消火栓系统和消防泵的探讨- cilibengwang - 博客大巴
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    根据国内外消防规范和工程实践经验就消火栓系统和消防稳压泵、消防泵等几个问题进行探讨,并提出设计参数。 关键词:消火栓、消火栓给水系统、稳压泵、消防泵 作者依据中国、美国的消防设计规范以及工程实践,就消火栓给水系统中的几个问题进行探讨,以便共同促进消防事业的发展,不当之处请批评指正。 一、消火栓给水系统 1、消火栓的栓口压力和系统分区 我国《建筑设计防火规范》GBJ16—87修订版(以下简称《建规》)第8.6.2和《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》GB50045—95(以下简称《高规》)第7.4.6条规定消火栓栓口静水压力不应大于0.8MPa,当大于0.8Mpa时应采取分区给水系统。 美国NFPA14《StandardfortheInstallationofStanpipeandHoseSystem》(1996Editon)中规定系统任何一点的压力在任何时间不能超过2.41MPa,当栓口处静压力超过1.21MPa时应设减压装置。 我国消火栓的静压不应大于0.80MPa是系统分区值。消火栓的静压要求是鉴于消火栓的质量——承压力。我国《室内消火栓》GB3445—82中规定室内消火栓工作压力为1.60MPa,试验压力为2.40MPa,远大于静压分区值0.80MPa,因而我国的系统分区值可适当提高。在美国系统分区有两个值确定,一是与我国相当的栓口静压不超过1.21MPa;二是系统任何一点的压力在任何时间不能超过2.41MPa,这是系统必须串联分区的要求。据调查,我国有不少的建筑高度在60m~70m,这样高度的建筑物加上地下室高度和屋顶水箱高度,其总高度往往大于80m,致使消火栓系统要分区,造成消火栓给水系统设备、管道增加,投资增加。适当提高此值或借鉴美国标准,可节省大量投资,并简化系统。   建议静压分区值1.0MPa~1.2Mpa,系统串联分区值2.40MPa。这样既可以充分利用消火栓的承压力,又可以节省投资。 2、消火栓的等级 我国室内消火栓有DN65、DN50、和DN253个规格,DN25的水喉不能单独使用,仅可与DN65和DN50配合使用。NEPA14消火栓分为3个等级:Ⅰ级为DN65的消火栓,仅设栓口;Ⅱ级为DN40的消火栓箱,配有水龙带和水枪的消火栓,对于轻危险等级的场所可选用DN25的水喉;Ⅲ级为DN65的栓口和DN40的消火栓箱,对于轻危险等级的场所,DN40的消火栓箱可改为DN25的水喉;设有自动喷水系统的场所,可不设DN40的消火栓箱。目前我国DN50的消火栓基本不用,DN40的消火栓没有,DN25的水喉不能单独使用。DN65的消火栓职业消防队员和非职业消防队员都可用。在美国DN65消火栓仅为职业消防队员用。所以DN40、DN25的消火栓为自救消火栓。 建议《建规》中不设消火栓的场所均设水喉,水喉可与给水系统联合。设有自动喷水系统的场所仅设DN65的消火栓栓口;不设自动喷水的场所设DN65的消火栓栓口和DN25的水喉。这样既可以节省投资,又可以兼顾消防队员专业救火和非专业人员火灾初期救火。 3、消火栓的位置、设置以及栓口压力 我国《建规》和《高规》规定消火栓设在走道、楼梯附近等明显易于取用的地点。消火栓的间距:高层为30m,多层为50m,水龙带长度为20m—25m。消防电梯前室设消火栓,屋顶设试验消火栓。消火栓栓口距地高度为1.1m,美国NF—PA14规定:(1)消火栓立管亦即是消火栓(因不设栓箱和水龙带)不应通过危险的区域,应设于防止机械破坏和火灾破坏的地方;(2)消火栓立管和供水边缘立管应设于封闭楼梯间,或者位于与封闭楼梯间等效防火的位置;(3)干式系统的消火栓立管不应封闭于建筑物的墙内或壁栓内;(4)消火栓应置于没有障碍物,距地0.9m—1.5m的位置。若设有自动喷水系统时,边缘主管可不考虑保护,给DN40的消火栓供水的立管可不考虑保护。DN65的消火栓应位于下列位置:(a)每一个楼梯的中间楼梯平台;(b)邻近墙的任一边的水平出口;(c)在从建筑物进入走廊的每一个走廊出口;(d)在有采光顶的室内林荫地的每一个走廊出口和回廊出口,或者在外部公共空间进入室内林阴地;(e)在去屋面的{zg}层的楼梯中间平台设最不利点试验消火栓;(f)在没有自动喷水系统的楼层最不利点到消火栓的{zd0}距离不应超过45.7m,在有自动喷水系统的楼层最不利点到消火栓的{zd0}距离不应超过61m。对于设置Ⅱ级DN40消火栓的建筑物:其任何部位到消火栓距离不大于39.7m。小于DN40的消火栓距离不大于36.6m。这样消火栓的设置与疏散距离相当,便于理解。我国《建规》规定民用建筑房间到楼梯口的疏散距离为20m—40m,设有自动喷水系统时疏散距离可增加25%,即增加10m。房间门至室内最近点的直线距离为15m。如果DN65的消火栓设置在楼梯间,则楼层最不利点到消火栓的{zd0}距离不应超过55m,当设有自动喷水系统时为65m。《高规》规定的疏散距离与《建规》相同。所以如果我国规范规定DN65的消火栓设置在楼梯间,消火栓的布置与美国规范相当。 我国的消火栓布置仅消防电梯前室允许设消火栓,而楼梯间不允许设消火栓。原因是消火栓设在楼梯间会破坏楼梯间的密封性,即使得防排烟功能被削弱或被破坏,影响疏散,通常消火栓设在走廊内。走廊内的消火栓火灾时没有保护,而且走廊内又充满烟气,往往本层着火点附近的消火栓消防队员无法取用,消防队员要使用本层较远的消火栓或者着火层上下层的消火栓,或者由消防车供水,水龙带沿楼梯敷设至着火层。这样同样会破坏封闭楼梯间的防烟功能。其实消防队员要5min内才能赶到,此时如建筑物内人员还在建筑物内,该疏散的人员已经疏散,而无法疏散的人员仅靠疏散楼梯可能已无法实现。所以消火栓置于楼梯间并不影响疏散楼梯间的功能,为此建议DN65的消火栓宜设于楼梯间,DN40和DN25的自救消火栓设于走廊。 我国的消火栓都配有水龙带,多年不用和不维护,到消防时基本不能使用,消防时消防队员使用自带的水龙带。为此建议DN65的消火栓仅设栓口不配栓箱和水龙带,DN40、DN25消火栓设消火栓箱和水龙带。 4、消火栓栓口余压 我国《建规》和《高规》对消火栓栓口出水压力规定为:大于0.50MPa时,消火栓处应设减压装置。消火栓的充实水柱为7m、10m、13m,充实水柱对应的消火栓最小出水压力为16m、19m、22m。NFPA14规定:DN65消火栓的栓口处{zd0}最小剩余压力为0.69MPa,对于DN40和DN25的消火栓{zd0}最小剩余压力为0.45MPa,这说明美国规范对消火栓的出口压力很重视,消火栓的栓口压力为恒定值,大于此值可设减压装置,通常为减压稳压消火栓。 消火栓栓口处的最小剩余压力和{zd0}压力取决于消防队员和使用者对消火栓反作用推力的承受能力,以及灭火对消火栓充实水柱的要求。我国消火栓栓口处{zd0}剩余压力0.50MPa,最小剩余压力为16m、19m、22m。而美国消火栓栓口处的最小剩余压力和{zd0}压力为一个值,DN65消火栓为69m,小于DN65消火栓为45m。美国消火栓的间距大于我国的间距,其水龙带的{zd0}长度为3根25m的带子,若去掉水带和接口处的水头损失,其实际栓口压力与我国相当。显然美国的栓口压力比我国的要大得多,其最小剩余压力不仅与反推力有关,还和保护半径有关。美国DN65的消火栓其设置与楼梯的间距相当,即便于消火栓立管的保护、消防队员的应用和人员疏散。按我国目前《高规》、《建规》对疏散距离的规定,消火栓布置在楼梯间,则消火栓的间距为40m~80m,设有自动喷水系统时为50m~100m。如水龙带为3根25m,则可一股水注到达任何部位,如利用同一楼梯间上下层的消火栓可保证有两股水柱到达任何部位。 为便于建筑物的美观和消防队员的实战灭火以及与国际接轨,建议DN65的消火栓仅设置在疏散楼梯间内,其间距与楼梯间的间距相当,{zd0}最小剩余压力为0.50Mpa,这样消火栓可接2根水龙带,保护半径会更大。DN25的水喉间距为30m,{zd0}最小剩余压力为0.40Mpa。 