2009 C-R3中国创意代理商综合评估报告(上) - China's Freshest ...

    After a heartfelt message from TB Song at the start of
the year, Ogilvy China performed at thehighest possible
levels in 2009, dominating perception in the R3 Agency-
Scope coupled withsome exceptional performance ratings
from their own clients. The agency is at the top of its
game, and some way ahead of other competitors now.
This was a year of promotions more than hirings, with
Patti Sun made President of OgilvyAction, Raymond Tao
President of Ogilvy Advertising and Joyce Chang MD of
Ogilvy Shanghai. New clients came in the form of Air Ch-
ina, Lee KumKee, UPS, Red Bull, Yili, Tsingtao Beer, HiSense and others. Only Sprite, Amway and Suning left.
And the agency performed well on the global stage with
wins for Cannes, One Show and Clio, along with good su-
ccess locally. They continue to show the way in China.


    In what was one of JWT’s China’s best creative years
ever, the agency continued to keep its profile as one
of the country’s top handful of branding partners. In
terms of talent, there was stability as ever at the top-
a hallmark of the agency’s success. Eddy Fu, former MD
of JWT Taiwan, stepped in for Oliver Xu in Beijing and
Rich Shiue, his Taiwan creative partner came in as ECD.
New business included more assignments from Cofco,
Jasonwood, Epson and Kellogg’s. But it was at the
awards shows where the agency truly broke through
- four silvers and three bronze in Cannes for Nokia,
Huawei and others, as well as great success at Clio
and One Show. And the 4A’s Golden Seal Awards saw
Grand Prix wins for Nokia, Anta and a range of other
awards for more than ten different clients. JWT China
have proven this year that big doesn’t have to be boring.

作为中国{zj0}创意代理之一的智威汤逊,在这一年中继续保持其作为国内品牌{zj0}合作伙伴的角 色。在管理架构方面,今年似乎是最为稳定的一年——这也是其取得成功的原因之一。傅明, 前智威汤逊台湾董事总经理,接替徐宁出任北京董事总经理,与其台湾创意伙伴薛瑞昌(将出任 执行创意总监)一起执掌北京办公室。新业务包括中粮集团更多业务,洪业服饰、爱普生和家乐 氏。在创意奖项方面,该公司可谓获得真正的突破——诺基亚、华为等作品在戛纳广告节上勇夺4 银3铜,在克里奥广告奖和金铅笔广告奖中也同样取得巨大成功。国内奖项方面,诺基亚系列作品 在4A金印奖上拔得头筹,摘取全场大奖,为安踏以及其他十余家客户创造的作品皆获得一系列荣 誉。智威汤逊中国再次成就辉煌的一年。

    With a new Shanghai home, expanded talent and the
best new business result for the year, DDB China
Group finally delivered as a powerful force in China
under the strong leadership of Dick Van Motman as
CEO and Chairman, and Michael Dee as Chief Creative
Officer. Richard Tan, formerly of EuroRSCG, came in to
head up Beijing office. Ross Gearing was snared from
Tequila to lead a rejuvenated Rapp and Louis Cacciutt-
olo and Jean-Baptiste Comte-Liniere came into Guang-
zhou from OgilvyAction. But it was on the New Busine-
ss front the agency shone, leading the China Advertis-
ing and R3 China New Business League. Wins included
Acer, Reebok, Shanghai VW, UniPresident, UnionPay
and more Pepsi Digital work, with RMB40m in forecast
annual revenue. The agency also launched the “Made
in China” campaign in conjunction with the Ministry of
Commerce, giving it a worldwide profile.

随着上海新家的建立,团队的扩充,DDB China Group在首席执行官兼董事长Dick Van Motman 及享誉盛名的DDB 首席创意官狄运昌等精英团队的带领下,获得出色业务表现,并在中国地区 形成强大优势。陈仲翰由灵智精实转战DDB领导北京办公室,前Tequila总经理罗世杰加盟宏略广 告助其恢复朝气。Louis Cacciuttolo和Jean-Baptiste Comte-Liniere双双离职奥美行动,合力执 掌DDB广州办公室。新业务方面大放异彩,在《中国广告》与胜三联合发布的“中国广告新业务 排行榜”中高居榜首。新客户包括宏基、锐步、上海大众、统一企业、中国银联以及更多百事可 乐互动业务, 这些新业务的年营业收入贡献将超过4000万。该公司还与中国商务部联合推出“中国制造”广告战 役,成功的向世界宣传了中国形象。

