The Goochland Gazette | News - Animal cruelty charges against ...

I only hope that justice will be done for the countless animals that have spent their lives lonely and not properly cared for on Annette’s property.  Hundreds of animals are buried on this property, and many many died needlessly from heartworm disease and a multitude of other preventable disorders.  Animals get hot, cold, hungry, thirsty, and feel pain… And many many of them were not humanely put to sleep.  Shooting them is not humane.  And letting them die on their own when they have been in pain for so long is not humane either.  How can anyone believe this many animals can be properly cared for on very limited funds and by very few (mostly only one) people.  I hope everyone reading this will wonder why this cruelty (no matter if it is on purpose or not) is being allowed to continue as I have.

H.Riley of Richmond
May. 27, 2010 at 09:11 PM

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