
广东家具业经过20多年的发展,无论是企业,占国内生产总值和出口的数量已经占三分之一以上的该国三分之一的份额,赢得了“中国广东家具外观的声誉”,广东已开发全国最重要的家具生产,流通,出口基地,为8年,成为家具出口省份{gjldr}。在消费品,家具出口仅次于服装和鞋的传统大宗出口的前3名广东省的出口。今年以来,尽管连续经历外国反华倾销调查,人民币升值,出口退税率下调,加工贸易政策调整,如多种危险因素,但仍然及时,广东家具出口调整战略,以积极回应不利的形势下,使保持在家具出口的强劲增长。据海关统计,2007年,前10月,广东出口家具及其零件(以下简称家具)7.13亿美元,是去年同期(下同)28.8%的增长,这在中国的同期会计家具出口4 .. 5%,继续排名世界{dy}的地位,中国家具出口。东盟的市场之一,而且也取得了显著成绩,在今年10月,广东出口到东盟家具二万二点零零万美元的快速增长1.1倍,东盟已成为广东省最出口家具的市场,一个潜在的好增长和发展。回顾广东

家具对东盟出口的数据,广东家具出口今年出现了主要表现在以下四个方面的一些重大变化:{dy},在东盟市场的广东家具销售持续看涨。广东今年,家具对东盟出口逐月上升趋势,基本上在5月向东盟出口在6月超过10亿美元,打破二千点○○○万美元,8月份超过3000万美元,有在10月达成的三千八百六十三点四〇万美元在今年1月,有多达2.7倍,2.9倍,比去年同期多,广东在东盟市场上越来越多的家具消费者。二是要成为世界上{zd0}的一般贸易出口贸易。广东家具出口一直到OEM出口为主,但在广东省家具令人鼓舞的变化,今年的家具出口最能体现在对一般贸易出口增长强劲竞争的整体水平。前10月,广东省一般贸易出口到东盟家具2美元,强劲增长1.4倍,同一期间,广东省百分之88.5家具出口占广东省已成为最重要的家具出口贸易。在处理东盟家具行业二千二百八十七点〇 〇 〇万美元,为百分之九点三,比同期增加出口增长低于一般贸易。三是实现跨越式私营部门的出口。今年10月,对家具出口到东盟所有类型的广东企业已取得其中,出口一点三○○亿美元家具,至多增加1.7倍,比增加对东盟出口总额58广东家具,民营企业的发展个百分点,广东家具45.6个百分点,从去年同期的出口占58.1,成为广东家具出口的新力量。在同一时期国家在广东的家具出口到东盟四千四百十六点八万美元,比增长百分之89.1,国有企业仍保持较快的发展势头。第四,东盟主要市场实现快速增长。新加坡,马来西亚,广东仍然是东盟{zd0}的家具市场上销售,在广东家具在10月前在上述两地,分别占八千〇一十一万美元和五千四百七十八点○○万美元,分别增长1.6倍和89出口%。此外,印度尼西亚出口三千四百九十二万美元,高速增长2.5倍,正迅速成为对东盟主要市场之一,广东家具出口,家具出口到泰国达成1984万美元,更比去年同期翻了一番年。

广东家具在今年能够克服获得一个好的出口业绩的困难,但仍需谨慎处理以下可能制约广东家具出口的不利因素:{dy},国家政策调整滞后效应可能会逐渐出现。今年一月一日起,中国的家具将成为出口退税率,其中13%至11%,7月1日将是对出口退税率部分家具进一步下降到百分之九,部分木制品出口退税率下调至5%。 8月23日起,对中国的加工贸易限制类目录新一批推出的17种家具产品出口的限制被列入名单的商品类别,包括金属办公家具,卧室用漆木,红木家具与其他卧室家具等家具将实行银行保证金台账“真正的改变”管理,即限制商品企业发展的时间和出口加工产品的指定时间内加工贸易,在合同备案,保证金支付台账;企业写程序结束后,保证金及利息予以退还关闭。这项政策增加了处理的资金压力从事家具行业的企业,家具出口速度将放缓,但该行业的整体影响仍有待观察。二,出口贸易壁垒越来越多。近年来,中国从国外家具继续遇到的贸易壁垒,美国经历了反倾销,保障措施的贸易在土耳其和欧洲联盟的反倾销起诉等,技术壁垒越来越多。据国家质检总局加强进出口木制品,家具,有毒有害物质的进出口检测工作,检验检疫机构的有关要求,提高在产品和出口木材进口和出口检验和监督他们在加入目录家具,从2007年10月1日开始该商品,卫生,环保随机试验,对有毒有害物质检测的重点项目,类型安全的执行情况,以及安全功能家具,出口家具的门槛不断提高。此外,木材,金属和其他原材料价格持续上升,增加人民币升值也面临着压力,广东省家具行业应未雨绸缪,积极应对各种不利因素,使国际市场实力的家具已被不断提升。

