Computex 2010:MSI展示耳机与3D眼镜合体的Wind 3D Armor
鐜板湪鏈?D鐪奸暅鐨勮В鍐虫柟妗堝ソ鍍忔病浜嗕笉璧风殑锛屽井鏄燂紙MSI锛夊湪Computex 2010涔熷睍鍑轰簡3D鐪奸暅锛屽悕涓?"Wind 3D Armor" 锛屼笌鍏朵粬瀹朵笉鍚屼箣澶勶紝灏辨槸澶氫簡涓€缁勮€虫満锛岀洰鐨勫緢绠€鍗曪紝灏辨槸闄や簡瑙嗚瑕?D澶栵紝鍚涔熻缁欎綘3D鍟︺€?/div>

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