
气动隔膜泵工作原理 1、压缩空气为动力。2、是一种由膜片往复变形造成容积变化的容积泵,其工作原理近似于柱塞泵,由于隔膜泵工作原理的特点,因此隔膜泵具有以下特点(1)泵不会过热:压缩空气作动力,在排气时是一个膨胀吸热的过程,气动泵工作时温度是降低的,无有害气体排出。(2)不会产生电火花:气动隔膜泵不用电力作动力, 接地后又防止了静电火花(3)可以通过含颗粒液体:因为容积式工作且进口为球阀,所以不容易被堵。(4)对物料的剪切力极低:工作时是怎么吸进怎么吐出,所以对物料的搅动最小,适用于不稳定物质的输送。(5)流量可调节,可以在物料出口处加装节流阀来调节流量。(6)具有自吸的功能。(7)可以空运行,而不会有危险。(8)可以潜水工作。(9)可以输送的流体极为广泛,从低粘度的到高粘度的,从腐蚀性得到粘稠的。(10)没有复杂的控制系统,没有电缆、保险丝等。(11)体积小、重量轻,便于移动。(12)无需润滑所以维修简便,不会由于滴漏污染工作环境。(13)泵始终能保持高效,不会因为磨损而降低。(14)百分之百的能量利用,当关闭出口,泵自动停机,设备移动、磨损、过载、发热的现象,当出口打开,泵自动开机。(15)没有动密封,维修简便避免了泄漏。 工作时无死点。 HUSKY气动双隔膜泵具有简单,高可靠设计的空气换向阀,是整个HUSKY系列产品能在各种应用情况下实现{zd0}的可靠性。换向阀为三向先导阀,能保证真正意义上的不“发粘”,并无需润滑。所有部件可在不打开液体腔的情况下进行更换。 铝质部件经阳极氧化处理并附环氧涂层,能抵御不洁空气造成的腐蚀。空气马达15年、泵体5年的质量保证。具有:防爆,零泄露,操作简单,可空运行,能自吸,可憋压停机,无机械密封,低剪切力,可通过较大颗粒,无转动部件更适合于磨蚀性场合,维修方便等特点。某些型号经稍加改装,就可以输送粉末状介质。

“ HUSKY pneumatic double diaphragm pump working principle and characteristics ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Pneumatic diaphragm pump works 1, compressed air as a driving force. 2 is a reciprocating diaphragm deformation caused by the volume change of the volume of the pump, it works similar piston, due to the characteristics of diaphragm pump works, so diaphragm pumps have the following characteristics (1) Pump will not overheat: compressed air powered, the exhaust when the process is endothermic expansion, air pump working temperature is lower, no harmful gas emissions. (2) does not produce sparks: Pneumatic diaphragm pump without electricity as power, ground to prevent a static spark then (3) can be produced by particles of liquid: volume type of work because of imports for the ball and can not be easily blocked. (4) very low shear force of materials: how breathing work is how spit, so the smallest stir of materials suitable for the delivery of unstable substances. (5) flow can be adjusted, can be installed in the materials exit the throttle to adjust the flow. (6) has a self-priming function. (7) can be blank run without danger. (8) can dive. (9) can transport the fluid extremely broad, from low viscosity to high viscosity, obtained from the corrosive viscous. (10) No complex control systems, no cables, fuses and so on. (11) small volume, light weight, easy to move. (12) without lubrication so maintenance is simple and will not drip pollution because the work environment. (13) pump is always able to maintain efficient, will not reduce wear. (14) {bfb} of energy use, when close the exit, the pump automatically shut down, equipment moved, wear and tear, overload, fever phenomenon, when the export open, the pump automatically boot. (Of 15) did not move sealed, easy maintenance to avoid leaks. Work, no dead spots. HUSKY pneumatic double diaphragm pump is simple, highly reliable air valve design is the HUSKY family situations in a variety of applications for maximum reliability. Valve for the three-valve, to ensure true not "sticky" and without lubrication. All parts can not open the case of the liquid chamber and replaced. Anodized aluminum components together with epoxy coating that can resist corrosion caused by dirty air. Air motor for 15 years, pump 5 years of quality assurance. With: proof, zero leakage, the operation simple, empty running, able to self absorption, can pressure-stop, no mechanical seal, low shear, large particles can be, no rotating parts is more suitable for abrasive occasions, maintenance and convenient. Slightly modified by some models, you can transport the powder medium.

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