Selection skills of chain board assembly line
Chain plate is a general mechanical transmission accessories in industrial automation industry, can adapt to a variety of high and low speed operation and has a good noise reduction effect; Because of the effect of transmission accuracy, fast speed, no noise, long service life, tensile resistance, so there is gradually replacing the traditional transmission mode.

Selection skills of chain board assembly line

The material of the final assembly line is belt type, plastic steel chain plate, nylon belt, etc. The final assembly line of the chain plate is made up of the driving device to pull the plastic steel chain plate, the central frame and the idler constitute the final assembly line as the traction and bearing member, in order to transport some pieces of products, in the processing plant or other fields, the chain plate final assembly line is playing a very important role. Therefore, manufacturers choose a good chain board assembly line * is particularly important.

1, first to understand the plastic steel chain plate for which industries, bandwidth and some parts of the technical parameters and other reasons. Plastic steel chain plate is suitable for the working environment temperature between -15 and 40 degrees, and the conveying material temperature can not exceed 50 degrees. Easy to slip and aging, therefore, to consider the delivery of materials and environment how to choose.

2. Select the belt speed of the chain plate. If the conveying distance is long and placed horizontally, * choose a higher belt speed. If the hanging assembly line, the greater the inclination, the shorter the transmission distance, the corresponding belt speed is also small. For example: the amount of conveying material is relatively large, * to choose a high belt speed; Conveying easy rolling materials, * to choose with low speed.

3, the weight of conveying materials, the maximum limit of chain plate assembly line is 500KG, if more than this weight, then choose other kinds of assembly line.

In the purchase of chain board assembly line, * to ask the manufacturer clearly, so as to reduce unnecessary problems.
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