SAP PA certification - Pursue Excellence - Windows Live

SAP PA certification - Pursue Excellence

A “Congratulations!” jump to my view in the computer screen after I press the submit button. An intertwined feeling came out from my mind: exciting, happy, lucky, easy after fighting…I got 82%, which is the highest score of the room today..

When I got involved into this area as an SAP consultant four and a half years ago, my previous colleague who was also my mentor the one who hired me and help me a lot in my career was sent to SAP by the company for the certification training for a whole month and pass the certification exam. I can still remember clearly how admire everyone was and how eager I was when I first saw the certification paper. I dreamed for that!

Today, after 4 years, I participated the exam directly without the training? as an experienced consultant and got the certification. This certification will definitely add value to me in this specific professional area and I hope I could go further.

I suddenly remember that this is the very first examination after I graduate from university. Actually I hate every single exam during the university years but I don’t hate this one haha!

For the past 2 weeks I usually sleep for arround 6 hours per day, yesterday it was four. I would like to enjoy a very deep and long sleep tonight without any pressure.



About SAP PA certification:

It’s a global certification with a identical serial number for the consultant who hold it.

Few credentials in the business world carry the value of SAP certification. Those who hold it have honed their skills through rigorous study or direct experience. They have demonstrated their abilities by passing demanding, process-oriented exams. Regardless of whether you are an SAP partner, customer, or user, SAP certification can give you a distinct competitive advantage.

Your personal certification logo allows you to represent your skills and talent to the outside world. Use it proudly to show your commitment to quality service and excellence. Please note that only authorized users can use or display a personal certification logo, after achieving valid certification at the corresponding level.


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