超过20合成革企业,温州商会会员宁德« oursolo.net




More than 20 synthetic leather enterprises in Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce membership Ningde

Ningde City in Fujian business Wenzhou People finally have their own home, November 21, outside No. 156 Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce - Ningde city of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce was officially established. The establishment of the General Assembly in the morning on the 21st, held in Fuding.

According to the city of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce Ningde relevant person in charge of introduction, the Wenzhou People in Ningde There are currently about 50,000, founded more than 1000 types of economic entities, which, founded on the scale of enterprises has reached over 300 home, mainly related to industrial manufacturing, real estate development, energy development, agricultural development, as well as tourism and other industries. The newly established Ningde Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce to join a total of 150 enterprises, including those from synthetic leather, stainless steel, resin, metal valves, such as enterprises of different industries, including synthetic leather production enterprises have 26, resin and paint manufacturers 4, synthetic gram after a business deal. super-peak

defibrase Fujian Plastic Co., Ltd. Wu Yin-elected as chairman of the city of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce Ningde. In addition, Kim Seong-Synthetic Leather Co., Ltd. of Fujian, Fujian Yongda Synthetic Leather Co., Ltd., issued FUDING Zhengli Synthetic Leather Co., Ltd., Fujian Xiang Long Leather Co., Ltd., Ever Gain FUDING Synthetic Leather Co., Ltd., Fujian Huaxia limited synthetic leather Company, Fujian Star-Thai Synthetic Leather Co., Ltd., Fujian Deng trillion more than synthetic leather synthetic leather Co., Ltd. as vice president of business units participate. (07-11-29)

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