Cake did? « Industry info 工业信息

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the practice of cake?

the practice of sponge cake, sponge cake

principles of the concept and production of sponge cake
the use of foaming properties of proteins, so that the filling into the egg a lot of air, adding flour and leavening baked snack made of a kind. Because its structure is similar to the porous sponge named. Abroad, also known as foam cakes, known as the clear national cake (PlainCake).
in cake production process, protein, high-speed stirring to make one of the globulin reduces the surface tension, an increase of protein, the viscosity, because viscosity of the components contribute to the initial bubble formation, so quickly into the air, a bubble . Protein in the globulin and other proteins, by the mixing of the mechanical action, resulting in mild degeneration. Denatured protein molecules can be condensed into a layer of skin, forming a very solid film will be mixed with the air surrounded by the same time, due to the role of surface tension, allowing protein foam shrink into a sphere, coupled with protein colloid and adding the flour with the viscosity of raw materials attached to In the protein foam around, so that the bubble has become very stable and can sustain mixed with gas, the heating process, the foam inside the thermal expansion of the gas also, so that products porous and have a certain degree of flexibility and toughness.
2, sponge cake, the materials, making sponge cake recipe
materials and eggs, sugar, flour and a small amount of grease and so on, which is the production of fresh eggs, sponge cake, the most important condition, because the fresh eggs colloidal solution of high consistency can into gas, to maintain stable gas; stored a long time the eggs should not be used to make cakes. Production of cake flour often choose low-gluten flour, which should be fine silty, gluten should be soft, but have enough muscle strength to bear when the expansion force of baking for the cake to form the unique role the organization played a skeleton. If there is only high-gluten flour, can first be processed on the cage to take some flour, cooked, remove Liang Liang, and then sifting to keep the flour can be used when there is no swelling on the skin, or to add a little flour, corn starch, mix well to reduce the dough to reinforcing bar . Production of sugar cake sugar often choose to finer particles, color white are better, such as the soft white sugar or powdered sugar. Large particles are often in short mixing time is not easy to melt, easy to lead to lower quality cakes.
sponge cake in the production process, there are two approaches: one is the only egg yolk instead of the “angel cake”, and the other is to use the whole egg “yellow sponge cake”, which also have different formulas.
angel cake from the egg white, sugar, flour, oil, etc. in accordance with the ratio of 5:3:3:1 made of, because the formula did not use egg yolk, so its a good foaming properties, pudding body relatively delicate internal organization, color white, soft, almost like was leavening.
yellow sponge cake, a traditional recipe in general, there are two: one is the egg with sugar, flour ratio of 1:1:1, and the other way for the eggs and sugar, flour ratio of 2:1:1. And the angel cake is different in that its not only the use of egg white, but also used the egg yolk, if produced the right way, the finished product quality and angel cake is no different.
3, sponge cake stir paste process
1. Protein, egg yolk separated from mixing method
protein, egg yolk separated from mixing method is relatively complex and its processes, its materials in order to vote is crucial to the quality of the cake. Normally takes the protein, egg yolk separated from whipping, so it is best to have two blenders, a whipping protein, another whipping egg yolk. First protein and sugar labeled as a foam, hand dip, erect, pointed up slightly drooping; another whipping egg yolks and sugar, and slowly adding the protein foam custard, the last by adding flour and mixing evenly, the system into the batter. In the course of the operation, in order to solve the problem eating mouth drier can be whipped egg yolk, add a little fat man with the whipping, using the emulsion of egg yolk, mixing the oil with the egg yolk.
2. Whole egg with sugar and stir play
eggs, sugar, mixing method is to bubble, after whipping eggs and sugar, then add other raw materials as a method of mixing. Their production process is the formulation of all the eggs and sugar together into the mixer, first with the slow whipping two minutes until the sugar, egg mixture evenly, and then switch to medium speed to mix eggs, sugar, milky white when the finger brought back, custard will not be down the stream, and then switch to the custard can be erected quickly whipped, but not very solid, the volume of sugar to meet the original egg volume three times, the choice of flour sift slowly down has sent a good egg into the sugar, and use hand-mixing flour (or slow stirring flour), mix well can be.
