
原文:Moganshan Road gas leak Moganshan Road is an important trunk road west of the city yesterday, 8:20, here's an underground natural gas pipeline leak. Soil sparse because the incident affected the densities of different detector test, repair personnel 17:00 minutes only to find leak points, and at 19:30 or so to fix the leak. Nearby residents and the accident did not affect the gas industry. The incident in harmony Village 40 Moganshan Road next to the lot, the original six-lane asphalt road surface was dug two Drive, construction workers are continuing to dig, and use gas leak detector to find leaks. Roadside inspections of gas recovery trucks parked the car at the top of the camera is recorded and transmitted back to headquarters leak situation. Site can be smelt a slight odor, which is the increase in natural gas smell agent (tetrahydrothiophene) odor. Valve near the gas pipeline does not turn off, "We work with gas, you do not have off valve, there will be no impact on the surrounding gas of the residents." A staff member said the scene. Why is this so hard to find leak? Fangke Zhang said, because the soil incident to some extent deceptive. "The place of soil thinning density, the gas detector to detect high concentrations of natural gas, and we thought it was leaking point was not found after digging down, probably because of relatively loose soil that point. The real point of the top of the leak Comparison of soil compaction, but not high gas concentrations. " Another reason is the complex network of underground pipes, they can not easily dig dramatically, so dig broken. Fang Kezhang Finally added some leakage points but also hard to find, even once they found a two days finally found the leak.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

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莫干山路是城西一条交通要道,昨天上午8点20分,这里的一处地下天然气管道发生泄漏。因为事发地土壤疏密度不同影响了检测仪的检测,抢修人员下午5点多钟才找到泄漏点,并于晚上7点半左右将泄漏点修好。事故未对附近居民和工业用气造成影响。   事发地在和睦新村40幢旁边的莫干山路地段,原本六车道的柏油路面被挖开两个车道,施工工人们正在继续挖掘,并用燃气泄漏检测仪寻找泄漏点。   路边停着一辆燃气巡查抢修车,车顶部的摄像头正在记录和传输泄漏点状况回总部。现场能闻到一股轻微的臭味,这是天然气中的加臭剂(四氢噻吩)的气味。附近的天然气管道阀门并未关掉,“我们在带气作业,就不用关阀门,也就不会影响到周围居民的用气了”。现场的一位工作人员说。  为什么这次的泄漏点这么难找?方科长说,这是因为事发地的土壤存在一定程度的欺骗性。“那个地方的土壤疏密度不同,燃气检测仪检测到天然气浓度高的地方,我们以为是泄漏点,挖下去之后才发现不是的,可能是因为那个点的土质比较疏松。真正的泄漏点上方的土质比较紧实,天然气浓度反而不高。”   还有一个原因就是地下管网错综复杂,他们不敢轻易大幅度地挖,免得再挖破了。方科长{zh1}还说,有些泄漏点还要难找,他们有一次甚至找了2天才最终找到了泄漏点。

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