水自流» DPS07 Use a Tripod – Apr 27, 2010


刚刚拜读了“” (),如果不再抱有希望,那么剧变的痛苦以及流血会升级。中国人对自己人从来都不会手软的。


原文:数码摄像秘笈第五笈 — 稳如磐石 ()










不是建议的建议:其实你也不用用到三脚架。周围任何水平面都可以当作是三脚架 — 椅子的扶手,栏杆,石头等等。但要小心不要损坏你的相机,实际情况下相机很容易从这些表面滑落。


Welcome to your second week of tips. I hope that you have implemented some of the tips in the first week of secrets and have already created some stunning photographs.

Digital Photography Secret 07 —

I know what you’re going to say! You hate tripods! They’re so bulky to take with you.

But trust me – tripods can make a seriously big difference to your photography.

Yes, tripods can be a hassle to carry around with you but they help you take great shots in two ways.

First, the time you take to get out the tripod, set it up and position the camera on it will slow your picture taking down. This means you’ll become more aware of other elements like composition of the image, and lighting. The more focussed you are to external conditions, the more likely you will be to take a great shot.

The added advantage is your camera is more steady allowing you to take razor-sharp images – particularly in low light situations.

An alternative to the tripod is a ‘mono pod’. These only have one leg and don’t have the stability of a tripod, but they have a greater stability than just your hands – particularly if you lean them against something.

If you do a lot of mountain walking, there are also extendable ‘walking canes’ (like a ski pole) that are great for helping you walk up steep hills. The top unscrews to reveal a tripod mount underneath turning it into a mono pod.

Tripod Tip : If you have a lightweight camera, you might consider purchasing a ultra lightweight tripod. These are small, don’t weigh much and easily fit in a backpack or camera bag.

Extra Tip : You don’t need to purchase a tripod either! Any horizontal surface around can make a tripod – arms of chairs, railings, rocks, anything! Be very careful not to damage your camera, though as cameras have a tendency to slip and break when perched on chairs, rocks etc.

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