
ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for May 29, 2010

Could Zeta explain what this new crop circle created in Wilton Windmill, nr Wilton, Wiltshire means?    

齐塔人可否解释出现在Wilton Windmill, nr Wilton, Wiltshire 的新麦田圈意思是什么?


Upon examining this crop circle, one will find that the 12 sections never have a line-notch that matches a line-notch on another section. There is no continuity, from one section to another, in these notches. What do the 12 sections represent, and what do the notches represent? Since the Gregorian calendar is universal, we confirm that it is months. The notches represent significant seismic activity, or plate movement. This tends to get hot in one area, and then the stage moves to another area. We are not yet at the point, as will be the case certainly during the pole shift and may be the case during an 8 of 10, where significant plate movement in one area does not start and stop, but just keeps going. Rock fingers are still holding the plates in their current positions, in the main, so there is some movement and then a halt as new catch points take hold. As to whether this crop circle, showing 12 month slices, indicates we have a year of this type of halting plate movement to anticipate, realize that this circle could represent months past, or even a year of past activity. We are certain that there will be a flurry of analysis, thus, on just what pie slice is what month, and just what notch is what earthquake or stretch zone movement. But we predict that no timeline clues will be able to be discerned with certainty from this crop circle.



Can the Zetas explain the difference between Moon Swirls of Planet X and the Planet X itself? Apparently they are similar. Why is there such confusion? There are images from SOHO, which apparently is a reflection on them a genuine body of Planet X? Or is it the same moon swirls?


They are similar in appearance because of the charged dust cloud which they all share. The light you see, whether from Planet X or a Moon Swirl, is light reflected off the dust. Moons Swirls which show up as a check mark, minor swirls coming off a major moon, are likewise from the dust, though the check mark appears as a line. Even though small, these minor Moon Swirls have coalesced charged dust around them, and thus this is still only light reflected from the dust.


What the Zetas can tell about a crop circle near Zierenberg, Germany? This cropcircle has any communication with cropcircle "Secklendorf"?

对于出现在德国Zierenberg地区的一个麦田圈,齐塔人可以告诉我们些什么呢? 。该麦田圈与"Secklendorf"的那个麦田圈有何联系呢?

This crop circle is a simplistic reminder of the magnetic trimesters, where Secklendorf was complex. Secklendorf included major Earth change notches, and the positions of those planets caught in the cup - Venus, Earth, and the Dark Twin. There is endless speculation among those hungry for a timeline clue, as to how the present and past line up, so a timeline to the future can be grasped. But since the planets and notches do not come with labels, this has proved to be an elusive conclusion. By the time Secklendorf is understood with certainty, mankind will be well on its way to being in the 8 of 10 scale point, and the issue will be moot.


I'm very appreciated that Zeta has given us the specific and excellent answers about the future safe places in China . But it is known that there are some dormant volcanos in mainland China, especiallly in northeast China, such as those in Heilongjiang province. Lots of Chinese are worried about that these volcanos will erupt during the poleshift or after the poleshift, jeopardizing those who have migrated there . Besides the problem of volcanos, northeast China has a relatively low elevation above sea level, and is close to Russian territory, which is easy to be flooded during and after the poleshift. So my question is, will China be overshadowed by volcanos and northeast China be flooded by tidal waves indeed?


Where Heilongjiang Province will have the rising sea water at their doorsteps within 2 years after the pole shift, this province is on solid land and forms a solid land bridge to lands to the north, all the way to the Bearing Straits. Mongolia will not be flooded, so fears that flooding from the north, from Russian territory, are also unfounded. Inactive volcanoes in this region are less likely to erupt because the area is not subject to subduction or pressure as the Eurasian Plate will rip up through Pakistan and into Russia will start to become intense during the hour of the pole shift.


I thought this was a hoax, until a detailed report of it, by the weatherspace.com, was added to this ning. So apparently there is a video feed of this "event" and pictures of it, both taken from different angles, and there are multiple witnesses as well. Doesn't seem so fake now, it seems. any comments?

