2015 Year of the Sheep started

    Mltor CNC Technology Co., Ltd. officially started construction on February 27, 2015, and all work has returned to normal. In the new year, the road ahead will have even greater challenges. We must keep a clear head, emancipate our minds, boldly innovate, and meet new challenges with a new attitude!


    As a total solution provider for the feed mold drilling industry, a pioneer in the gear processing industry, and a leader in the woodworking machinery industry, we are confident in the future. Let us use the enthusiasm of a hundred times, the calmness of thousands of times, the wisdom of thousands of times, and work together to witness the important moment when the company once again takes off a new peak.


    Tip: Orders received before the holiday are currently in the hurry to catch up, so the new orders will be lagging behind, please be considerate.

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