excel vba中如何一次性把sql查询的结果填到excel对应位置- 『 VBA交流 ...
Private Sub 折旧取数_Click()
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
  Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
  Dim sql As String
  Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("表一") '把sht指向当前工作簿的sheet1工作表
  cnn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" _
  & "User ID=sa;" _
  & "Password =xxxx;" _
  & "Data Source=xxxx;" _
  & "Initial Catalog =ufdata_002_2010"
sql = "select sDeptNum,SUM(dbldepr) as 折旧 from fa_total where iperiod=" + Trim(sht.Range("N5")) + " group by sDeptNum"
rs.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic
Set rs = cnn.Execute(sql)
sht.Range("F6") = rs("折旧") '将得到的值放到Excel的单元格中。

  Set rs = Nothing
  Set cnn = Nothing
End Sub
本帖{zh1}由 shingofish 于 2010-5-28 21:36 编辑


  1. Private Sub 折旧取数_Click()
  2. Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
  3.   Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
  4.   Dim sql As String
  5.   Set sht = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("表一") '把sht指向当前工作簿的sheet1工作表
  6.   cnn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" _
  7.   & "User ID=sa;" _
  8.   & "Password =XXXX;" _
  9.   & "Data Source=XXXX;" _
  10.   & "Initial Catalog =ufdata_002_2010"
  11.   cnn.Open
  14. sql = "select (select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='601' and iperiod=4 ) as 火腿腌制车间," _
  15. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='602' and iperiod=4 ) as 火腿脱水车间," _
  16. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='603' and iperiod=4 ) as 火腿发酵车间," _
  17. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='604' and iperiod=4 ) as 火腿成熟车间," _
  18. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='6051' and iperiod=4 ) as 包装车间火腿原材料组," _
  19. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='651' and iperiod=4 ) as 低盐火腿腌酵车间," _
  20. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='652' and iperiod=4 ) as 低盐火腿成熟车间," _
  21. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='6530' and iperiod=4 ) as 低盐火腿包装车间," _
  22. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='606' and iperiod=4 ) as 熟食车间," _
  23. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='607' and iperiod=4 ) as 罐头车间," _
  24. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='608' and iperiod=4 ) as 腌腊车间," _
  25. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='609' and iperiod=4 ) as 调料车间," _
  26. & "(select SUM(dbldepr)  from fa_total where sdeptnum='654' and iperiod=4 ) as 萨拉米车间"

  27. rs.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic

  28. sht.Range("F6") = rs("火腿腌制车间") '将得到的值放到Excel的单元格中。
  29. sht.Range("F7") = rs("火腿脱水车间")
  30. sht.Range("F8") = rs("火腿发酵车间")
  31. sht.Range("F9") = rs("火腿成熟车间")
  32. sht.Range("F10") = rs("包装车间火腿原材料组")
  33. sht.Range("F13") = rs("低盐火腿腌酵车间")
  34. sht.Range("F14") = rs("低盐火腿成熟车间")
  35. sht.Range("F15") = rs("低盐火腿包装车间")
  36. sht.Range("F18") = rs("熟食车间")
  37. sht.Range("F19") = rs("罐头车间")
  38. sht.Range("F20") = rs("腌腊车间")
  39. sht.Range("F21") = rs("调料车间")
  40. sht.Range("F22") = rs("萨拉米车间")

  41. rs.Close
  42. cnn.Close
  43.   Set rs = Nothing
  44.   Set cnn = Nothing
  45. End Sub
郑重声明:资讯 【excel vba中如何一次性把sql查询的结果填到excel对应位置- 『 VBA交流 ...】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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