5、消火栓系统 我国《高规》第7.1.3条规定室内消防给水应采用高压或临时高压给水系统,《建规》第8.6.1条规定严寒地区非采暖的厂房、库房的室内消火栓系统,可采用干式系统。 美国NFPA14把消火栓系统分为5个系统: (1)全自动干式系统——平时系统管道充满压缩空气,并设有像干式报警阀一样的装置,允许水自动进入开启的消火栓,系统的供水设施有能力供应并满足系统消防用水量; (2)全自动湿式系统——平时系统管道为充水的湿式系统,其供水设施能够自动供应并满足系统所需消防水量; (3)半自动干式系统——干式管道系统上设有像雨淋阀一样的装置,在每一个消火栓处设一个遥控装置,以便允许水进入系统,遥控装置动作时,系统的供水设施有能力供应并满足系统所需消防水量; (4)手动干式系统——系统管道为干式,且系统无{yj}的给水设施,手动干式系统需要的消防用水来自消防车的消防泵,并通过消防水泵接合向系统供水; (5)手动湿式系统——管道为湿式,而且连接一个小流量供水装置以维持系统内水压,但系统无{yj}的能够满足系统所需水量的给水设施,手动湿式系统需要的消防用水来自消防车的消防泵,并通过消防水泵接合器向系统供水。 显然《高规》所指的常高压系统和临时高压系统实际都是美国规范所指的全自动湿式系统,《建规》所指的干式系统应是美国规范所指的全自动干式系统或半自动干式系统。对于全自动干、湿式系统而言只要消防时系统能全自动并提供满足系统消防所需水量即可。可见国内对消火栓系统提出常高压系统和临时高压系统意义不大,原因是很难找到一个真正意义上的常高压消火栓给水系统,即消火栓给水系统任何时间不需启动消防泵即能满足系统消防所需的水量和水压。为此建议取消常高压系统和临时高压系统的概念,用全自动干式系统、全自动湿式系统、半自动干式系统、手动干式系统、手动湿式系统等新概念,这样概念明确。同时鉴于国内的实际情况,建议采用全自动干式系统、全自动湿式系统、半自动干式系统、手动干式系统4个系统。同时对于极为重要的建筑物采用双水源供水系统,即除消防水池和消防泵供水外,增设屋顶水箱或压力水罐供水。 6、消火栓设计流量 《高规》规定高层建筑室内消火栓的设计流量为20L/S~40L/S,《建规》规定民用建筑室内消火栓的设计流量为5L/S~30L/S,室外消防水量为10L/S~30L/S;厂房仓库等设计流量为5L/S~40L/S;室外消防水量为10L/S~45L/S。设计消防历时,甲、乙、丙类仓库为3h,一类高层建筑为3h,其它为2h。 NFPA14规定Ⅰ级、Ⅲ级消火栓系统水力最不利消火栓立管的最小流量为31.55/s,附加立管的最小流量应为每一根15.76L/S,但总流量不应超过78.85L/S。Ⅱ级消火栓系统水力最不利消火栓立管的最小流量为6.32L/S,不需附加流量。Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级消火栓系统的设计消防历时均为0.5h。当设有自动喷水系统时消火栓流量可减少。NFPA14规定对于与自动喷水联合的消火栓系统,轻危险等级、中危险等级和严重危险等级的室内消火栓给水量有3个等级即0L/S、3.15/S、和6.3L/S;当自动喷水与室内外消火栓系统联合时,室内外消火栓给水量轻危险等级为6.31L/S、中危险等级为15.77L/S和严重危险等级为31.54L/S。由此美国设有自动喷水系统的建筑物室内消火栓系统的设计水量大为减少。 所以我们可借鉴美国的经验,对设有自动喷水的建筑物可适当减少消火栓给水系统的给水量。 二、消防给水系统稳压泵 消防给水系统稳压是系统平时维持压力的水泵,对系统起着监护作用和使系统具有自动控制的功能。稳压泵的压力可根据系统压力而确定,一般稳压泵的压力可根据系统压力而确定,一般稳压泵的压力比主泵高0.1MPa~0.2MPa,或者稳压泵压力为主泵的1.1倍~1.2倍。但对于稳压泵流量的确定就有不同的说法。《高规》第7.4.8条增压设施应符合下列规定:对消火栓给水系统不应大于5L/S;对自动喷水系统不应大于1L/S。美国NFPA20《StandandfortheInstallationofCentrifugalFirePumps》(1996Edition)规定稳压泵(PressureMaintenanPumps/JoceyPumps/Make—UpPumps)的流量不少于系统正常条件下的泄漏量,压力应能足够维持系统所需的压力。显然我国规定了稳压泵的流量的上限,而美国规定了稳压泵的下限。我国的稳压泵的流量设置要求是能满足1个消防单元的用水量,美国是系统的泄漏水量。 自动喷水系统管道的泄漏水量按国家《采暖与卫生工程施工及验收规范》第3.15条规定:水压试验时,10min内压力降不大于0.05Mpa。然后将试验压力降至工作压力作外观检查,以不漏为合格。《自动喷水灭火系统施工及验收规范》第6.2.3条规定水压试验的测试点应设在系统管网的{zd1}点,对管网注水时,应将管网的空气排净,并应缓慢升压,达到试验压力后,稳压30min,目测管网无泄漏、无变形,且压力降不大于0.05Mpa。《给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范》GB50268—97第10.2.13条规定:DN100的钢管允许渗水量为0.28L(min•km),DN150的钢管允许渗水量为0.3L(min/km)。显然若管道施工达到国家规范,系统管网的泄漏水量很少。作者本人曾观察过两个已竣工的工程,室内管道的泄漏水主要在管道的接口处毛细作用渗漏水,以及一端与大气接触的试验排水阀门和水泵出口止回阀的泄漏水量。 管道接口处毛细作用渗漏水一般形不成水滴,多在空气中蒸发。一端与大气接触的阀门漏水很易观察,及时关闭或更换阀门便不成问题。水泵出口止回阀由于关不严而向水池中回水,这一现象不易观察,是系统管网泄漏水量的一大隐患。例如一工程选用的稳压泵流量为1.33L/S,稳压泵长时间运行亦达不到设定压力,经检查是水泵出口止回阀关不严而向水池中漏水,更换止回阀后,稳压泵正常工作,而且几天启动一次。这说明系统的泄漏量很少很少,几乎可以忽略不计。 据调查国内外稳压泵的流量多选为0.5L/S~2.0L/S之间,当系统无气压罐时停泵有水锤现象。鉴于稳压泵对系统有着监护和自动控制功能的要求。我们建议稳压泵的流量为1.0L/S~2.0L/S,压力为比主泵高0.1Mpa~2.0Mpa或者为主泵的1.1倍~1.2倍。稳压泵{zh0}设有气压罐,若不设气压罐,应在稳压泵的控制器上作文章,使之在停泵时不至于因水锤作用而频繁启动。 三、消防泵 NFPA20对消防泵的性能规定如下:水泵出流量为选定工作点的流量的150%时,其扬程不小于选定的工作点的扬程的65%,关闭水泵时的扬程不大于选定工作点扬程的140%。其实际是规定了水泵的性能曲线是一条平滑的曲线。我国 规范对消防水泵没有详细的规定,致使消防水泵的选用上有不少出入。建议设计人员在设计时参考NFPA20的规定。 《高规》和《建规》对消防水泵的性能没有测试要求,NFPA20规定消防泵在出水管上设测量用流量计。流量计应能测试水泵选定流量的175%,消防泵在出水管上应设直径大于89mm的压力表,这样水泵安装后可全面测试水泵的性能,以便得知是否能满足设计要求。建议设计人员在设计中考虑这个问题。

