Flight 航班

To reconfirm 确认(机票)

Tarmac 停机坪

Runway 跑道

To go through the entry formalities 办理入境手续

To board the plane 登机

Passport 护照

Visa 签证

Entry visa 入境签证

Exit visa 出境签证

Transit visa 过境签证

Personal belongings 个人物品

Quarantine certificate 检疫证书

To make flight reservations 订机票

To book ticket 订票

To pick up the ticket 取票

One-way ticket 单程票

Return ticket/round trip 双程票

Open return 回程不定期的双程票

Airline 航空公司

Direct/ non-stop flight 直达航班

Stopover 中途停留

To break the journey 中途停留

Check-in counter 办理乘机手续的柜台

Baggage/luggage 行李

Green channel 绿色通道

Red channel. 红色通道

Scales 磅秤

Customs declaration form 海关申报表

Check luggage 托运的行李

Hand luggage/carry-on luggage 手提行李

Baggage tag 行李标签

Baggage check 行李票

Luggage trolley 行李车

Boarding pass 登机牌

Metal detector 金属探测器

Security 安全保卫

Pre-boarding area 登机前候机区

Departure 离港

To take off 起飞

Pilot 驾驶员

Captain 机长

Cabin/compartment 机舱

The crew and cabin staff 全体机组人员

Economy class cabin/compartment 经济舱

Coach 经济舱

First class cabin/compartment 头等舱

Airhostess / stewardess 空中小姐

Oxygen mask 氧气面罩

Call button 叫人按钮

Seat blet 安全带

To fasten the seat belt 系紧安全带

Life vest 救生衣

To cancel 取消

To delay 推迟,误点

Red-eye flight 红眼航班
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