷机

  rotary screen printed fabric with wide width 宽幅圆网印花布

  rotary screen printed shirting 圆网印花布

  rotary screen printing machine 圆网印花机

  rotary screen printing range 圆网印花机

  rotary screen roller printing machine 圆网辊筒印花机

  rotary screen 旋转筛

  rotary scythe grass cutter 旋转镰刀式割草机

  rotary seeder 旋转播种机

  rotary selector 旋转式选择器

  rotary servo valve 旋转伺服阀

  rotary sewing machine 回转式缝纫机

  rotary shaving machine 旋刨机

  rotary shear mixer 旋转剪切混合器

  rotary shears 旋转剪切机

  rotary shell core machine 旋转壳芯机

  rotary shot rig 旋转式炮眼钻

  rotary shunt meter 转子分流流量计

  rotary side trimming shears 圆盘式切边剪

  rotary sidewall coring tool 钻进式井壁取芯器

  rotary single-vane compressor 单叶回转式压缩机

  rotary sleeve valve 转筒阀

  rotary slicer with sharpener 旋转切片器附磨刀器

  rotary slide valve 回转滑阀

  rotary sliding vane compressor 旋转式滑叶压缩机

  rotary slitting machine 旋转分切机

  rotary slurry distributor 回转料浆配给机

  rotary snow plough 旋转式除雪机

  rotary speed indicater 转盘转速指示器

  rotary speed mixer 转筒式快速拌和机

  rotary squeezer 回转压榨机

  rotary stacker 旋转式堆料机

  rotary stamping machine 回转打印机

  rotary starting air distributor 回转式起动空气分配阀

  rotary stock washer 圆筒洗浆机

  rotary straightener 旋转矫直机

  rotary strainer 旋转式粗滤机

  rotary surface grinding machine 旋转平面磨床

  rotary swaging machine 旋锻机

  rotary swather 旋转式割晒机

  rotary sweeper 旋转式扫路机

  rotary switch precision resistance box 旋转式精密电阻箱

  rotary switch 旋转开关

  rotary synchronizer 旋转式同步器

  rotary synchroscope 旋转式同步示波器

  rotary table feeder 转盘加料机

  rotary table milling machine 圆工作台铣床

  rotary table sand blasting machine 回转台式喷砂机

  rotary table shot blasting machine 转台抛丸清理强化机

  rotary table type surface treatment machine 回转盘式表面处理机

  rotary table 转盘

  rotary tablet press 旋转式压片机

  rotary tableting press 旋转压片机

  rotary tedder 旋转摊草机

  rotary thread rolling machine 旋转卷丝机

  rotary throttle valve 回转节流阀

  rotary throttle 回转节流阀

  rotary throw-over switch 交换开关

  rotary tile press 回转压瓦机

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