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    According to domestic and international norms and engineering practice fire on the fire hydrant system and fire pump, fire pump, and several other issues, and proposed the design parameters. Keywords: fire hydrant, fire hydrant water supply system, pump, fire pump On the basis of China, the United States Fire design and engineering practice, the fire hydrant water supply system to explore several issues in order to jointly promote the development of the fire cause, inappropriate criticism, please correct me. 1, Fire Hydrant System 1, the bolt port fire hydrant pressure and the system partition China's "architectural design code for fire protection" GBJ16-87 revision (hereinafter referred to as "Building Regulations") section 8.6.2 and the "fire protection design of tall buildings" GB50045-95 (hereinafter referred to as "high regulation") Section 7.4.6 provides hydrostatic pressure hydrant plug port should not exceed 0.8MPa, when more than 0.8Mpa water system partition to be taken. U.S. NFPA14 "StandardfortheInstallationofStanpipeandHoseSystem" (1996Editon) specified in the system pressure at any point at any time not more than 2.41MPa, when the bolt of static pressure exceeds 1.21MPa mouth pressure relief devices should be located. China should not be greater than the static pressure fire hydrant system partition is the value of 0.80MPa. The static pressure requirements in the light of fire hydrant fire hydrant quality - bearing pressure. China's "fire hydrant" GB3445-82 provides fire hydrant in the working pressure 1.60MPa, test pressure of 2.40MPa, much larger than the value of static pressure area 0.80MPa, and thus the value of China's system partition can be properly increased. In the United States there are two values to determine the system partition, one with my mouth static bolt equivalent of not more than 1.21MPa; second is the pressure at any point the system at any time not more than 2.41MPa, which is the requirements of the system partition must be in series. According to the survey, China has a lot of building height of 60m ~ 70m, so a high degree of building height and roof water tanks with a high basement, often greater than the total height of 80m, causing fire hydrant system to partition, resulting in fire hydrant water supply system equipment, piping increase in investment. Increase this value or reference the appropriate U.S. standards, can save a lot of investment and simplify the system. Proposed static partition value 1.0MPa ~ 1.2Mpa, the system partition value series 2.40MPa. This can make full use of fire hydrants in the bearing pressure, it can save investment. 2, the level of fire hydrant China fire hydrant with DN65, DN50, and DN253 specifications, DN25 of the pipes can not be used alone, can only be used in conjunction with the DN65 and DN50. NEPA14 fire hydrant is divided into three levels: Ⅰ grade DN65 the fire hydrant, located just plug port; Ⅱ grade DN40 the fire box, with hoses and water cannons to fire hydrants, light risk rating for the place where the pipes can choose DN25; The bolt grade Ⅲ DN65 DN40 the fire box mouth and, for the light of the risk level sites, DN40 the fire box can be changed to DN25 for water pipes; with automatic sprinkler systems are, from time to set DN40 the fire box. At present, China's fire hydrant DN50 basic need, DN40 the fire hydrants did not, DN25 water pipe can not be used alone. DN65 the fire hydrant professional firefighters and non-professional firefighters are available. In the United States only career firefighter with a fire hydrant DN65. So, DN40, DN25 the fire hydrant fire hydrant for the self-help. Proposed "Building Regulations" in place of fire hydrant located no water pipes, water pipes can be combined with the water supply system. Automatic sprinkler systems are only set DN65 to hydrant suppository mouth; no place automatic sprinkler of fire hydrant located DN65 and DN25 of the tap bolt mouth. This will not only save investment, but also take into account the professional firefighters and non-professional fire fighting fire early. 