
液压控制阀的电液换向阀的电刷镀修复工艺:   首先要拆检与除油。液压阀属于精密零件,拆检时不得损坏或丢失,要仔细分析其工作原理,确定其拆装顺序,并做好各零件装配标记,零件要装入专用盒子,妥善保管。除油可先用清洗剂清洗,再用化学方法反复除油。修复的方法包括研磨阀孔与修理阀芯两项内容。测量阀孔和阀芯的配合间隙,阀孔直径为50?mm,阀芯直径为50mm。阀芯与阀孔的配合间隙严重超差,达到了0.07~0.15mm,且阀芯圆柱度公差在10~20μm。   1.研磨阀孔   (1)研具   研磨主要是恢复阀孔的几何尺寸,xx阀孔的锥度和椭圆度。研磨时采用灰口铸铁材料HT200制成研磨工具,研磨棒的结构如附图所示,为可调式。   为了能对研磨棒外径尺寸进行调整和储存磨料,在研磨棒表面上开有4个沟槽,其中一个是切通的。研磨棒内孔制成1∶20或1∶30的锥度,依靠该锥孔与相配锥形芯轴的松紧调整研磨棒与工件孔的间隙。当锥形芯轴位置偏向研磨棒内孔小头时,研磨棒外径尺寸涨大,研磨棒与被研阀孔间隙变小;当锥形芯轴移向研磨棒内孔大头位置时,由于研磨棒切通槽产生的弹性小,而使研磨棒与被研阀孔的间隙增大。   为了在研磨时能够很好地导向,研磨棒深入阀孔的工作长度约为工件长度的3/4。研磨棒圆柱直径比被研的孔径通常小30~50μm,以容纳研磨剂、料。   (2)研磨   选择220号研磨膏,用煤油稀释后,涂于研磨棒上;研磨棒固定于车床上,以200?r/min转速转动,手持阀体,在研磨棒上作直线往复移动和转动,并适当地调头后再研磨。研磨时要防止阀体因自重作用形成椭圆孔,研磨后的阀孔直径为50.5mm,其阀孔各段圆柱面的圆度和圆柱度均不得超过5μm,各段圆柱面同轴度误差不超过1μm,阀孔表面粗糙度Ra不大于0.8μm。   2.修理阀芯   首先在外圆磨床上精磨阀芯,确保阀芯的圆柱度在5μm以内。然后是除油,关键是注意刷镀工作层之前的阀芯表面处理,不能让沟槽的油或其他杂质在刷镀时进入到刷镀工作面上或黏在镀笔上影响刷镀层的质量。进口泵 阀门   (1)刷镀工艺   ①刷镀前准备与预处理。该阀芯的材质为35?CrMo钢,可按中碳合金钢电净和活化工艺进行表面处理。先用2号活化液活化,然后用3号活化液在15~18V电压下活化,至表面出现均匀的银灰色。   ②刷镀底层。用特殊镍镀层作为底层,刷镀时先在不通电情况下,用镀笔沾特殊镍溶液擦拭待镀表面,历时3~5s,再在15V电压下,镀笔以10m/min的速度相对镀件运动,刷镀层厚度2μm。   ③刷镀工作层。根据工作条件可选用快速镍或致密快速镍单一的镀层作为工作层,将阀芯的直径刷至50.5mm左右。   (2)磨削   在外圆磨床上精磨阀芯,使阀芯与阀孔的配合间隙达到0.015mm。   3.装配试验   按照拆卸时的相反顺序将阀组装,装配时应注意以下几点:   (1)用煤油、轻柴油或汽油清洗全部阀件   将研磨时的涂敷磨料xx干净,尤其是阀体沉割槽以及阀体、阀孔有关通道应仔细检查,不能有残留物。清洗后用空气吹干,擦干时注意不要让擦布上的纤维及污垢黏附在零件上。   (2)检查阀芯与阀孔的配合间隙   若无测量仪器、量具时可在阀芯上涂抹一层薄薄的清洁机油,细心将其放入阀孔内,在阀孔全长范围内,应能灵活而不松动地移动,旋转阀芯一定角度后也能保持上述状态,没有阻滞现象,即可认为合格。   (3)检查接触面密封状况   将清洁的煤油注入阀孔中,检查阀体、阀盖与电磁铁壳体的接触面间的密封情况,不允许泄漏。   电液换向阀装机试验,工作良好,经用户使用证明,其寿命已达到新阀的水平。刷镀修复的费用通常只有购买新阀的1/10左右,且修复时间短,质量高,可减少因停机造成的损失。

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Electro-hydraulic valve hydraulic control valve of the Electric Plating Process: First dismantling the unit and degreasing. Hydraulic valves are precision components, dismantling shall not be damaged or missing, the working principle should be carefully analyzed to determine the order of its disassembly and assembly of parts to make marks, parts to be loaded into special boxes, safekeeping. Degreasing can first use the cleaning agent, and then repeated degreasing chemical methods. Valve repair method, including grinding holes and repair Faxin two elements. Measuring valve spool with holes and gaps, valve hole diameter is 50? Mm, 阀芯 diameter of 50mm. Valve hole with the spool and a serious gap tolerance, reaching 0.07 ~ 0.15mm, and the degree of tolerance in the cylinder Faxin 10 ~ 20μm. 1. Grinding valve hole (1) research with Mainly to restore valve grinding hole geometry, eliminating valve hole taper and ellipticity. Grinding of gray cast iron HT200 material made of grinding tools, grinding rod structures such as the photo shows, is adjustable. To be able to stick to the outer diameter of grinding to adjust and store abrasive surface in the open ground rod with 4 grooves, one of which is cut through the. Bore grinding rod made of 1:20 or 1:30 taper, relying on the tapered hole and the elastic matching conical mandrel bar and the workpiece grinding to adjust the clearance hole. When the bias grinding conical mandrel rod bore a small head, the grinding rod diameter size up a large, ground rods and valve hole research gap is smaller; when the conical mandrel move the bulk of the inner hole grinding rod position, because grinding stick slot cut through the flexibility of small production, Er Shi ground rods and the gap has been increasing research and valve hole. In order to be a good guide when grinding, grinding rod valve hole depth piece about the length of