艾滋患者海口申请血液检测多家医院拒绝服务(图) - 刘君- 职业日志 ...









































  记者 张琳琳 文/图

  • 美籍華人義工一頓飯救回艾滋小伙相約重慶見面
    2010年06月01日 12:10重慶商報

    黃肖華正與病人交流 記者 張路橋 攝







    黃肖華的父親是廣東人、母親是福建人,1998年,黃肖華以優異的成績從美國布朗大學藝術設計專業畢業,當時曾有不少美國公司高薪邀請她,條件最優厚的年薪高達100萬美元,但她都放棄了。 “畢業前,我看了一部紀錄片,講的是全球艾滋病的發病和治療現狀,我十分震驚,於是暗下決心決定,投身於艾滋病的治療與研究。”黃肖華輕描淡寫地說出了自己放棄高薪轉行的秘密。

    然而,一個學設計的學生,要轉行學醫,艱難可想而知。黃肖華回憶稱,自己畢業後,首先跑到當地一社區當社工,拿著微薄的工資自學醫學。而為了得到布朗大學結核與艾滋病專家Jane Conter教授的親傳,黃肖華曾連續好幾天都守在教學樓門口,一見到她就拿出自己當社工照顧艾滋病人時蒐集的病理材料,向她請教。
















    “重慶很漂亮,有山有水,還有很多樹,建築也很漂亮,這是我在中國見過的最漂亮的城市。”說起重慶,黃肖華兩眼開始放光。然而,給她印象最深的,還是重慶火鍋。 “我{dy}次吃火鍋時,一大口毛肚吃進口,把我辣得不行,趕緊吐了出來。”說起{dy}次吃火鍋時的情景,黃肖華哈哈大笑起來。除了火鍋,磁器口的雞雜也讓她印象深刻。她表示,這次來重慶,她在超市裡買了很多火鍋底料,將帶回美國和丈夫一起分享。






Chinese-American volunteers rescued a meal similar to Chongqing to meet the HIV guy
At 12:10 on the June 1st, 2010 in Chongqing Commercial Daily

Huang Xiaohua Zhang is with the patient's Bridge photo sharing

Chinese-American volunteers rescued a meal HIV guy

This patient said that no suicide, two regular telephone contact yesterday Meet in September to meet again in Chongqing

As Brown University's outstanding student art and design professional, she gave up millions of dollars in annual salary, to join to AIDS treatment and research has been 12 years. She also twice Lai Yu as a volunteer, through efforts to save the city an the verge of despair, the AIDS guy. She is a 34-year-old Chinese American Sophy, Chinese name Huang Xiaohua. Yesterday, a guy with AIDS Kobayashi (not his real name) once again received a PANGEAE Global AIDS Foundation, the project medical director Huang Xiaohua China's long-distance telephone call, the two agreed in September this year to meet again in Chongqing.

To give up millions of dollars in annual salary working for the public

May 17, in Chongqing city public health center for medical treatment of AIDS care at home, reporters saw the dark complexion of Huang Xiaohua, ponytail, she seems very spiritual. This is her second visit to Chongqing to as a volunteer.

"I chose this path, but want to help many people, it is engaged in art and design can not be done." In the translation help of a small land, was born in California are not fluent in Chinese with Huang Xiaohua, talk to reporters from their experience in AIDS treatment.

Huang Xiaohua father is Cantonese, the mother from Fujian province in 1998, Huang Xiaohua with honors from Brown University graduate art and design, when many U.S. companies had paid to invite her, the most favorable conditions for the annual salary of up to 100 million, But she gave up. "Before graduation, I saw a documentary about the global AIDS incidence and treatment status, I was shocked, then secretly resolved to decide, participate in the AIDS treatment and research." Huang Xiaohua speak lightly give up their salaries to change jobs secret.

However, a school designed for students to switch to medical school can imagine how difficult. Huang Xiaohua recalled that, after his graduation, first went to a local community when the social worker, carrying their meager wages self-Medicine. In order to get TB and AIDS expert at Brown University professor Jane Conter pro-Chuan, Huang Xiaohua has been continuous for several days stuck in the teaching building of the door, saw her come up with their own social worker to take care of people with AIDS when the pathological material collected, to consult her.

"I did not want to receive her as a student, but her sincerity and hard work impressed me, finally I decided to accept an exception to this apprentice." Reporter received a phone call, Conter Professor Huang Xiaohua endless praise.

AIDS relief in Africa Xiansang Ming

"In fact, I walk this path is not smooth, and even had nearly killed, but seeing the courage to save the object to face life again, I think that everything worth it." Huang Xiaohua recalled that in 2003, Conter professor with or She interns to Africa and Kenya, for AIDS medical care. On one occasion, Huang Xiaohua ride to a village inspection of AIDS, when reaching the middle of a jungle, a sudden explosion in front of her riding in a jeep on the spot to be overturned. Around the grenade fly, scared Huang Xiaohua hiding inside a jeep rollover crying out loud. Ten minutes later, gunshots stopped gradually, Huang Xiaohua just crawled out from the car in fear, with the help of the wizard to the local medical center for help.

