镶木地板木材市场的搅拌« Reuse world


同样,各自多层实木地板和顶层加强比嘉和宏耐联盟,双方共同前列北京比嘉地板有限公司,为国家许可比嘉地板的共同推动。双方将合作在首都,产品,品牌,渠道,管理服务,如市场竞争的一个重要组成部分,以新的比嘉资源,注入各自的优势,优势互补。业内专家指出:在使用强化地板企业的营销经验和强大的销售网络资源,促进财富的镶木地板,中xx地板产业和市场推动,以及中国的木地板市场的变化,甚至没有意义,的作用。 06.9.7

Parquet wood stir to market

As is well known, solid wood, wood composites, and strengthen the three trend was basically, but with the changes in people’s consumption concept, the potential of solid wood composite quickly displayed. Data have shown that the last two years, multi-layer solid wood flooring solid wood flooring as the best tradition of alternative products, wood flooring has become the fastest growing product markets.
According to China’s Forest Products Industry Association Professional Committee of the floor of the statistics, in 2004 parquet market sales of 30 million square meters, in 2005 nearly 40 million square meters, up 30 percent, showing that the strong growth potential. The next 5 years production and sales volume of China’s annual growth rate of flooring will be 15-25%, of which parquet will be 30-50% increased speed of development.
Forest Products Industry Association, China Zhang forest view, parquet advantage determines the quality of its market advantage, because it not only combines solid wood flooring with the advantages of Laminate Flooring,且又to avoid shortcomings of the two: ” solid wood flooring has its advantages, but also the shortage of places have it, because it is purely natural and environmental impact by more; the strengthening of the floor has the wear resistance though, but because of the thickness of its own shortcomings, step up slightly脚感inadequate. parquet hardwood flooring prices than high, and the products of small deformation, so price will gradually rise. “

insight floor manufacturers also keen to seize the opportunity, using strong joining forces to invest and build factories, OEM and other means to open up the market parquet.
For example, the Group is圣象parquet eyes on the future development in China with the world’s largest three-tier enterprise Sweden parquet tree, Culture and Sport Group for strategic cooperation in order to “Shu-kang圣象” This One brand name fully enter the China market. Cooperation, Kang trees to provide all on圣象parquet manufacturing, technology, the latest achievements of research and development, the two sides share the existing global supply chain, in addition to bilateral co-operation also extends to marketing and brand management in various fields.
Again, the respective multi-layer solid wood floors and top floor to strengthen the forefront of Kazuhiro Higa resistant alliance, the two sides jointly Beijing Higa floor Co., Ltd., the joint promotion for the national licensing Higa parquet. The two sides will cooperate in the capital, products, brands, channels, management services, such as an important part of market competition to the new Higa resources injected into their respective strengths, complementary advantages. Industry experts pointed out: the use of Laminate Flooring businesses a wealth of marketing experience and strong sales network resources to the promotion of parquet, the parquet in the high-end industries and market driven, and even of China’s wood flooring market changes have significance and role. (06-9-7)

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