新的欧盟环保将实施,使更多的中国企业的知识« Reuse world

当中国的电子企业刚刚习惯欧盟“报废电子电气设备指令”(WEEE指令),忙于“在电子电气设备对某些有害物质使用限制指令”(ROHS指令),该欧盟发布三分之一绿色冲击- “能源产品生态设计指令”(即EUP指令),并宣布在明年8月正式执行。努力处理与前两年中国的电子业务的指示,第三想推波助澜的消防环境命令,它很可能成为出口导向型电子在中国企业不应该承受之重。产品覆盖整个生命周期的EUP指令,在2003年8月提出,草案8月11日早,2005年指令生效,后指令生效两年内,即2007年8月,在进入会员指令国家将采取行动正式实施。中国家用电器协会

秘书长姜峰一直跟踪{zx1}指令的进展。他告诉记者,WEEE指令电子电气设备回收处理环节才开始其废物回收的要求; ROHS指令xx制电子电气设备中一些危险物质,一个非常小的范围内使用,并EUP指令不仅涵盖了范围非常广泛的产品,其{zd0}的特点是对整个产品的生命周期,这一切是如何在每一个对环境的影响方面,全面对产品进行监测,将有一个{zd1}限度的影响为重点。据江风资料提供给记者从原材料选择,制造,包装,运输,分销,安装,维修,产品回收利用,EUP指令要求公司评估相关环境因素的规定,按照参数,包括材料,能源和其他资源的预期消耗量;对空气,水或土壤的预期排放量;因为噪音,震动,辐射,电磁场,如预期的污染物质的影响;废物的产生,材料或能源再利用,再循环和回收的可能性。电控单体泵,根据指令的以“能源产品”覆盖范围,加热设备,热水设备,电子系统,家庭照明设备和服务,家用电器,消费类电子产品包括参考。姜逢说,虽然该指令明年实施,但与前两个不同的欧盟环保指令EUP指令尚未公布具体实施细节,使该指令生效还只是一个框架,没有详细说明,只能说明的方向。



建议,由于执行细则还没有出来,中国的企业要做的就是紧密跟踪EUP指令的进展,研究并把握大方向。出口企业正面临着邑环保指令测试,以节约能源无疑具有重要意义,但同时也意味着成本提升。厦门华侨电子工程师说,苏中使用,以减少能源消耗的平板电视是必要的,以提高光效发光荧光粉,32英寸液晶电视用LED背光将可减少一半的能源消耗,但液晶电视增加近百元的费用。此外,邑也带来了企业设计的测试概念。专家们说,WEEE和RoHS指令指令的执行情况,公司,填补空白,基本上没有,也不是从设计思想原有范围必要时,又将推出EUP指令对我国实施的设计者绝大多数条款将设计的“革命”的思想,因为节能和环境因素被迫改进,以符合战略的高度。 06.9.8

The new EU environmental protection will be implemented so that more knowledge of Chinese enterprises

When China’s electronic business has just been accustomed to the European Union, “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive” (WEEE), busy with “in electrical and electronic equipment on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances Directive” (ROHS), the EU issued a third green shock — “Energy Products Eco-design Directive” (the EUP Directive), and announced in August next year, the official enforcement. Struggling to deal with the former two directives of China’s electronics business, the third environmental command like adding fuel to the fire, it is likely to become export-oriented electronics enterprises in China should not承受之重. Product coverage throughout the life cycle as early as in the draft EUP directive in August 2003 proposed, August 11, 2005 Directive came into effect, the directive within two years after the entry into force, that is, in August 2007 of the Directive into Member States will act formal implementation. China Household Electrical Appliances Association

the Secretary-General Jiang Feng had been tracking the progress of the latest directive. He told reporters, WEEE directive only from Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling link deal begin its waste recycling request; ROHS Directive restricts only some of Electrical and Electronic Equipment for the use of dangerous substances, a very small range; and EUP Directive not only cover a very wide range of products, and its greatest feature is the focus on the entire product life cycle, which is how the all-round monitoring of products in every aspect of the impact on the environment, will have an impact to a minimum. According to Jiang wind information available to the press, from raw material selection, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, distribution, installation, maintenance, use of the product recovery, EUP directive requires companies to assess the parameters in accordance with the provisions of relevant environmental factors, including materials, energy and the expected consumption of other resources; on air, water or soil is expected emissions; because of noise, vibration, radiation, electromagnetic fields, such as the physical impact of the expected pollution; waste production; materials or energy re-use, recycling and recovery possibilities. EUP Directive in accordance with the reference to “energy products” coverage, heating equipment, hot water equipment, electrical systems, home lighting equipment and services, home appliances, consumer electronic products are included. Jiang Feng said that although the directive to implement next year, but with the first two environmental directives in different EU EUP Directive has not yet issued specific implementation details, no details of the entry into force of the directive also just a framework, can only show the direction.

more knowledge of Chinese enterprises

It is noteworthy that in a press interview on a number of related businesses, the majority of enterprises have no knowledge of. Many businesses complain that this year in order to meet the ROHS Directive has been exhausted and the resulting costs have been so that they feel quite helpless, did not expect to usher in a more rigorous instruction is tantamount to one disaster after another. Foshan Lighting Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Import and Export Trade staff reporter asked whether the understanding of EUP directive instructions to ask the reporter what, where we can see the details of the relevant directives, the tension can be seen. Zhongshan City, Inspection and Quarantine, according to a few days ago on the export of lighting companies to do a special diagnostic survey, the majority of business-to-EUP Directive complete stranger, only a small number of enterprises only heard or learn more about fur. Of course, a small number of enterprises have a rainy day. Among them, CHIGO express EUP Directive has been tracking the development has done a fairly long period of preparation, but it is inconvenient for staff to inform specific measures. Jiang Feng

suggested that since the implementation details have not yet come out, China’s enterprises to do is closely tracking the progress of EUP directive to study and grasp the general direction. Export enterprises are facing the test of EUP directive on environmental protection, to the great significance of energy conservation no doubt, but at the same time also means that the cost of upgrading. Xiamen Overseas Chinese Electronics Engineer Suzhong said flat-panel TVs for use to reduce energy consumption is necessary to improve the efficiency of light-emitting phosphors, a 32-inch LCD TVs use LED backlight will be able to halve energy consumption, but a liquid crystal television to increase the cost of nearly a hundred dollars. In addition, EUP also brought the concept of corporate design test. Experts have said that the implementation of WEEE and ROHS directives Directive, companies which fill gaps which are basically not, nor is it necessary from the original scope of design thinking, and the EUP Directive implementation of our country in terms of the vast majority of designers will be a design thinking of “revolution” because the energy-saving and environmental factors have been forced to improve to a high degree of compliance strategies. (06-9-8)

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