Iran will withdraw from the NPT if pressure continues « Infobank

chief negotiator on Iranian nuclear, Ali Larijani, warned Monday that Tehran could withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if the international community continued to impose pressure on its nuclear program, confirming that his country had begun injecting gas into centrifuges 3 000.

“If they continue to put pressure on us, we will have no choice but to reconsider the accession of Iran to the Nuclear Non-proliferation as ordered by the Parliament,” said M . Larijani to the press on the sensitive nuclear site in the city of Natanz.

Asked whether Iran had begun injecting gas into centrifuges 3 000, Larijani replied: “Yes, we have injected gas. He has not explicitly stated that the 3 000 machines had all been installed.

Iranian officials have vowed repeatedly to install 3 000 centrifuges, but the information currently available can only confirm that Tehran has two cascades of 328 centrifuges in operation.


首席谈判代表就伊朗核谈判代表拉里贾尼,日警告说,伊朗可能退出不扩散核武器条约(NPT),如果国际社会继续对核计划的压力,确认他的国家已开始注入离心机3 000气体。


当被问及伊朗是否已开始注入离心机3 000气体,拉里贾尼回答说:“是的,我们注入气体。他没有明确指出,3 000台已全部安装完毕。


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