3, the location of fire hydrants, the pressure settings, and plug port China's "Building Regulations" and "high regulation" provisions of fire hydrant located in the hallway, near stairs and other obvious easy-to-access location. Hydrant spacing: high as 30m, multi-layer for the 50m, hose length of 20m-25m. Fire Hydrant elevator room is located on the roof based test fire hydrants. I bolt from the hydrant to a height of 1.1m, the United States NF-PA14 provides: (1) which is the fire hydrant fire hydrant risers (no plug for tank and hoses) and not through a dangerous area, should be set at to prevent mechanical damage and Fire destroyed the place; (2) fire hydrants and water supply riser riser should be at the edge of closed stairways, or the equivalent in the fire stairwell and closed position; (3) dry riser system, fire hydrants should not be closed for construction objects inside the wall or wall plug; (4) fire hydrants should be placed no obstacles to 0.9m-1.5m away from the location. If equipped with automatic sprinkler system, the edge charge from time to consider the protection of fire hydrants to the DN40 water supply riser from time to consider protecting. DN65 the fire hydrant should be located in the following locations: (a) in the middle of each staircase landing; (b) either side of the wall near the level of exports; (c) the building into the corridor from each of the export corridor; (d) in a tree-lined interior lighting to the top of every corridor exports and the export corridors, or outside into the interior of trees planted in public spaces; (e) to the roof at the highest level of the middle platform of the staircase test set the most unfavorable hydrant points; (f ) automatic sprinkler system in the absence of the most negative point to the floor the maximum distance fire hydrants should not exceed 45.7m, an automatic sprinkler system in the floor to the fire hydrants in the most unfavorable point of maximum distance should not exceed 61m. Grade Ⅱ DN40 hydrant for setting the building: its distance from any part of the fire hydrant is not more than 39.7m. DN40 distance less than the fire hydrant is not more than 36.6m. Such settings and evacuation fire hydrant is located very easy to understand. China's "Building Regulations" civil provisions of the evacuation of the room to the landing distance of 20m-40m, equipped with automatic sprinkler systems, evacuation distance increased 25%, an increase of 10m. Room door to the room nearest point of the straight line distance of 15m. If DN65 the fire hydrants set in the staircase, the floors of the most negative point of maximum distance to fire hydrants should not exceed 55m, when the automatic sprinkler system for the 65m. "High regulation" provisions of the evacuation distance and "Building Regulations" the same. So if the fire hydrant DN65 our specification set in the staircase, fire hydrant and the U.S. standard layout quite. China Fire Hydrant elevator room layout allows only set fire hydrant, and staircases, set fire hydrants are not allowed. Because the fire hydrant located in the stairwell stairwell will destroy the seal, even if the smoke control function is weakened or destroyed, affecting evacuation, fire hydrants are usually located in the corridor. Fire hydrant