Emulsification emulsification method is the production of sponge cake emulsifiers are added in the method. Cake emulsifier in the country, also known as cake oil, can promote foam and oil and water dispersion stability, and its application is an improvement of traditional processes, in particular, to reduce the difficulty of making the traditional sponge cake, while making to produce the sponge cake can be integrated into more water, grease, so that product is not easy to aging, dry hardening, eat more moist mouth, so it is more suitable for mass production.
its operation, in the traditional craft of sugar when whipping eggs, so eggs, sugar, beat leveling, you can join the 10% of the amount of flour cake oil, eggs, sugar, pass the white to be, adding selected the flour, using medium-speed stirring to cream color, and then can join the 30% of the water and 15% of the oil, stir can be.
4, sponge cake filling cake mold
stir evenly adjusted raw materials, the general model should be immediately irrigated into the oven baking. Eggs, sugar, mixing law should control the transfer within 15 minutes, emulsion may be appropriate to extend the law some time. Shape of the cake from the mold shape to decide.
1. The choice of
cake mold forming are generally accomplished by means of molds. The molds are used to commonly tinplate, stainless steel, white metal, aluminum, and heat-resistant glass material. The shape of round, rectangular, lace-shaped, heart-shaped, square and so on. Edge can also be divided into two kinds of high-side and low side. Selected based on when the cake recipe is different from the proportion of different internal organization of the different conditions, flexible choices. Sponge cake because of its loose organization, easy-to-mature and have the flexibility to choose Mold, generally based on the shape of the finished products to select the mold.
2. Cake paste mold filling the requirements of
order to bake a cake is easy to remove from the mold to prevent adhesion of cake in the oven, or die on the batter before loading the module need to make mold cleaning, but also in the mold and around the bottom of the Shop on a layer of clean oil-paper, in the oil-paper you had to be uniformly coated with a layer of grease. If it can be rubbed a layer of grease and flour a better effect.
sponge cake to kill based on degree of leavening and eggs sugar flour ratio varies, the general to fill the mold 78 into a full advisable. As a practical matter, to just filled with oven baked cakes, non-spill edge, the top non-protruding, this fashion-mode capacity of the batter just right. If the amount of loading too much cake after baking expansion of overflow, affecting the product appearance, resulting in waste. On the contrary, the amount of installed too low, in the baking process due to excessive evaporation of water to lower the soft nature of the cake.
5, sponge cake baking
1. Properly set cake baking temperature and time
baking temperature on the quality of the baked cake, a great influence. The temperature is too low, bake a cake, top of the subsidence, within the relatively rough; baking temperature is too high, then the cake top of the uplift, the central part of the easy to split, four sides to the inside contraction, cake body hard. Usually baked temperature to 180 ℃ -220 ℃ better. Baking time for the cake baking quality of a great impact. Under normal circumstances, baking time is 30 minutes. If time is short, then the internal hair sticky, unfamiliar; such a long time, then easy to dry and surrounded by hard and brittle. Baking time should be based on product size and thickness to carry out decisions, while the formula based on sugar content and flexible to adjust. Sugar high and lower temperatures, a long time; sugar content is low, the temperature is somewhat higher, long time.
2. Processing
baked cakes baked before the cake mature or not to be identified, such as the observation of the surface color of cake to determine the degree of raw and cooked. Hand push the button on the cake, let go after recovery, indicated that they had baked and can not recover, then do not bake. There is also a more direct approach is to use a thin bamboo stick into cake center, and then pull out, if the bamboo stick on the very smooth, no custard, said the cake had cooked; if the bamboo stick on the stick with custard, then Cake not cooked. If not ripe, need to continue baking, until the grilled up.
If the test cake has been cooked, then remove from the oven, remove from the mold, will immediately turn over sponge cake, cake on the rack, so that the front end down, so that the cold penetration, and then packaged. There are two ways cool cake, one is a natural cooling, cooling should be moved to reduce products, products and products should be maintained between a certain distance from the product should not be stacked. The other is air-cooled, hair should not be a direct blow to prevent the product surface crust. In order to maintain product freshness, the cake can be placed in 2 ℃ -10 ℃ in refrigerator cold.
6, sponge cake, sponge cake quality standards
quality standards are: the surface of golden brown, the internal milk-yellow color uniform, cake body lighter, at the top of flat or slightly raised, organization dense uniform, no big holes , soft, flexible, non-health within the heart, taste is not sticky quit, slightly moist, eggs, sweet taste is relatively modest.
In short, to acquire the above election materials, formulas, principles and system of laws, you can also make a tasty cake to!

