
Haven't been here in a while.  Too busy playing on facebook :)

Hope evryone has a wonderful 2010.  

Found out in the middle of 2009 that I am in chronic rejection.:(   Even so  I am doing good just taking it one day at a time and hoping for the best. For those wondering if I will get a 2nd tx.  As it stands now I told the doctors that I do not want one but can never be sure of what you say until the moment comes.


When I was young I thought that when I donate my eyes to another person, he or she would see the same things that I did. Back in high school I learned in somebody's term paper that this is just a myth often seen in movies.

My mother works at a hospital and even though she is not in the surgery or eye department, she explained to me the real deal about donating one's eyes. She told me that living persons cannot do...

http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/32845180/ns/health-infe ctious_diseases/
Showerheads may be spraying out bacteria

1 in 5 tested harbored bugs tied to pulmonary disease, study finds

Your showerhead may deliver more than a refreshing spray of water. New research suggests disease-causing bacteria hide out inside showerheads, hitching a ride to your face and body inside water droplets.

The grimy results come from genetic tests run on samples from 45 shower...

please feel free and check out my sons memorial site. I hope its ok to blog it. I just want people to know how much im now into Organ/Tissue donation.  Also feel free to leave a comment on his site.


Thanks Barb (donor mom)


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