the working length of 3 / 4. Cylindrical grinding rod diameter than the pore size is usually small study 30 ~ 50μm, to accommodate the abrasive, material. (2) grinding Select 220 grinding paste, diluted with kerosene, applied to the grinding stick; grinding rod fixed in a lathe to 200? R / min rotational speed, handheld body, stick in the ground to make linear reciprocating movement and rotation, and appropriate to turn around after the grinding. Grinding to prevent the body weight formed by elliptical hole, after grinding the valve hole diameter of 50.5mm, the valve hole sections and the cylindrical surface of cylindrical roundness of not more than 5μm, the section of coaxial cylindrical surface is not error than 1μm, valve hole surface roughness Ra not more than 0.8μm. 2. Repair Faxin First cylindrical grinding machine grinding spool to ensure the spool within the cylindrical degree in 5μm. Then the oil, the key is attention to the spool before plating layer work surface, can not let the grooves of the oil or other impurities in the brush into the brush when the work surface or sticking to the brush-plated pen affect the quality of coating . Import pump valve (1) Brush Plating ① brush preparation and pretreatment. The spool is made of 35? CrMo steel, carbon steel according to the activation of electricity net and surface treatment processes. First activated with 2 activating solution, activating solution and then 3 in 15 ~ 18V voltage activation to the surface of silver-gray uniform. ② Brush bottom. With a special nickel as the bottom plating without electricity when the first case, with a special solution for nickel plating pen dipped wipe the surface to be plated, which lasted 3 ~ 5s, then the 15V voltage, plated pen to the relative speed of 10m/min coating pieces of exercise, brush coating thickness 2μm. ③ brush work layer. According to conditions of work may choose fast nickel or nickel-dense fast as the work of a single coating layer, the spool diameter to 50.5mm brush around. (2) grinding In a cylindrical grinder grinding spool to spool and valve hole with clearance to 0.015mm. 3. Assembly test In accordance with the demolition order to the contrary when the valve assembly, the assembly should note the following: (1), kerosene, light diesel oil or petrol cleaning all the valves When the coated abrasive to grinding cleaned, especially the body and the body of Shen cut groove, the valve hole the access should be carefully examined, can not have residues. Air dry after washing, dry rags when careful not to let the fibers and dirt adhesion in part on. (2) Check the hole with the spool and valve clearance Without measuring instruments, measuring tools may in spool on the smear a thin layer of clean oil, carefully put it in the valve hole in the valve hole full scope, we should not loose the flexibility to move, rotate Faxin after a certain point to maintain the state, did not block the phenomenon, can be considered qualified. (3) Check the seal contact area To clean the kerosene into the hole in the valve, check valve, solenoid valve cover and the contact surface of the shell seal between the situation does not allow leakage. Electro-hydraulic valve installed for testing, good work by the user that their life has reached the level of the new valve. Brush the cost of repair is usually only buy a new valve 1 / 10, and the repair time is short, high quality, reduce losses due to downtime.

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