    A strong performance at the creative awards, linked with new business wins and growth beyond the traditional home base of Shanghai capped a good year for BBDO - who has now taken its place in the top tier of agencies in the market. CEO Carol Potter was given an expanded Greater China remit at year end, and a lot of her top management team similarly promoted to new roles. Oliver Xu was snared from JWT to run Beijing office, and Danny Chan brought in there as ECD. Guangzhou office was also strengthened with Dave Seah and JC Catibog coming in to service Wrigley, P&G and others. This year’s wins included KFC, Pizza Hut, Tumi, HP and Panasonic amongst others. And the agency performed well at China’s Effie’s for GE, along with awards for Pepsi and Mirinda at the China International Ad Festival.

在创意奖项方面的突出表现,以及在上海之外新业务的大量增长,为天联广告赢得了一个好年 景——目前在中国市场上已经占据{dj0}代理商地位。陶颂在年底被提升为大中华区总裁兼首席执 行官,原高级管理团队职位得到整体提升。徐宁从智威汤逊移师天联,掌管北京办公室,陈永泰 晋升为北京办公室执行创意总监。同时,广州办公室的实力也得到加强,谢汉伟和康景熙加盟以 服务大客户箭牌、宝洁及其他品牌。本年度新业务包括肯德基、必胜客、塔米、惠普和松下。创 意奖项方面,天联为GE创作的“绿色创想系列运动”获得中国艾菲全场大奖,此外其为百事可乐 和美年达等客户创作的作品在中国国际广告节中都有所收获。

    Some major moves at the top gave TBWA added fire-
power and a positive platform to move forward from.
With Gavin Heron returning to native South Africa, ex-
Leo Burnett head Donald Chan came in as Group CEO
(but then left in early 2010). Eddie Wong also joined,
formerly of EuroRSCG as Head of Creative. The agency
collected a Gold Effie for McDonald’s, along with a bunch
of Bronze medals for Uni President at the 4A’s Golden
Seals. And the adidas Olympic campaign for the Olympics
collected a Gold for Best Integrated Campaign at the
AME’s. While they said goodbye to Shangri-la, new wins
came from Centrum, DeutscheBank, InBev and Wrigley,
giving a good foundation for further growth.

高管层的变动给腾迈加大火力,搭建起充满希望的发展平台。贺劲勋离开公司回到本土南非,前 李奥贝纳首领陈念端出任集团首席执行官(但已在2010年初离职)。前灵智精实创意首领黄国雄 加盟执掌创意团队。创意奖项方面,腾迈为麦当劳策划的案例问鼎艾菲奖金奖,同时其统一系列 作品在4A金印奖中收获6枚铜奖。此外,阿迪达斯奥运整合营销案例在AME广告与营销效果奖斩 获{zj0}整合营销类金奖。在告别香格里拉,迎来善存,德意志银行, 英博和箭牌的业务变动下,腾 迈在未来的发展值得期待。

    In a year of major changes, Saatchi & Saatchi ended it
with a second place on the new business league, and
the foundation for future growth. Justin Billingsley jump-
ed into the fire as CEO of Greater China, and one of the
first sparks to leave was longtime China lead Pully Chau.
In Beijing, Dean Sciole transferred seamlessly, if remark-
ably from Planning Director to ECD. John Steere joined
in Guangzhou to head up Saatchi & Saatchi X. Despite
the loss of Mengniu, wins came from Midea, Chrysler,
Amway, Siemens, Huiyuan & RenRen in one of their best
ever years. Long-term clients P&G, Mead Johnson & IKEA
also helped Saatchi have a positive year at the award
shows. It remains to be seen how well the new team
and structure will perform for the years ahead.