within the corridor is not protected, and the corridor was full of smoke, often the floor near the fire hydrant firefighters could not access, firefighters have to use the floor or fire hydrant further away the lower layer of the fire hydrant, or by fire water supply, hoses laid along the stairs to the fire floor. This also would undermine the function of closed stairways smoke. In fact, before firefighters arrived to within 5min, this time as staff are still building buildings, the evacuation of personnel have been evacuated and the evacuation of personnel can not evacuate the stairs alone may not be realized. So, put fire hydrants did not affect the evacuation stairwell staircase function, this proposal should DN65 the fire hydrant located at the staircase, DN40 and DN25 of the self-help fire hydrant located in the corridor. China's fire hydrants are equipped with hoses, and no maintenance for many years not to fire when the basic can not be used when the firefighters use the fire hose that comes with. Therefore recommended that the fire hydrant DN65 plug port located only unworthy of bolt box and hose, DN40, DN25 set fire box and fire hydrant hoses. 4, fire hydrant residual pressure port plug China's "Building Regulations" and "high regulation" of the fire hydrant water pressure bolt port is defined as: greater than 0.50MPa, the fire hydrant Department decompression device should be set. Enrich the water column for the fire hydrant of 7m, 10m, 13m, enrich the water column corresponds to the minimum fire hydrant water pressure 16m, 19m, 22m. NFPA14 provides: DN65 hydrant plug the mouth of the maximum and minimum residual pressure of 0.69MPa, DN40 and DN25 of the fire hydrants for the maximum and minimum residual pressure of 0.45MPa, which shows exports to the United States regulate the pressure of the fire hydrants attached great importance to the plug port fire hydrant pressure constant value larger than this value can be set decompression device, usually a vacuum regulator fire hydrant. The minimum fire hydrant bolt remaining mouth pressure and maximum pressure depends on the reaction of firefighters and users of the thrust capacity of fire hydrants and fire hydrant to enrich the water column on the request. Plug the mouth of China's largest fire hydrant residual pressure of 0.50MPa, the minimum residual pressure of 16m, 19m, 22m. The United States tied the mouth of the minimum fire hydrant residual pressure and maximum pressure to a value, DN65 hydrant for the 69m, less than DN65 hydrant to 45m. U.S. fire hydrant spacing is greater than the distance between our country and its maximum length of hose 25m for the three tapes, if the water removed and interfaces with the head loss, the actual bolt stress and my mouth quite. Obviously the United States tied China's population pressure is much greater than, the minimum residual pressure of not only anti-thrust, but also and protection radius. U.S. DN65 to hydrant spacing of its setting and the stairs rather, even if the fire hydrant riser protection, the application of firefighters and evacuation. According to our present "high regulation", "Building Regulations" of the evacuation of the provisions of the distance, fire hydrant arranged in the staircase, the fire hydrant spacing is 40m ~ 80m, equipped with automatic sprinkler system is 50m ~ 100m. Water hoses for the three 25m, can reach any part of an water column, such as using the same staircase on the lower deck of the hydrant