Why Tofu divided north and south? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

can always see some tofu recipes mentioned above, the South or the North tofu tofu, always say this is not clear why?

also known as gypsum Southern tofu tofu, which uses liquid forming agent is plaster, texture compared Ruannen, fine. North, also known as brine tofu tofu, by definition it is a brine forming agent, compared with some of the South tofu texture should be firm, not as the Southern bean curd with smooth facets. With the wealth of food markets, and now there are a lot of new types of tofu to choose from. Tofu is a selection of know-how, high-quality tofu relatively neat aspect, no impurities, tofu itself has flexibility; poor tofu is not, and sometimes irregular aspect embedded impurities, easily broken, the surface tacky.
Northern bean curd or tofu, said the North, also known as Lao Doufu, hard tofu. Refers to as coagulant made from tofu bittern, which is characterized by hardness, elasticity, toughness stronger than the southern tofu, tofu with low water content than the south, generally in the 80% ~ 85%, and the taste of the more southern tofu incense.

South and North tofu tofu difference

From the exterior view:
South tofu color white, very tender. The North tofu is relatively yellow, older.
from production point of view:
South tofu is to use gypsum as a coagulant, while the north is to use brine as a tofu coagulant.

usually we go to the supermarket to buy a box inside a box of tofu, are the Southern tofu, are more moisture, and also more tender, not suitable for cooking, but can be used for soup. Restaurant inside the shallot mix tofu, and tofu are also used in the South. .

the supermarkets are now doing the kind of a piece of tofu, tofu is basically the north, looking older, can be used to cooking.

Southern tofu made with silk cloth, Douzhi delicate, with plaster to point out tofu to lubricants, delicate, light, soft.

North tofu with Wen Zhangbu to do cloth, Douzhi rough, tofu with brine to point out to strong, flexible. In particular, frozen tofu, tofu skin, fresh and delicious!


类别: 餐饮食品


北豆腐或称北方豆腐,又称老豆腐、硬豆腐。指用盐卤作凝固剂制成的豆腐,其特点是硬度、 弹性、韧性较南豆腐强,含水量较南豆腐低,一般在80%~85%之间,口味较南豆腐香。







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