11月皮革毛皮业在中国的新订单指数高于60% « oursolo.net


据中国物流信息中心,高级经济师陶陈介绍,制造业PMI指数是一个综合指数,通常采购经理人指数高于50%,反映整体经济的扩张;低于50%,反映经济衰退。 11月,PMI指数体系中,只有产成品库存指数低于50%,而其余的指数超过50%以上。

具体指标新订单指数,增加了三个百分点,比前一个月,达到59.4%。 20个行业中,只有有色金属冶炼及压延加工业,百分之五十以下的两个行业金属制品业,其余18个行业均高于50%,其中制造业和裘皮服装,鞋帽,羽绒制品业,烟草业,交通运输设备制造业,通用设备制造业,木材加工和家具制造业,如10 60%以上。

November leather fur industry in China new orders index higher than 60%

According to the Chinese Federation of Logistics and Purchasing the latest release in November in China China’s manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) was 55.4%, last month increased by 2.2 percentage points. This is the second month of this year’s PMI index 8,9 rebound after rebound once again. Department of the State Council Development Research Center director Zhang Liqun, a macro that: “This shows that China’s economy has maintained rapid growth in long-term possibility, but stable growth, to prevent big ups and downs will always be the main task of macroeconomic policy.”

According to the China Logistics Information Center, a senior economist Tao Chen introduction, manufacturing PMI index is a composite index, usually PMI index above 50%, reflecting the overall expansion of the economy; less than 50%, reflecting the economic recession. In November the PMI index system, only finished goods inventory index below 50%, and the rest of the index were higher than 50%.

from the change in trend, ibid months compared to the supplier delivery time index flat; employment index fell slightly; the rest of the index have risen, especially in the production index, the purchase price index rose the most significant trend, an increase in more than four percentage points.

in specific indicators, on new orders index increased by three percentage points over the previous month, reaching 59.4%. 20 industries, only non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry, the fabricated metal products 50 percent below the two industries, and the remaining 18 sectors were higher than 50%, of which manufacturing and fur clothing, hats, footwear feather products industry, tobacco industry, transportation equipment manufacturing, general equipment manufacturing industry, wood processing and furniture manufacturing industries, such as 10 higher than 60%. (07-12-4)

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