can be guaranteed to reach any part of the two jets of water. In order to facilitate the building of the beautiful and firefighters combat fighting as well as international standards, recommended the hydrant DN65 set only within the stairwell during the evacuation, the spacing and the spacing between the stairs rather, maximum and minimum residual pressure 0.50Mpa, it can be accessed by fire hydrant two hoses to protect the radius will be greater. DN25 water pipe spacing 30m, maximum and minimum residual pressure 0.40Mpa. 5, fire hydrant system China's "high regulation" provisions of article 7.1.3 of the fire water supply should be used indoors or temporary high-voltage high-pressure water supply system, "Building Regulations" Article 8.6.1 provides non-heating plant in cold area, warehouse fire hydrant system, using dry system. U.S. NFPA14 the fire hydrant system is divided into five systems: (1) Automatic dry system - usually filled with compressed air piping system, and there the same as the dry alarm valve device, allowing water into the opened automatic fire hydrants, water supply system capable of fire water supply and satisfy the system ; (2) automatic wet system - usually the system for the filling of wet pipe systems, water supply facilities and to meet the system can automatically supply the required fire water; (3) semi-dry system - Dry pipe valve system with the same device as the rain, a fire hydrant in each office is located a remote control device to allow water into the system, remote control devices for the system of water supply facilities ability to supply and to meet the required fire water systems; (4) Manual dry system - the system piping is dry, and the system without a permanent water supply facilities, dry-type system requires manual fire pump water from the fire engine, fire, and fire pump adapter to the system through the water; (5) manual wet systems - Pipeline for the wet, and the devices connected to a small flow of water to maintain the system pressure, but no permanent system to meet the system requirements for water supply facilities, water, manual wet systems require water from the fire fire engines, fire pumps, fire pump adapter through the water supply to the system. Obviously the "high regulation" within the meaning of high pressure systems and temporary high-pressure systems are the United States standard practice within the meaning of automatic wet system, "Building Regulations" refers to the dry system should be standardized within the meaning of the U.S. auto dry system or semi-dry system. For automatic dry, wet systems, the system can be automatic as long as the fire and to provide water needed to meet the system can fire. Made on the fire hydrant system in Taiwan for regular high-pressure system and temporary high-pressure system is not very meaningful because it is difficult to find a true sense of the often high-pressure fire hydrant water supply system, the fire hydrant water supply system without any time to start the fire pump system that can meet the fire required quantity and pressure. To this end the proposed abolition of regular high-pressure system and the concept of temporary high-voltage systems with automatic dry system, automatic wet system, semi-dry system, dry system manual, manual wet systems, new concepts, such concepts clear. In view of the real situation, recommended automatic dry system, automatic wet system, semi-dry system, manual system of dry-type system 4. At the same time is extremely important for building a dual water supply system, that is, except the fire water tank and fire pump, the addition of roof water tank or pressure tank water supply. 