电容X5R & X7R的区别_东东宝地_百度空间

一 NPO电容器 NPO是一种最常用的具有温度补偿特性的单片陶瓷电容器。它的填充介质是由铷、钐和一些其它稀有氧化物组成的。 NPO电容器是电容量和介质损耗最稳定的电容器之一。在温度从-55℃到+125℃时容量变化为0±30ppm/℃,电容量随频率的变化小于±0.3ΔC。NPO电容的漂移或滞后小于±0.05%,相对大于±2%的薄膜电容来说是可以忽略不计的。其典型的容量相对使用寿命的变化小于±0.1%。NPO电容器随封装形式不同其电容量和介质损耗随频率变化的特性也不同,大封装尺寸的要比小封装尺寸的频率特性好。下表给出了NPO电容器可选取的容量范围。 封 装 DC=50V DC=100V 0805 0.5---1000pF 0.5---820pF 1206 0.5---1200pF 0.5---1800pF 1210 560---5600pF 560---2700pF 2225 1000pF---0.033μF 1000pF---0.018μF NPO电容器适合用于振荡器、谐振器的槽路电容,以及高频电路中的耦合电容。

二 X7R电容器 X7R电容器被称为温度稳定型的陶瓷电容器。当温度在-55℃到+125℃时其容量变化为15%,需要注意的是此时电容器容量变化是非线性的。 X7R电容器的容量在不同的电压和频率条件下是不同的,它也随时间的变化而变化,大约每10年变化1%ΔC,表现为10年变化了约5%。 X7R电容器主要应用于要求不高的工业应用,而且当电压变化时其容量变化是可以接受的条件下。它的主要特点是在相同的体积下电容量可以做的比较大。下表给出了X7R电容器可选取的容量范围。 封 装 DC=50V DC=100V 0805 330pF---0.056μF 330pF---0.012μF 1206 1000pF---0.15μF 1000pF---0.047μF 1210 1000pF---0.22μF 1000pF---0.1μF 2225 0.01μF---1μF 0.01μF---0.56μF

三 Z5U电容器 Z5U电容器称为”通用”陶瓷单片电容器。这里首先需要考虑的是使用温度范围,对于Z5U电容器主要的是它的小尺寸和低成本。对于上述三种陶瓷单片电容起来说在相同的体积下Z5U电容器有{zd0}的电容量。但它的电容量受环境和工作条件影响较大,它的老化率{zd0}可达每10年下降5%。 尽管它的容量不稳定,由于它具有小体积、等效串联电感(ESL)和等效串联电阻(ESR)低、良好的频率响应,使其具有广泛的应用范围。尤其是在退耦电路的应用中。下表给出了Z5U电容器的取值范围。 封 装 DC=25V DC=50V 0805 0.01μF---0.12μF 0.01μF---0.1μF 1206 0.01μF---0.33μF 0.01μF---0.27μF 1210 0.01μF---0.68μF 0.01μF---0.47μF 2225 0.01μF---1μF 0.01μF---1μF Z5U电容器的其他技术指标如下: 工作温度范围 +10℃ --- +85℃ 温度特性 +22% ---- -56% 介质损耗 {zd0} 4% 四 Y5V电容器 Y5V电容器是一种有一定温度限制的通用电容器,在-30℃到85℃范围内其容量变化可达+22%到-82%。 Y5V的高介电常数允许在较小的物理尺寸下制造出高达4.7μF电容器。 Y5V电容器的取值范围如下表所示 封 装 DC=25V DC=50V 0805 0.01μF---0.39μF 0.01μF---0.1μF 1206 0.01μF---1μF 0.01μF---0.33μF 1210 0.1μF---1.5μF 0.01μF---0.47μF 2225 0.68μF---2.2μF 0.68μF---1.5μF Y5V电容器的其他技术指标如下: 工作温度范围 -30℃ --- +85℃ 温度特性 +22% ---- -82% 介质损耗 {zd0} 5%

EIA Class 2 dielectric

The Class 2 dielectric materials are materials used in ceramic . In comparison with the they tend to have very poor temperature drift, high dependence of capacitance on applied voltage, high voltage coefficient of dissipation factor, high frequency coefficient of dissipation, and problems with aging due to gradual change of crystal structure. Aging causes gradual exponential loss of and decrease of .

The EIA Class 2 dielectrics in general are usually based on formulas with high content of (BT), possibly mixed with other dielectric . Due to its properties, they are subject to . Other oxides added can be the same as used for Class 1 ceramics.

EIA X7R is designed for capacitors with capacity ranging typically between 3300 p to 0.33 μF, 10% tolerance. Good for non-critical coupling, filtering, transient voltage suppression, and timing applications. Has high . It is an EIA Class 2 dielectric. Its tolerance over a temperature range of 0 to 70 °C is ±15%.

Y5P and Y5V are other such class 2 ceramics, with temperature range of -30 to +85 °C and wide capacitance change with temperature of ±10% or +22/-82%. Usually used for capacitances between 150 pF and 2 nF.

Z5U (EIA) or 2E6 ( code) — typical for 2.2 nF to 2.2 μF, 20%. Good for bypass, coupling applications. Low price and small size, low temperature stability.

Other commonly used materials are Y5P (2B4 in IEC specs), Y5U, and Z5U (2E5).

The EIA three-character code is derived from the low and high temperature limit, and the range of capacitance change.



change range

X: -55 °C

4: +65 °C

A: ±1.0%

Y: -30 °C

5: +85 °C

B: ±1.5%

Z: +10 °C

6: +105 °C

C: ±2.2%

7: +125 °C

D: ±3.3%

8: +150 °C

E: ±4.7%

9: +200 °C

F: ±7.5%

P: ±10%

R: ±15%

S: ±22%

T: +22% -33%

U: +22% -56%

V: +22% -82%


X5R is the name of a material used in . X5R performs better than other dialectrics, such as Y5V, and permits the construction of smaller capacitors than other dialecrics, such as and .

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