毒蛇正爬在液化气罐的阀门处- 中国电动阀门- 中国电动阀门- 和讯博客
毒蛇正爬在液化气罐的阀门处 [转贴 2010-05-31 14:46:00]   

Lives (Yunnan) Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Ms. Lee agricultural companies, more than two months since almost all live in fear, at home, saw a snake, the still often dream about a room full of snakes, also a snake wrapped around his ... ... police came several times to no avail. 26, once again came to the police, Ms. Lee has finally caught lurking in the home up to two months of the snake. Closer scrutiny, this snake is not common: a cobra. By fighting with the police entered the house snake By the end of March, Ms. Lee accidentally discovered the bamboo in the backyard there is a little "chrysanthemum", came closer the body is a coiled snake, she screamed and ran away. Wanted to kill the snake could be a neighbor told Ms. Lee, "can not fight the snake into the house, only to send." Hear that argument, Ms. Lee sent a snake to a variety of ways, but no matter how sincerely Ms Lee, Green Snake is indifferent Gesanchawu the sun came out, they simply disappear, keeping the original home of several chicken, was also dead snake scared the death of the disease. In desperation, Ms. Lee had to resort to police. Although there are snakes there received the phone, the police quickly arrived, but come away empty-handed, the police came, the snake had disappeared without a trace, but when police left, the snake crawl out. Back and forth 10 times, Ms. Lee sometimes four or five times a day alarm, police have taken the trouble to the police but to no avail, Ms. Lee is also very embarrassed. 26, evening, green snake again, Chuxiong City Public Security Bureau, West Side police station house soon came to Ms. Lee, Ms. Lee has finally seen for more than two months to sleepless nights of a snake: six 70 cm in length, body covered with yellow flowers green snake, a little thicker than his thumb a little. Cautiously approached, police quickly captured the snake, put a wire cage brought with. Snakes and toads confrontation two months 10 am yesterday, reporters rushed to the scene, the snake into the police car had just been to seize the bag son. Miss Guo found the snake was first introduced to the China Sea when she received residential waste, received a liquefied gas tank placed at the door, so she received a stack of papers out of the cell, the serpent is climbing in the LPG tank valve Department . "It was very scary, snake body is green." Mr. Yang said he saw the snake people climb on the dial 110, area police station and informed the forest after security police arrived. Then went to the forest police clamped a professional irons a snake's neck successful arrest.

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译文: 毒蛇正爬在液化气罐的阀门处
家住(云南)楚雄彝族自治州农机公司的李女士,两个多月以来 几乎都是在惊恐中度日,在家中见过一条蛇后,还经常梦到满屋子的蛇,自己还被蛇缠着…… 民警数次前来都一无所获。26日,再次赶来的民警,终于抓住了潜伏在李女士家中长达两个月的蛇。细看之下,这蛇还不一般:是眼镜蛇。 蛇进家跟民警打游击   3月底,李女士无意间发现自家后院的竹丛中有个小“花盘”,走近一看 却是一条盘着身体的蛇,她尖叫着跑开了。本想把蛇打死,可邻居们告诉李女士 “蛇进家不能打,只能送”。听到这样的说法,李女士一家想了各种方法送蛇,可无论李女士如何诚心,青蛇就是无动于衷,隔三差五地出来晒晒太阳,又不知不觉地消失了,家中原先饲养的几只鸡,也被蛇吓得病的病死的死。   无奈之下,李女士只得求助于民警。虽然接到有蛇出现的电话后,民警迅速赶来,但 却扑空,民警一来,蛇就消失得无影无踪了,可当民警走后,蛇又爬出来。反反复复十几次,李女士有时候{yt}报警四五次,民警不厌其烦地出警却没有效果,李女士也感到十分不好意思。   26日傍晚,青蛇再次出现,楚雄市公安局西城派出所的民警很快就来到了李女士家,终于 看见了让李女士两个多月来寝食难安的蛇了:身长六七十厘米,全身布满青黄色花纹的蛇,比大拇指略粗一点。小心翼翼靠近后,民警很快就抓住了这条蛇,放进了随身带来的铁丝笼里。 蛇和蟾蜍对峙两个月  昨日上午10点,记者赶到现场时,毒蛇刚被抓住装袋子放进警车。{zx0}发现毒蛇的 郭女士介绍,当时她到华海小区收废品,收到一个液化气罐摆在门口,等她又收到一堆报纸走出小区时,毒蛇正爬在液化气罐的阀门处。“当时太吓人了,那蛇全身都是绿色的。” 市民杨先生说他看到蛇爬到树上就拨打了110,辖区派出所民警和保安赶到后又通知了森林民警。随后赶到的森林民xx专业铁钳夹住了蛇的颈部成功捉拿。


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