6, fire hydrant design flow "High regulation" provides the design of high-rise building fire hydrant flow of 20L / S ~ 40L / S, "Building Regulations" provides civil design fire hydrant flow for the 5L / S ~ 30L / S, outdoor fire water 10L / S ~ 30L / S; factory warehouse design flow rate of 5L / S ~ 40L / S; outdoor fire water 10L / S ~ 45L / S. Design of fire lasted, A, B, C storage is 3h, a class of high-rise building for the 3h, other to 2h. NFPA14 provides grade Ⅰ, Ⅲ grade water hydrant system the most unfavorable hydrant risers minimum flow rate of 31.55 / s, the minimum flow of additional risers should be for each root 15.76L / S, but should not exceed the total volume of 78.85L / S. Grade Ⅱ water hydrant system, the most unfavorable hydrant risers minimum flow rate of 6.32L / S, no additional traffic. Ⅰ, Ⅱ grade, Ⅲ grade took fire hydrant system design are 0.5h. When equipped with automatic sprinkler systems, fire hydrant flow can be reduced. NFPA14 provides for joint fire hydrants and sprinkler systems, light risk rating, and a serious risk of dangerous levels of indoor fire hydrant to the water level has three levels that 0L / S, 3.15 / S, and 6.3L / S; when the automatic spray water and combined indoor and outdoor fire hydrant system, the indoor and outdoor water hydrant to light risk rating for a 6.31L / S, the risk rating of 15.77L / S and a serious risk rating of 31.54L / S. Thus the United States of buildings with automatic sprinkler system, fire hydrant system for water greatly reduced. So we can learn from the experience of the United States, on the buildings with automatic sprinkler may be appropriate to reduce the amount of water hydrant water supply system. Second, fire water system pump regulator Fire water system to maintain the pressure regulator is usually a pump system, the system play a monitoring role and the system has automatic control capabilities. The pressure regulator pump pressure can be determined according to the system, the general pressure regulator pump pressure can be determined according to the system, the general regulation of pump pressure than the main pump high 0.1MPa ~ 0.2MPa, or the main pump pump pressure regulator 1.1 times to 1.2 times. But for regulators to determine the pump flow have a different opinion. "High regulation" at Article 7.4.8 Pressure facilities shall meet the following requirements: on the fire hydrant water supply system should not be greater than 5L / S; on the automatic sprinkler system should not be greater than 1L / S. U.S. NFPA20 "StandandfortheInstallationofCentrifugalFirePumps" (1996Edition) provides regulated pump (PressureMaintenanPumps / JoceyPumps / Make-UpPumps) the flow of not less than the system leakage under normal conditions, the pressure should be sufficient to maintain desired pressure. Clearly our regulators pump provides maximum flow, while the U.S. provides the lower limit of the pump regulator. China's regulators to set the pump flow requirements to meet a fire unit of water consumption, the United States is the system of water leakage. Automatic sprinkler system pipes leak water by country, "heating and sanitary engineering construction and acceptance of" the provisions of Article 3.15: hydraulic pressure test, 10min of pressure drop is not more than 0.05Mpa. Test