do use the microwave cake?
Ingredients prosperous flour 150 grams sugar 150 grams of fine, 5 eggs, butter 150 grams
characteristics of soft sweet spices
types of dim sum dessert
production process 1, eggs knock Rupen, the sugar used to fight eggs, whipping until egg whitish device played when foam, and then slowly added to flour, while stirring add edge. Stir after the first labeled as fluffy cream with whisk cream-like, and then slowly stir into the custard even further.
2, the walls painted a layer of butter pudding basin, and slowly pour cream custard, and then a clean cloth covered cake basin, with a strong wave of fire can heat 8 minutes.

Ingredients: flour, 100 grams of dried Jiaofen 5 g sugar 30 g butter, 45 grams of milk 1 tablespoon butter, a few drops of essence
1: first of all the eggs and sugar mixture with the whisk force play bubble that There can be a heavy sense of

2: the flour, baking powder butter (in advance with the microwave to melt) together with milk and cream into the egg force Flavor Stir

3: to mix a good batter into the containers (in advance please use the butter and rub it again will not stick at the end) and then gently smooth out the surface of
the cover with plastic wrap into the microwave oven heated from time to time during the period until the bamboo stick with the bamboo stick pierced
no longer stained liquid that has been roasted on the success

4: Remove the baked cake according to their own preferences decorated with fresh cream and fruit can be a

to do with the rice cooker cake
Ingredients: 4 eggs, flour, chocolate, Koshiro sugar, milk, butter
1. Separation of egg yolk; butter, melted back;
2. Sieve flour +3 spoon chocolate powder 3-4 times back;
3. Add 3 tablespoons of the egg yolk inside the white granulated sugar, playing uniform, then add melted butter, playing uniform, then add the flour a good screen (min 2-3 times to join), playing uniform, finally add milk (to taste), playing uniform batter backup,;
4. Start playing egg white, clockwise vigorously the points three times, respectively, 10-by adding an appropriate amount of sugar, egg white will be able to play 15 minutes or so very fat, and the pots upside down, egg white and leave without even playing a down.
5. Will lay the egg white into the batter graded in sub-bottom whipped with a wooden shovel, mix the batter, and egg white paste.
6. Pour the batter has been preheated and coated with butter rice cooker, the press the cook key, when the cooking heat jump lie down again, cook for 10 minutes after the key, so repeated 3 times, the cake was fine.

Note: my family’s rice cooker is extremely small, is the simplest kind, 5 minutes from the cooking heat jump, and each of the rice cooker at different times, therefore, the time needed to master their own. As long as a toothpick inserted into cake with a toothpick apply again and again out of the cake clean even do the work.


Materials: * Lean Meat 6 2 * red onion (sliced) 4 tbsp * Egg 5 * low-gluten flour, 3 / 2 cup fine sugar * 3 / 2 cup * 1

cellophane Seasoning: * salt, monosodium glutamate 1 tablespoon each of soy sauce a little *


1, red onion slices, fried to golden brown, put Meat fry, add seasonings and mix well, namely filling.

2, eggs and sugar beat with mixer until creamy white (about 20 minutes), you can sieve into the flour, and absorbed into the batter.

3, cellophane inside a shop in the steaming, pour half the batter disappearing, in order to remove the steam for 8 minutes, sprinkle with the stuffing, and pour the remaining batter disappearing, continued steam 8 minutes, remove the equipment prior to the test stamp does not stick raw material can be removed.


类别: 餐饮食品



黄海绵蛋糕传统的配方一般有两种:一种是鸡蛋与糖、面粉的比例为 1:1:1,另一种为鸡蛋与糖、面粉的比例为2:1:1。与天使蛋糕的不同之处在于其不仅使用蛋清,同时也使用了蛋黄,如果制作方法得当,其成品品质与天使蛋糕无异。
其操作时,在传统工艺搅打蛋糖时,使蛋糖打匀,即可加入面粉量的10%的蛋糕油,待蛋糖打发白时,加入选好的面粉,用中速搅拌至奶油色,然后可加入 30%的水和15%的油脂搅匀即可。

主 料 富强粉150克,细砂糖150克,鸡蛋5个,奶油150克
调 料
特 点 松软香甜
种 类 点心甜食类
制作过程 1、鸡蛋磕入盆中,加糖,用打蛋器搅打至蛋液发白、起沫时,再慢慢加人面粉,边加边搅拌。搅拌均匀后,先将奶油用打蛋器打成蓬松乳霜状,再慢慢倒入蛋糊中进一步搅拌均匀。

材料:面粉 100克 干酵粉5克 砂糖30克 黄油45克 牛奶1大勺 奶油香精数滴
1:首先 把鸡蛋和砂糖混合 用打蛋器用力打出泡沫 觉得有厚重感了就可以了

2:将面粉,发酵粉 黄油(事先用微波炉加热融化) 牛奶和奶油香精 一起放进蛋液 用力搅拌均匀

3:把搅拌好的面糊 倒入容器(事先请用黄油擦一遍 才不会沾底) 表面
抹平 然后轻轻的用保鲜膜盖住 放入微波炉加热 期间不时的用竹签刺入
直至竹签上不再沾有液体 就表明已经烤成功了

4:取出烤好的蛋糕 按自己的喜好用鲜奶油 和水果装饰 就可以了

材料:鸡蛋4枚 面粉 巧克力粉 白砂糖 牛奶 黄油
2。面粉+3勺巧克力粉 筛3-4次备用;



材料:*瘦绞肉6两*红葱头(切片)4大匙*蛋 5个*低筋面粉3/2杯*细糖3/2杯*玻璃纸1张




  2、将蛋和糖用打蛋器打至乳白色( 约20 分钟) ,即可筛入面粉,和匀成面糊。

  3、玻璃纸铺于蒸具内,倒入一半面糊抹平,以中火蒸8 分钟取出,撒上内馅,并将剩余面糊倒入抹平,续蒸8 分钟,取出前以用具试戳,不沾生料即可取出。

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