直到 weatherspace.com网站对其进行了详细的报道,并且该报告被添加进了NING网站,我才想到这是个恶作剧。。很明显有个视频和一些照片“证明”该事件,它们都是从不同的角度拍摄的,而且还有许多的目击者。看起来并不是那么虚假啊。你们有何评论呢?

This crudely done hoax did not fool many, and not for long. The video looked nothing like the stills. There was no rationale for having a video camcorder or camera pointing at the sky at that particular moment, held perfectly still and pointing at the sky in the middle of nowhere. Where were the gasps, the shaking hand, then sudden rush to zoom in. Other than the hoaxer's stated reason, to test gullibility, what was the reason for the hoax? At a time when so many signs in the skies are appearing, genuine signs like the Norway spiral and holographic triangular UFOs, the establishment is searching for ways to confuse the populace. He was not running a gullibility test, he was delivering a product to employers!


What can be expected regarding immigration restrictions between Canada and the U.S. in the coming months and especially the final weeks? Should U.S. citizens with valid immigration papers living in Canada anticipate being suddenly deported? Alternatively, is it likely the U.S. will close it's borders to U.S. citizens trying to cross over from Canada?


Although this is in the hands of man, we anticipate no significant change in immigration rules between these two friendly neighbors until the last weeks, when panic will grip officials. However, even then the very leaky border between these two giant countries will afford a means of passage, in either direction, as it does today. Today, immigration violation is discovered after the violation, because someone is looking for work or to rent a room or needs health care and does not have proper ID. In the last weeks, this will not be the concern.


Greetings from Austria! 100 years after the pole shift, it is unlikely there will be any humans left. I have decided to go along with people of my home town and help as I can. But many friends say, they would prefer to die if circumstances are that uncomfortable after the pole shift. What makes the big difference if humans die out in a moment or within 100 years? Can you bring it to the point, why it is so important to live some more time under inconvenient conditions? A good example for motivation? [and from another] Why did Gandhi give up life as a lawyer, to help free a group of people, or Martin Luther King, stand up as a pastor and fight for civil rights, or Mandela stand up for South Africans? You get the point.


Someone who says they would not want to live, when presented with the grim picture painted of life after the pole shift when modern day conveniences are gone and hard work goes into every meal on the table, is thinking first and foremost about themselves, without a thought of what others might need. We have stated that there are those who realize they will be a burden on others, and many aged or infirm who lose the will to live and die are doing so during the current time because they sense what is on the horizon. This is not selfish, because they don't want to live in hard times, as there is little they could do to assist others, and would be a worry to others already overburdened. But we have stated that for a hale and/or young person to make such a statement is selfish, and thoughts of suicide selfish too in this situation, because the thought should be to how many orphans and injured there will be that need them, need their assistance. If you think such a comment, "why live" is made in a flippant manner and not the real orientation of the individual then respond with "are you the only one who counts?" to make them ponder this. They will either get serious and start talking about the impact on others, or continue to be focused on how their precious life will change. This is not something in your control, as it spins off their basic spiritual orientation.


For the sake of Our Worlds Oceans can you tell us how best to stop or curtail the Oil, considering its devastating impact once it enters the Loop Current, rounds Florida then feeds into Gulf Stream, then north into the North Atlantic Drift, feeding Norwegian and Canary Currents, and Equitorial Current and Counter Currents thus into the South Atlantic and possibly South Indian, Western Australia and South Equatorial and African Currents. See Map of Oceanic currents: [and from another] Experts say that the drilling rig Atlantis is set to cause a much bigger problem that would add to the oil spill in the Gulf. Do the Zetas see any repeats of this disaster making it worse? [and from another] I am very concerned for human and animal life in the Gulf of Mexico. The mix of crude oil, dissipants and Benzyne are extremely lethal. Soon will be hurricane season and the rains will wash all these toxins inland for hundreds of miles! The Zeta's seem "nonchalant" about the devestation and ongoing pollution. Will or are the Zeta's assisting? What about dumping barges of gravel till the "oil volcano" is covered over by 100' of rock??