"I'm on the Road forehead scar is left in that accident." Pointing to his forehead scar Huang Xiaohua said with a smile, that experience, she'll never forget.

In 2009, Huang Xiaohua joined the United States PANGEAE Global AIDS Foundation, the project earlier this year to become China's medical director is responsible for Chongqing, Kunming, Wuhan, Hangzhou four cities to provide technical support.

Engaged in small guy and take their food to AIDS

May 11, Huang Xiaohua second visit to our city public health, medical treatment centers as a volunteer. It is this journey to Chongqing, Chongqing, she has changed a little Lin Yisheng the fate of AIDS guy.

25-year-old Kobayashi is the name of homosexuals, in 2008 after graduating from a college in the city, more than a sudden high fever, muscle pain and other symptoms, and finally was diagnosed with HIV in the Xinqiao Hospital positive.

Frightened Kobayashi did not dare to tell family illness. But 纸包不住火 this year in February, his family discovered the hidden secrets Kobayashi, will he sent to the city public health, medical treatment center for treatment. Director Chen said the center, since Kobayashi is family farm, including their parents, almost all of the relatives are no longer dealing with him. Kobayashi was unable to bear the thought of suicide, but fortunately was the nurse on duty to discover and stop. Kobayashi emotions too unstable because the hospital had to take 24-hour monitoring of its.

Medical staff, said in mid-May to center as a volunteer for Huang Xiaohua that Kobayashi in a serious condition, and psychological pressure overload, in addition to his medical lectures and take care of other patients, rest almost entirely spent on the Xiaolin body.

One day at noon to dinner time, Huang Xiaohua person, carrying food, placed in Kobayashi's bedside, and Kobayashi began eating with rice. During the reception, Huang Xiaohua kept to Kobayashi's bowl and take their food, in the translation with the help of two pulled a homemade, actually eat a meal and a half hours. When Huang Xiaohua pack chopsticks to leave, he was moved Kobayashi suddenly cried aloud, and said some will not do anything silly, to live on.

"In fact, people with AIDS to eat a lot of people can do, the key is communication and conversation heart of art." Later, when Huang Xiaohua said to share their experience.

Only in Chongqing have been to play Chaotianmen Jiefangbei

"I feel the most is she was too dedicated, and she in Chongqing in the past month, they've only been to Jiefangbei Chaotianmen and play." City public health, medical treatment centers moved to the President Huang Chengyu said in January this year, Huang Xiaohua first came to Chongqing, bringing advanced medicine and treatment of advanced technology concepts. Two weeks, Huang Xiaohua invitation to go out around the hospital refused the opportunity, almost all of the time bubble in the ward.

May 11, Huang Xiaohua once again came to Chongqing, this time, the kind invitation of the Huangyuan Chang, Huang Xiaohua finally taking a long time, medical personnel, accompanied by AIDS, with a little girl, around the Chaotianmen and liberation monument. Huangyuan Zhang said: "In fact, she agreed to play out the main purpose is to accompany the AIDS little girl, want her to be happy."

"Chongqing is very beautiful, with mountain and water, many trees, buildings and beautiful, which I've seen in China's most beautiful city." Speaking of Chongqing, Huang Xiaohua eyes began to shine. However, her most impressed, or Chongqing hot pot. "The first time I eat hot pot, a big mouth Maodu eat imported, not do me too spicy, and quickly spit it out." Speaking for the first time to eat hot pot scene, Huang Xiaohua laugh. In addition to pot, the Dirty Ciqikou also impressed her. She said the trip to Chongqing, she was in the supermarket to buy a lot of pot bottom material, will be brought back to the United States and her husband share.

AIDS guy: She's impressed me the sun

May 18, Huang Xiaohua flew to Beijing to attend a seminar. Before leaving, her medical treatment to the municipal public health center in every patient leave, but most give her ease, or Kobayashi. At present, had returned to the United States is still often called long-distance telephone Huang Xiaohua, asked Kobayashi's condition.

"Her smile was full of sunshine." Speaking of Huang Xiaohua left to their own impression, Kobayashi still feel warm until yesterday.

"I am very grateful to her, she touched me the sun." Yesterday, Kobayashi told reporters at the time when Huang Xiaohua and eat with him say. Huang Xiaohua told Kobayashi that time, as long as he actively cooperate with the doctors to treat the next time she come in Chongqing, Kobayashi may be discharged to home when she would go to Kobayashi, explained to his parents, let them know how good their son.

Kobayashi also said yesterday: "Sophy gave me a call early this morning, and said in September this year, will once again return to Chongqing, to the time when I have to guide, with her tour of the Three Gorges." (Reporter intern million Hao Wang Songnan Rui)

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