在重大变动之年,盛世长城以优异的成绩在《中国广告》与胜三联合发布的“中国广告新业务排 行榜”上位居榜眼,为其未来发展的打下坚实基础。管理架构出现重大调整,贾世霆出任大中华 区首席执行官,而广州和香港的首席执行官周佩莲则告别了她效力十年的盛世长城。在北京,光 (Dean Sciole)的职位调整引人注目,从策划总监晋升为执行创意总监。John Steere加入广州办 公室领导SAATCHIS X广州分公司。虽然丢掉蒙牛业务,但来自美的、克莱斯勒、安利、西门子、汇 源和人人网的新业务使去年成为其业绩表现{zh0}的一年。长期合作客户宝洁、美赞臣和宜家的创 意工作使其在创意奖项方面堪称丰收之年。在新的一年里,全新的团队和管理构架表现如何,我 们将拭目以待。别香格里拉,迎来善存,德意志银行, 英博和箭牌的业务变动下,腾 迈在未来的发展值得期待。

    It was a year of major change for the agency, which still
managed to perform well and finish third in the China
Advertising & R3 China New Business League. Chairman
Joseph Wang brought in lots of fresh talent, the majority
from WPP agencies - including Edward Su as Group MD
for Shanghai and Eastern China, Billboard Kwok as MD
of EuroRSCG 4D, Tammy Sheu as Group MD for Beijing
& Northern China and CC Tang as Chief Creative Officer
for North Asia. New Business also flowed in - from
Master Kong, a global IBM Digital win, China Telecom,
Nabel, Sony and Suning - along with more work from
long time client, Yili. However, early this year, longtime
agency stalwart Mason Lin returned to replace Joe
Wang, setting a new course forward for the years ahead.

在重大转变的一年里,灵智精实的表现可圈可点,在《中国广告》与胜三联合发布的“中国广告 新业务排行榜”上摘得探花。在董事长汪少杰领导下,公司吸收了很多新鲜血液,他们大部分来 自于WPP集团下代理公司——包括出任上海及华东区集团董事总经理的苏立,灵智4D互动公司中 国区董事总经理的郭德榜,北京及华北区集团董事总经理的许菁文,以及北亚区首席创意总监的 邓志祥。新业务同样大量涌入——康师傅、IBM全球互动业务、中国电信、诺贝尔集团、索尼和苏 宁——以及从长期客户伊利获得更多业务。2010初,林名正重返灵智舞台,担任大中华区新任首 席执行官,接替刚刚离任的汪少杰,为未来几年的发展埋下了伏笔。

    It was a moderate year for Publicis this year, who invest-
ed time in their current client base, to drive their way for-
ward. New talent arrived in Beijing, with Heidi Zhang join-
ing as Strategic Planner and Keat Soh as Head of Creative.
Sosouke Koyama came on board in Shanghai as Strategic Planning Head, lured by CEO Sheena Jeng. The agency did pick up some projects through the year from Ikea, Dreyer’s , Tingmei and Shanghai Mobile, but ended towards the bottom of the new business league with no major new win. Existing clients Dicos, L’Oreal, Scotch Brite and Weiquan Yoghurt all helped give the agency profile at local awards shows through the year.


    Burnett’s had a reasonable year - bringing in some more business, delivering good work for P&G, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and others, along with some fresh planning and creative talent. In terms of wins, it picked up more local business than before with Liguo, Byvin, Zendai and Orica coming on board -the agency is building a positive profile amongst local clients through its continued work for Li Ning, Damian Coren was transferred out of the Red Lounge into the role of Chief Operating Officer to support CEO Wei Wei Chen. And Forest Yeung joined from Ogilvy Beijing as Group CD for Beijing office. Li Ning also helped the agency win awards at the 4A’s Golden Deal and China International Ad Festival , along with some work for Mengniu, Volvo and Wyeth .

去年对于李奥贝纳来说可谓稳步上升的一年——赢得了一些新业务,为宝洁、可口可乐、麦当劳及其他客户提交了xx的答卷,同时收获了策略和创意方面的新鲜人才。新业务方面比去年赢得了更多本土客户,力果服饰、比德文、证大集团以及澳瑞凯——通过为本土巨头李宁提供长期优质服务,李奥贝纳已经在本土客户中树立了积极形象。管理构架上,戴萌离开Red Lounge入主李奥贝纳,出任首席运营官以辅佐首席执行官陈薇薇。前奥美北京创意总监杨烨移师李奥贝纳出任创意群总监。其为李宁创作的作品在4A金印奖和中国国际广告节中皆有斩获,蒙牛、沃尔沃和惠氏的作品也都有所收获。

    Beijing’s Lintas had a positive twelve months, winning some business against 4A’s agencies, and continuing to deliver great work for mainstay client Audi and others. The Audi 100th Birthday work was a truly integrated campaign, covering ATL BTL and PR and was the major work for the year. New business came from Septwolves, along with the Zhen Guo Li brand of Mengniu, and late in the year, Jeep , in a hotly contested pitch. Audi and Mengniu also won in creative awards, along with work done for Nissan and Aparso. Whenever they choose to compete in a review, Lintas is a highly competitive force.

