

2010-05-26 15:53:24 阅读10 评论0 字号:

General Administration of Civil Aviation of China Netcom news correspondent Huangsu Qin, Zhang Yaping reports: Recently, the Asian Games to be a good host, to ensure the safety of oil supply, Guangzhou Airport depot again completed the independent organizations, and Federal Express East ramp control section of the leak operation. Finish the job, not to mention work to sixth grade, and is highly technical, involving more than 30 electric and 4 manual valve check valve, more difficult is the night out of the valve shaft is a confined space, contact the Road taxiways, a high-risk process. However, the airport depot prepared to consider carefully the risks well in advance of control, successfully completed the task. Ramp Pipeline Leak Detection Systems Leak called TCS system, manufactured by the German Lufthansa, the world's most advanced pipeline inspection systems in the world, on the detection of the leak pipe ramp has a very high precision, while the Guangzhou Airport depot is, besides Hong Kong, a mainland airport, the only leak the system has a TCS airport depot. FedEx ramp in use since the since the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport has 24-hour non-stop flight operating system, therefore, ramp pipeline leak detection all the more important. Although the leak has become a monthly routine job, but each time from the preparation to the end of the process, it is difficult, there is more coordination and communication work, operational risk, technically competent and so on, but actively to overcome the difficulties Airport depot resolve the risk, to complete the task. Proactive communication Relevant units involved in operations over the need to coordinate well in advance. Leak operations involving the airfield throughout the pipe network, including more than 30 electric and 4 manual valve valve action, and things ramp part of the electric control valves are in the ramp area or contact slide trail, need to be empty air traffic control in Guangzhou Governance Center Authority terminal run command center and the airport control tower approval of this, the Guangdong branch has organized and conducted a number two units of coordination meetings, airports and oil depot has also conducted a number of other communication, including the ramp information The perfect. But the implementation of the actual problem, many difficulties still exist, and again through early communication, received final approval, the operating plan to avoid frustration; the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport flight volume, stop the 2-3 hours of fuel supply for aircraft Ping leak operation very difficult, therefore, need to communicate in advance and air stations, the density permitted in flight, the good arrangements for tankers and personnel preparation; In addition, oil and operating income of conflict, communication needs and stop the transit Library oil revenues. Well in advance of operations and emergency preparedness Leak the safety of operations there, ramp high-risk oil supply security. First, the leak valve operation involving four manual switching operation and inspection of some key electric valve, and out of contact Road, taxiways, the existence of the risk off in traffic and aircraft, especially at night, and out of valve shaft is a confined space, on the staff the safe operation of certain risks. In addition, the leak during the ramp several times more than 30 electric valve for pressure switch, pressure relief, if the leak process, the ramp communication sudden interruption, or the key can not open the valve or valves door status monitoring is wrong, it will affect oil recovery pipe ramp timeliness, will lead to serious delays. To this end, the airport depot in March to conduct special operations in the ramp leak security risk assessment, the organization from personnel to equipment failure of the emergency response measures are developed, such as: access to well clear of the ventilation valve, testing, Some monitoring wells, to wear seat belts and other measures, a sudden interruption of communication on the ramp on how fast oil recovery airfield clear the master station, on-site valve operation, and several other key response measures; enhanced airfield operations and safety of the personnel Attention training. Leak while working on oil supply security needs to balance job. Generally east and west ramp of the leak operation began at about 1:00 or so, if successfully carried out, in the 4:00 to the end of this period of time, FedEx is the peak oil. Therefore, things ramp start leak pump leak, we must also monitor the tied-type oil pump, Federal Express pipeline pressure normal. Operate in strict accordance with procedures to minimize risk Ramp leak is very technical operating characteristics, in addition to its more than 30 electric valve, the control room also on the scene and a large number of precision instruments, fiber optic cables for telecommunications, as long as one part of a problem will result in leak interruption of operations, or even the failure of the leak operation. To this end, through analysis and evaluation, the airport completed a depot maintenance facilities and equipment, such as valves leak and lubrication maintenance, and layout of the keyboard shortcuts the contractor communication failures and communication failures on the valve's rapid recovery, so as to improve test The success rate of leakage operation. In addition, the advanced technology of pipeline leak into the airport in Guangzhou, and is still used in China first, there is not much experience to draw on, but with the continued exploration and learning, Guangzhou Airport will continue to accumulate experience to ensure the security of oil supply ramp.
原文来自: http://www.shreveporttimes.com/article/20091205/NEWS01/91205007/1060

