

2010-05-27 16:48:56 阅读4 评论0 字号:

波纹管的选择 波纹管阀门设计时, 合理选用波纹管是决定阀门质量的关键。选用时应考虑波纹管材料、阀门使用寿命、工作压力和工作温度等的影响。 a) 波纹管压力的选取 假设 一阀门工作温度<300 工作压力为="" mpa="" 波纹管材料要求crniti="" 寿命次数="" 次="" 阀门行程为mm="" a="" href="http://www.afkvalve.com/jiezhifa.html">截止阀 阀杆直径为20 mm。阀门在此温度下的工作压力p = 114 MPa , 小于kt ×PN = 0165 ×215 = 1162 MPa 。 b) 波数的计算 n = l/ ( s0 ×kω ×kf ) = 20/(2 ×0146 ×0170 ×110) = 31 (波) 由此可见, 波纹管的选择与波纹管材料、寿命、工作压力和工作温度有关, 设计时只有根据不同的工况设计, 才能保证波纹管可靠的工作和预期的使用寿命。 结构 波纹管的下部连接采用过渡接头与阀杆焊接,上部连接采用法兰或过渡接头与阀盖连接, 最容易泄漏的地方是波纹管和接头的连接处和法兰连接处或上部接头与阀盖的焊接处。波纹管与接头的焊接一般由波纹管厂家来完成。由于  波纹管厂家的焊接设备和焊接技术比较强, 可以保证质量。法兰连接处采用上下石墨垫或缠绕垫来保证密封。下部接头与阀杆的焊接和上部接头与阀盖的焊接较波纹管与接头的焊接容易保证焊接质量, 但应保证焊透, 以保证密封。

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Bellows option Bellows valve design, the rational use of bellows is to determine the quality of the valve key. Selected materials should be considered bellows, valve life, work stress and temperature effects. a) the selection pressure bellows valves assume a temperature <300 working="" pressure="" of="" mpa="" a="" href="http://www.cshst.com/en/bellows_seal_valve.html">Bellows Seal Valves corrugated pipe material requirements 1Cr18Ni9Ti, lifetime number of 10 000 times, the valve stroke is 20mm, stem diameter of 20 mm. Valve in the pressure of work under this temperature p = 114 MPa, less than kt × PN = 0165 × 215 = 1162 MPa. b) the calculation of wave number n = l / (s0 × kω × kf) = 20 / (2 × 0146 × 0170 × 110) = 31 (Bo) Thus, the choice of bellows and bellows material, life, work pressure and temperature related, designed only according to different conditions designed to ensure reliable bellows work and the expected service life. Structure Bellows connecting the lower part of the transition joint and valve with welded connection with the upper flange or valve cover transition joints and connections, the most likely place is the bellows leak and joints and flange joints or the upper connector and valve cover of welding. Bellows and welded joints generally bellows manufacturers to complete. As the bellows manufacturers of welding equipment and welding technology is stronger, you can guarantee quality. Flange with upper and lower graphite pad or wound pad to ensure sealing. Welded joints and the lower and upper stem of the valve cover of the welding joints and bellows and more easily welded joints to ensure the welding quality, but should ensure penetration to ensure sealing.


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