Maintenance skills of LED bulb lamp aging line

    Led aging line is a kind of testing equipment widely used in LED lamp quality. LED bulb lamp aging line machinery is mainly composed of power plant frame conveyor belt, aging trolley, conductive system, testing veteran roaming area, detection beat circuit, whole line power, electrical control, body color, etc.

    Due to the high temperature and low temperature in summer, the wear probability of the primary components of aging line is greatly increased. Therefore, in summer, it is necessary to do a good job in the maintenance and maintenance of LED aging line. The following LED bulb lamp aging line manufacturers for the majority of users under the aging line maintenance common sense.

    I. primary maintenance

    ordinary protection and maintenance should be completed by post workers and carried out every day.

    check whether there are materials, things and sundries stacked on the production line every day before starting up the machine, and whether the chain is blocked by sundries to affect the normal operation; investigate whether some electrical appliances are burnt and whether the emergency stop button is allowed to start the machine; after the above operations are completed, start the test run once or twice, and then start the machine normally;

    2. Deep maintenance

  the secondary protection and maintenance shall be carried out by special personnel (special shift) at regular intervals. According to the start-up frequency, it is usually carried out once every two weeks.

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