为了我们世界的海洋,你们能告诉我们如何{zh0}地阻止或减少石油的泄露吗?考虑到它一旦进入了循环洋流,就会环绕在佛罗里达周围,然后流进墨西哥湾,再向北进入北大西洋暖流,挪威和加纳利洋流,流入赤道洋流并反流,从而进入南大西洋,还可能进入南印度洋,到达澳大利亚西部,赤道南部和非洲洋流。查看海洋洋流地图吧: from another] 。砖家认为,设置亚特兰蒂斯钻机会造成一个更大的问题,加重海湾的石油泄漏。齐塔人见到过更加糟糕的重复灾难吗?[and from another] 我非常关心在墨西哥湾的人类和动物的生活。原油,分散剂和苯的混合是相当致命的。不久飓风季节将来临,雨水会将所有这些毒素冲刷进入内陆几百英里!齐塔人似乎对造成的损坏和正在发生的污染是“漠不关心”的。齐塔人会给予帮助吗?倾倒几驳船的碎石,直到“石油火山”被超过100层的岩石所覆盖,这个想法怎么样?

Certainly this single oil spill is not going to flow around the world via every possible route. How much oil do you presume is in this particular pocket? Is the N American continent afloat on a giant pool of oil, just now discovered by a BP puncture in the Gulf of Mexico? Such panic and speculation is not called for. The avenues by which man can stop this particular pool, which is under pressure from the N American continent being pulled into a bow, are known. There are hundreds of suggestions, as for many the problem seems simple, just plug the darn hole. But those who have worked in the industry know the variables and by experience know what works and what does not work. The junk shot, which is being implemented at present, is not gravel, which cannot stop a flow as it is not a seal, but material known to create a plug that will not leak. We could add no suggestion that man has not already considered. Benign aliens of course would have other options, if allowed to intervene, which they are not allowed to do due to the . For those who think our alarm too casual, we would point out that today devastation happens and aliens do not intervene - bombing Japan with the first atomic bomb, the massacres in Africa by machete, kidnapping and sexual slavery of children all around the world. Exceptions will not be make just because you are horrified by a disaster or might be impacted. Nor will the impact of the coming pole shift be eased. Compare the current BP disaster to what the pole shift will bring, to gauge our alarm. We have our focus on the ball, as you say, our eye on the ball. The BP oil spill is not the disaster you should be wringing your hands about.

当然,这种单一的石油泄漏事件是不会通过洋流等每种可能的途径流向世界各地的。你认为在(墨西哥湾)这个特定的“口袋”里有多少石油?难道北美洲大陆漂浮在一个巨大的石油井上,刚被BP公司在墨西哥湾的钻探机发现?这种恐慌和猜测是没有道理的。我们已经说过了,由于北美大陆正被拉进弓形地带之中,这个特定的油井承受着压力,人类可堵塞该油井的方法是众所周知的。有数以百计的建议,因为许多问题似乎很简单,只要堵住漏洞就行了。但那些在该行业工作的人知道会有变数,凭借经验知道哪些方法管用,哪些不管用。目前正实施的“垃圾弹”(junk shot)法没有使用砾石,因为碎石不是封闭的,无法阻止原油泄漏,而是用已知的材料制造一个塞子,去堵住泄漏。除了人类已知的方法外,我们不能再给予别的建议了。当然,如果允许的话,善意的外星人会有其它的选择的。但因为“不干预原则”,他们不被允许这么做。有些人类认为我们的警告太漫不经心了,我们得指出,对于今日发生的毁坏,外星人不能介入-------用{dy}颗原子弹轰炸日本,非洲进行的大屠杀,世界各地对儿童的绑架和性奴役。不能因为你们被灾难吓坏了,或可能受到影响就允许有例外。即将发生的极移造成的影响也不会被减轻。比较下当前BP原油泄漏灾难和极移会带来的灾难,并衡量我们的警告把。我们有自己xx的焦点,正如你们所说,我们眼睛是看着(全)球的。BP公司的石油泄漏灾难不是你应当担心焦虑之事。

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