pressure and then reduced to working pressure for visual inspection, to not leak in compliance. "Automatic sprinkler system installation and acceptance of" the provisions of Article 6.2.3 of the test point pressure test pipe network should be located in the lowest point on the pipeline injection, should the air pipe cleaned and should be slow step, to test pressure, the regulator 30min, visual pipeline leak, no distortion, and the pressure drop of no more than 0.05Mpa. "Water Supply and Sewage System Construction and acceptance of" GB50268-97 section 10.2.13 Article: DN100 steel pipe to allow water seepage volume 0.28L (min • km), DN150 steel pipe to allow water seepage volume 0.3L (min / km). Obviously if the pipeline construction to achieve the national standard, leakage of water pipe network small. I have observed of the two completed projects, indoor water pipeline leakage mainly in the pipeline interfaces capillary leakage, and one end in contact with the air valve and pump test water valve leak water exports. Channel interfaces generally do not form capillary leakage of water droplets, and more evaporation in the air. One end of the valve in contact with the air leakage is very easy to observe, or replace the valve closing time will not be a problem. Export pump check valve as strictly related to the pool, backwater, difficult to observe this phenomenon is leaking water pipe network and a big hidden. For example, a project selected regulator pump flow 1.33L / S, long-running pump regulator also reach the set pressure, by checking off valve is not strictly the export pumps to the pool leaking valve replacement , the regulator pump work, and start a few days. This implies that the leakage of very little, almost negligible. According to the survey at home and abroad over the flow rate regulator selected 0.5L / S ~ 2.0L / S, and when the system pressure can not stop the pump when water hammer phenomenon. View of the regulator pump system has custody and control functionality. We recommend that the pump flow regulator 1.0L / S ~ 2.0L / S, than the main pump high pressure 0.1Mpa ~ 2.0Mpa, or 1.1 times the main pump to 1.2 times. Pump with pressure regulator can best, if not set air pressure tank, the pump should be in the regulator that permits the controller to make it in time do not, through the pump stops and frequent water hammer starts. Third, fire pump NFPA20 the performance of fire pumps as follows: pump the flow of traffic for the selected operating point 150%, its head is not less than the selected operating point of the lift of 65%, close pump head is not greater than the selected time operating point lift of 140%. Is to provide the actual performance of the pump curve is a smooth curve. Our specification of the fire pump is not the detailed requirements for fire pump caused a lot of choice out there. Designers in the design of the proposed reference NFPA20 requirements. "High regulation" and "Building Regulations" is not on fire pump performance test requirements, NFPA20 provisions set fire pump in the outlet pipe on the flow meter measurement. Pump flow meter should be able to test 175% of selected flow, fire pump should be located in the outlet pipe diameter of more than 89mm of pressure gauge, pump installation that can be fully tested pump performance, in order to know whether it can meet the design requirements. Designers in the design proposal to consider this issue.


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