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中国民航新闻信息网通讯员黄素琴、张亚平报道:最近,为了当好亚运东道主,确保安全供油,广州机场油库再次独立组织完成了东西机坪以及xx快递管段的测漏作业。完成这项工作,且不说要 通霄作业,而且是技术性强,涉及30多个电动阀门以及4个手动阀的检查,更为艰难的是夜晚进出属于密闭空间的阀井、联络道、滑行道,是高高风险的作业。但由于机场油库准备充分、考虑仔细,预先做好各种风险的控制,顺利地完成了任务。   机坪管网测漏系统简称TCS测漏系统,由德国汉莎公司制造,是世界上{zxj}的管网检测系统之一,对检测机坪管段的泄漏情况拥有很高的精度,而广州机场油库是目前除香港外大陆机场中{wy}的一家拥有TCS测漏 系统的机场油库。自xx快递机坪投入使用以来,广州白云国际机场已经实行24小时不停航作业制,因此,机坪管网泄漏的检测工作显得尤为重要。尽管测漏工作已成为每月一次的常规作业,但每次从准备工作到作业结束,实属不容易,存在协调沟通工作多、作业风险高、技术性强等特点,但机场油库积极克服困难,化解风险,完成任务。   积极主动沟通   作业涉及的相关单位多,需要提前做好协调。测漏作业涉及机坪整个管网,包括 30多个电动阀门以及4个手动阀的动作,而东西机坪部分电动阀门都处于机坪控制区滑行或联络道上,需要得到空管广州空管局终端管治中心塔台及机场运行指挥中心批准,为此,广东分公司已组织和这两个单位进行了多次协调会议,机场油库也和对方进行了多次沟通,包括机坪资料的完善等。但落实到实际问题时,依然存在不少困难,通过提前再三的沟通,最终 得到批准,避免了作业计划的落空;而广州白云国际机场航班量大,停止2-3小时的供油以进行机坪测漏作业非常困难,所以,需要提前和航空加油站沟通,在航班密度允许的情况下,做好罐车和人员安排等准备工作;此外,由于和收油作业冲突,需要和中转库沟通停止收油。   提前做好作业分析和应急准备   测漏作业存在人员安全、机坪供油保障等高风险。首先,测漏作业涉及4个手动阀的开关操作和部分关键电动阀的检查,进出联络道、滑行道时,存在和飞机抢道风险,尤其在夜晚,而进出阀井属于密闭空间,对人员的安全操作存在一定的风险。此外,由于整个测漏过程中机坪30多个电动阀门进行多次的开关用以加压、泄压,如果在测漏过程中,机坪通讯突然中断,或 关键阀门不能打开或阀门状态监控有误,将会影响机坪管段恢复供油的及时性,严重者将会导致航班延误。为此,机场油库在3月份进行专项的机坪测漏作业安全风险评估,从人员的组织安排到设备故障的应急措施都制定了应对措施,如:对进入阀井明确了通风、测试、井口有人监控、佩戴安全带等措施,对机坪通讯突然中断如何快速恢复机坪供油明确了主控站、现场关键阀门的操作等几个应对措施;加强了机坪操作人员的安全及注意事项的培训。   测漏作业的同时还需兼顾供油保障作业。一般东、西机坪的测漏作业约凌晨1点左右开始,如果能顺利进行,在4点能结束,这段时间,正是xx快递供油的高峰期。因此,在东西机坪启动测漏泵测漏的同时,还要监控拴式泵的供油、xx快递管网压力的正常。   严格按程序操作尽量减少风险   机坪测漏作业特点是技术性非常强,它除了三十多个电动阀外,还依赖现场及控制室大量的精密仪表、光纤电缆等的通讯,只要其中一个环节出现问题,将会导致测漏作业的中断、甚至整个测漏作业的失败。为此,通过分析评估,机场 油库完成了设施设备的维护保养,如阀门测漏和润滑保养,和承包商沟通布置了快捷键对阀门故障及通讯故障的快速恢复等,尽量提高测漏作业的成功率。   此外,由于这项先进的管网测漏技术在广州机场的投入和使用在国内尚属xx,没有太多的经验可借鉴,但随着不断的摸索和学习,广州机场会不断地积累经验,确保机坪的安全供油。


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