China Guangdong Guangdong furniture furniture look in the ASEAN market prospects

Guangdong furniture industry after 20 years of development, whether it is the number of enterprises, the total GDP and exports have accounted for more than one-third share of the country, won the “China Guangdong furniture look” of the reputation, Guangdong has developed the National The most important furniture production, circulation, export base, for 8 years to become the national leader in the provinces of furniture exports. In traditional bulk exports of consumer goods, furniture exports second only to clothing and shoes, among the top three exports in Guangdong Province. This year, despite the continuous experience of foreign anti-dumping investigations, the RMB appreciation, export tax rebate rate cut, and the processing trade policy adjustments, such as multiple risk factors, but still timely, Guangdong furniture exporters adjust strategies to actively respond to an unfavorable situation, so that has maintained its strong growth in furniture exports . According to customs statistics, in 2007 prior to October, Guangdong exported furniture and parts thereof (hereinafter referred to as furniture) 7.13 billion U.S. dollars, the same period last year (the same below) 28.8% growth, accounting for the same period in China’s furniture exports 4 .. 5%, continue to China’s furniture exports of the top ranked status. One of the ASEAN markets, but also achieved remarkable results, in October this year, Guangdong exported to ASEAN Furniture 220 million U.S. dollars, the rapid growth of 1.1-fold, ASEAN has become the most potential for Guangdong export furniture market, one of good growth and development. Looking at the Guangdong

furniture exports to ASEAN data, exports of furniture in Guangdong this year there have been some significant changes, mainly in the following four aspects: First, Guangdong furniture sales in the ASEAN market continuing bullish. Guangdong this year, furniture exports to ASEAN rose month by month trend basically, before the May monthly exports to ASEAN were more than 10 million U.S. dollars, in June to break 20 million U.S. dollars, in August more than 30 million U.S. dollars, to have reached in October 38,634,000 U.S. dollars, in January of this year are 2.9 times more than the same period last year by as much as 2.7 times, Guangdong furniture in the ASEAN market more and more consumers. The second is to become the largest general trade export trade. Guangdong furniture export has always been to OEM export-oriented, but this year’s furniture exports in Guangdong encouraging changes in furniture can best embody the overall level of competition in the strong growth in exports of general trade. Before October, Guangdong general trade exports to ASEAN Furniture 2 dollars, strong growth of 1.4 times, accounting for the same period, Guangdong 88.5 percent of furniture exports, Guangdong has become the most important furniture export trade. Over the same period exports of processing trade of the ASEAN furniture 22,870,000 U.S. dollars, an increase of 9.3 percent, an increase of less than general trade. Three are private sector exports by leaps and bounds. In October this year, Guangdong enterprises of all types of furniture exports to ASEAN have achieved a growth of private enterprises which export 130 million U.S. dollars of furniture, an increase of up to 1.7 times, than the furniture in Guangdong total exports to ASEAN increase 58 percentage points higher, accounting for Guangdong Furniture exports from 45.6 percent the same period last year to 58.1 percent, becoming the new force in Guangdong furniture exports. Over the same period of state-owned enterprises in Guangdong furniture exports to ASEAN 44,168,000 U.S. dollars, an increase of 89.1 percent, still maintain a rapid development momentum. Fourth, the major ASEAN markets realize rapid growth. Singapore, Malaysia, Guangdong is still the largest furniture sales in the ASEAN market, the former furniture in Guangdong in October of the above two places, respectively, exports of 80.11 million U.S. dollars and 54.78 million U.S. dollars, respectively, 1.6 times growth and 89%. In addition, Indonesia exported 34.92 million U.S. dollars, high-speed growth of 2.5 times, is rapidly becoming the Guangdong Furniture exports to ASEAN one of the major markets; furniture exports to Thailand reached 19,840,000 U.S. dollars, more than doubled in the same period last year.

furniture in Guangdong this year was able to overcome all difficulties in obtaining a good export performance, but caution was necessary to deal with the following possible constraints Guangdong furniture exports unfavorable factors: First, adjust national policies lag effect may gradually appear. January 1 this year, China’s furniture will be part of the export tax rebate rate from 13% to 11%, July 1 will be part of the furniture of the export tax rebate rate further dropped to 9 percent, and some wood products export tax refund rate down to 5% . August 23 onwards, a new batch of China’s processing trade restricted directory introduced 17 kinds of furniture export restrictions be included in the list of categories of merchandise, including metal office furniture, bedroom furniture with漆木, other bedroom with mahogany furniture, etc. the furniture will be implementing the bank margin台账”real change” management, that is, restricted merchandise enterprises to develop processing trade, the record in the contract, the margin payable台账; enterprises in the specified period of time and processed products for export procedures to write off after closing, Margin and interest to be refunded. This policy has increased the enterprises engaged in processing trade of the capital pressures furniture, furniture export pace will slow down, but the impact of the industry as a whole remains to be seen. Second, the export trade barriers are increasing. In recent years, China’s furniture from abroad continue to encounter barriers to trade, the United States has experienced the anti-dumping, safeguard measures trade in Turkey and the European Union反倾销起诉and so on, and technical barriers are more and more. According to AQSIQ to strengthen import and export of wooden products, furniture, toxic and harmful substances Detect the relevant requirements of the work, inspection and quarantine institutions to increase their inclusion in the directory within the wood products and export import and export inspection and supervision of furniture, from October 2007 1 Day started the implementation of safety for that type of merchandise, health, environmental protection projects of random testing, the focus of toxic and harmful substances are detected, as well as security features furniture, export furniture threshold rising. In addition, wood, metal and other raw materials prices continued to rise, increasing appreciation of the RMB is also facing pressure, Guangdong furniture industry should take precautions, and actively respond to various unfavorable factors to make the furniture in the international market strength has been increasing incessantly. (07-12-4)

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