北京灵狮收获了光辉的12个月,从4A代理商手中斩获了一些新业务,并继续为其大客户奥迪提供 杰出的服务工作。这里不得不提到其为奥迪成功策划了奥迪诞辰100周年整合营销全案,覆盖了线 上、线下及公关活动,是其一年工作的重中之重。去年灵狮获得的新业务包括七匹狼和蒙牛真果 粒,以及年末在吉普激烈的比稿之中完胜获得的业务。为奥迪和蒙牛创作的作品赢得了一些创意 奖项,此外还有尼桑和阿帕索。凡其参与的比稿当中,灵狮的竞争实力{jd1}不可小觑。

    Bates had a generally positive year - expanding their portfolio, bringing in fresh creative talent to replace Norman Tan and performing will in both the China Effies and other awards. On the new business front, Bates got onto the Sony roster and developed new work for the CyberShot and TV brands. It also picked up a coveted global project from sports giant Li Ning, along with Bank of Communications, Epson and Yutong Bus. Kenny Choo came on board as head of Creative for China, while Chu Ge and Mao Kai left from Beijing and Shanghai respectively. With past acquisitions of Apex, MeThinks and EVision, Bates has a strong holistic structure now - one of the reasons it performed so positively in the R3 AgencyScope Study this year.

总体上达彼思赢得了值得肯定的一年——一方面拓展自身资源优势,加强创意团队,以弥补执行 创意总监陈耀福离职的缺口;另一方面,其在中国艾菲奖及其他奖项上取得不俗成绩。新业务方 面,达彼思荣登索尼花名册,负责数码相机和电视品牌业务,并在体育品牌巨头李宁手中获得国 际业务,此外还有交通银行、爱普生及宇通汽车等。创意团队进一步调整,朱耀亮出任中国区创 意首领,而北京和上海的创意群总监楚戈和毛锎双双离职。随着对阿佩克思、美施和益君数码的 相继收购,达彼思全面加强了公司服务结构体系——这也是达彼思在今年的胜三广告代理商形象 研究中获得出色表现的原因之一。

    Despite their low profile, Wieden + Kennedy performed exceptionally well this year amongst fellow professionals in the AgencyScope, leading in several areas. It was a quiet year on the new business front , with iShares joining the agency in a hotly contested review - but the reality was, there was more than enough to do growing Nike, Nokia, Coca-Cola, Converse and other clients in highly integrated ways. Former TBWA Shanghai Planning head Nick Barham took the unusual step from W+K Planning to Joint ECD alongside Nick Cohen, working closely with MD Kel Hook. Jarrett Dube also joined to head up the Nike business. The agency typically shun awards, focusing instead on delivering their best work for current clients - but they continue to surprise all by becoming one of China’s most aspirational agencies.

一贯保持低调的韦珂在今年的中国代理商形象研究中成绩显赫,多个属性的排名都xxxx。表 面看来,其在新业务方面并无太大收获,只是在iShares安硕的激烈比稿中获胜——然而有目共睹 的是,韦珂持续为其大客户耐克、诺基亚、可口可乐、匡威等高质量全案服务,俨然成为诸多大 品牌的得力助手。人事变动方面,前腾迈上海策划长Nick Barham获得另类晋升,担当联合执行创 意总监,与Nick Cohen、以及董事总经理Kel Hook紧密工作。Jarrett Dube的加入旨在全面领导耐 克业务。众所周知,该公司并不注重参与赢得创意奖项,而是把更多的精力放在服务现有客户方 面——他们不断给所有人带来惊喜,堪称中国最受期待的代理商之一。

中航集团作为母公司并没有实际运营业务,旗下所有的民航旅客运输业务均归于国航也就是Air China品牌旗下。
关于“中国航空”的翻译,有Air China Group(包括该公司网站airchinagroup.com,旧网站未更换域名),实际上这是“国航集团”的英文;更规范的叫法是CNAHC(China National Aviation Holding Corp)

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