
圆锥滚子轴承与 水泵轴连轴承的安装

2010-05-28 16:26:23 阅读5 评论0 字号:

一、轴承的安装: 轴承的安装必须在干燥、清洁的环境条件下进行。安装前应仔细检查轴和外壳的配合表面、凸肩的端面、沟槽和连接表面的加工质量。所有配合连接表面必须仔细清洗并除去毛刺,铸件未加工表面必须除净型砂。 轴承安装前应先用汽油或煤油清洗干净,干燥后使用, 并保证良好润滑,轴承一般采用脂润滑,也可采用油润滑。采用脂润滑时,应选用无杂质、抗氧化、防锈、极压等性能优越的润滑脂。润滑脂填充量为轴承及轴承箱容积的30%-60%,不宜过多。 带密封结构的双列圆锥滚子轴承和水泵轴连轴承已填充好润滑脂,用户可直接使用,不可再进行清洗。 轴承安装时,必须在套圈端面的圆周上施加均等的压力,将套圈压入,不得用鎯头等工具直接敲击轴承端面,以免损伤轴承。在过盈量较小的情况下,可在常温下用套筒压住轴承套圈端面,用鎯头敲打套筒,通过套筒将套圈均衡地压入。如果大批量安装时,可采用液压机。压入时,应保证外圈端面与外壳台肩端面,内圈端面与轴台肩端面压紧,不允许有间隙。 当过盈量较大时,可采用油浴加热或感应器加热轴承方法来安装,加热温度范围为80℃-100℃,{zg}不能超过120℃。同时,应用螺母或其它适当的方法紧固轴承,以防止轴承冷却后宽度方向收缩而使套圈与轴肩之间产生间隙。 单列圆锥滚子轴承安装{zh1}应进行游隙的调整。游隙值应根据不同的使用工况和配合的过盈量大小而具体确定。必要时,应进行试验确定。双列圆锥滚子轴承和水泵轴连轴承在出厂时已调整好游隙,安装时不必再调整。 轴承安装后应进行旋转试验,首先用于旋转轴或轴承箱,若无异常,便以动力进行无负荷、低速运转,然后视运转情况逐步提高旋转速度及负荷,并检测噪音、振动及温升,发现异常,应停止运转并检查。运转试验正常后方可交付使用。 二、轴承的拆卸: 轴承拆下后拟继续使用时,应选用适当的拆卸工具。拆卸过盈配合的套圈,只能将拉力加在该套圈上,绝不允许通过滚动体传递拆卸力,否则滚动体和滚道都会被压伤。 三、轴承的使用环境: 根据使用部位及使用条件与环境条件选择规格尺寸、精度,配合适宜的轴承是保证轴承寿命及可靠性的前提。 1、使用部位:圆锥滚子轴承适用于承受以径向载荷为主的径向与轴向的联合负荷,通常以两套轴承配对使用,主要应于汽车的前后轮毂、主动圆锥齿轮、差速器、减速器等传动部位。 2、允许转速:在安装正确、润滑良好的环境下,允许为轴承极限转速的0.3-0.5倍。一般正常情况下,以0.2倍的极限转速为最宜。 3、允许倾斜角:圆锥滚子轴承一般不允许轴相对外壳孔有倾斜,如有倾斜,{zd0}不超过2′。 4、允许温度:在承受正常的载荷,且润滑剂具有耐高温性能,且润滑充分的条件下,一般轴承允许在-30℃-150℃的环境温度下工作。

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1, bearing installation: Bearing installation must be dry, clean environment conditions. Should be carefully examined prior to installation and shell-axis with the surface, convex shoulder end, grooves and connecting surface processing quality. All surfaces must be carefully cleaned with the connections and remove the burrs, rough surface has to be casting the net sand. Bearing Installation preceded with petrol or kerosene to clean and dry before use, and ensure good lubrication, bearings generally use grease lubrication, oil lubrication can be applied. With grease lubrication, should be used without impurities, oxidation, rust, extreme pressure grease such as superior performance. Amount of grease filled bearings and bearing box volume of 30% -60%, not too much. The structure with sealed double-row tapered roller bearings and water pump bearing grease has been filled with good, users can directly use, no further cleaning. Bearing installation, must be applied to the circumference of ferrule end face equal pressure to press into the ring, not directly with Lang Percussion bearing first-class tool to end, so as not to damage bearings. Small amount of interference in the case, can suppress at room temperature with the sleeve bearing ring face, beating with a hammer sleeve, through the sleeve will be pressed into the ring balance. If the high-volume installation, can be used hydraulic press. Indentation, should ensure the outer end face and shoulder shell, the inner end face and shoulder axis compression, does not allow a gap. When the interference is large, can use oil bath heating or heating bearing sensor approach to installation, heatingtemperature range is 80 ℃ -100 ℃, the maximum can not exceed 120 ℃. Meanwhile, the application of nuts or other fastening bearing appropriate methods to prevent the bearing cooling ring and the width direction of contraction Ershi gap created between the shaft shoulder. Single row tapered roller bearing installation of the final clearance should be adjusted. Clearance value should be used according to different conditions and with the amount of interference to determine the size and specific. Necessary, should be tested to determine. Double row tapered roller bearings and water pump bearing has been adjusted at the factory good clearance, no further adjustment during installation. Bearing rotation test should be carried out after installation, the first for the rotary shaft or bearing box, without exception, then the power for no load, low speed operation, and then gradually increase as the functioning of the rotation speed and load, and to detect noise, vibration and temperature , abnormal, stop operation and check. Normal operation after test before delivery. 2, bearing the demolition: After the bearing to be removed to use, the appropriate removal tool should be used. Interference with the demolition of the Rings, can only increase tension in the ring and never allowed to pass through the rolling force demolition, or rolling body and raceway will be crushed. Third, bearing the use of the environment: Under the conditions of use of parts and the use of select Size and environmental conditions, accuracy, with the right bearing is the bearing life and reliability of the premise. 1, using the site: tapered roller bearings for radial load to bear mainly on the radial and axial joint load, usually bearing two pairs to use, primarily in the car front and rear wheel hubs, active gear, differential device, reducer and other transmission parts. 2, allows speed: the installed correctly, a good lubricating conditions, to allow for the bearing of 0.3-0.5 times the speed limit. Under normal circumstances, the limit of 0.2 times the speed of the most desirable. 3, allow the tilt angle: tapered roller bearings generally do not allow a tilt axis relative shell hole, if tilt is less than 2 '. 4, allow the temperature: in a regular load, and lubricant high temperature performance, and adequate lubrication conditions, the general bearings allow -30 ℃ -150 ℃ ambient temperature to work.

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