鐜?/span> 搴?/span> 瀹?/span>
Beijing, China
浠婂ぉ鏀跺埌鍥介檯鍐滀笟涓庣敓鐗╁伐绋嬪浼?span lang="EN-US">(CIGR)涓诲腑Soren Pedersen鏁欐巿灏变腑鍥芥帹鑽愮殑CIGR甯稿姟鐞嗕簨鎴愬憳鍜?span lang="EN-US">CIGR 鍒嗕細鐞嗕簨鎴愬憳鍙戞潵浜嗕竴灏佹寮忎俊鍑斤紝姝e紡瀹e竷CIGR涓诲腑鍥細璁粨鏋滐細
锛?span lang="EN-US">1锛夋帹鑽愪腑鍥藉啘涓氬伐绋嬪浼氱悊浜嬮暱銆佸啘涓氶儴瑙勫垝璁捐鐮旂┒闄㈤櫌闀挎湵鏄庣爺绌跺憳鎷呬换CIGR绗洓鍒嗕細鐨勭悊浜嬩細濮斿憳锛屼换鏈?span lang="EN-US">2010-2013 骞达紙绗洓鍒嗕細涓诲腑鍗充换涓诲腑Dr Dr. Janusz Piechocki鏀寔姝ゆ彁璁級銆?span lang="EN-US">
锛?span lang="EN-US">2锛夋帹鑽愭潵鑷腑鍥界殑鏉庢爲鍚涙暀鎺堝嚭浠?span lang="EN-US">2009-2013骞?span lang="EN-US">CIGR鎵у浼氾紝浠h〃2014骞村寳浜?span lang="EN-US">CIGR涓栫晫澶т細锛?span lang="EN-US">
鎺ㄨ崘鐜嬪簲瀹芥暀鎺堟媴浠?span lang="EN-US">2010-2013骞?span lang="EN-US">CIGR鎵у浼氬鍛橈紝浠h〃CIGR Ejournal銆?span lang="EN-US">
鑷虫锛屽叡鏈?span lang="EN-US">7浣嶄腑鍥戒笓瀹惰鎺ㄩ€夋媴浠绘柊涓€灞?span lang="EN-US">CIGR鎵ц濮斿憳浼氬鍛樺拰涓撲笟鎶€鏈鍛樹細濮斿憳銆?/span>
CIGR鎵ц濮斿憳浼氬鍛?span lang="EN-US">
鏉庢爲鍚涳紝浠h〃涓浗涓诲姙2014 CIGR World Congress锛屼腑鍥藉啘涓氭満姊板寲绉戝鐮旂┒闄㈠父鍔″壇闄㈤暱锛屼腑鍥藉啘涓氭満姊板浼氬壇鐞嗕簨闀垮吋绉樹功闀匡紝浜氭床鍐滀笟宸ョ▼瀛︿細涓诲腑
鐜嬪簲瀹斤紝浠h〃CIGR Journal锛屼腑鍥藉啘涓氬伐绋嬪浼?span lang="EN-US">/鍐滀笟閮ㄨ鍒掕璁$爺绌堕櫌锛?span lang="EN-US">CIGR Journal涓荤紪锛?span lang="EN-US">IJABE鎵ц涓荤紪锛屻€婂啘涓氬伐绋嬪鎶ャ€嬪壇涓荤紪
涓诲腑锛氶粍鍐犲崕锛屼腑鍥藉啘涓氬ぇ瀛?span lang="EN-US">
CIGR绗簩鍒嗕細锛堝啘涓氬缓绛戜笌鐜宸ョ▼锛?span lang="EN-US">
濮斿憳锛氭湵 鏄庯紝涓浗鍐滀笟宸ョ▼瀛︿細/鍐滀笟閮ㄨ鍒掕璁$爺绌堕櫌闄㈤暱锛屼腑鍥藉啘鏉戣兘婧愯涓氬崗浼氫細闀匡紝銆婂啘涓氬伐绋嬪鎶ャ€嬪壇涓荤紪
鍓富甯細鏉庢爲鍚涳紝涓浗鍐滀笟鏈烘鍖栫瀛︾爺绌堕櫌甯稿姟鍓櫌闀匡紝涓浗鍐滀笟鏈烘瀛︿細鍓悊浜嬮暱鍏肩涔﹂暱锛屼簹娲插啘涓氬伐绋嬪浼氫富甯?span lang="EN-US">
濮斿憳锛氬簲涔夋枌锛屾禉姹熷ぇ瀛?span lang="EN-US">
27 May 2010
Dear Prof Lanfang,
In recent weeks communications took place between China and CIGR Secretary General in regards to the tardy inclusion of new members in the CIGR Executive Board of 2010-2013. This issue was discussed during the CIGR Presidium Skype Meeting held on May 20th 2010. This was placed in the meeting’s agenda because we received a number of late proposals to modify the proposed boards for 2010-2013 after the official deadline as defined in the CIGR Statutes. In addition, two members in the board from the same country was considered to be an extraordinary situation resulting from the CIGR Journal and the CIGR Congress being hosted by China.
The CIGR presidium evaluated member representation in the board and found it logical to include representatives for the CIGR Ejournal and the CIGR Congress 2014 in the Executive board 2010-2013. As a result, I am glad to inform you that the presidium is making the following proposals that affect Chinese members.
Section IV
We recommend that Prof. Ming Zhu, China, president of CAAE and CSAE be included as board member in Section IV 2010-2013. (The proposal is supported by the incoming chair of Section IV, Dr. Janusz Piechocki).
Executive Board
We recommend the following inclusion of the two members below in the Executive Board of 2010-2013:
1) Prof. Sjujun Li, China, as representative for the CIGR Congress in Beijing 2014
2) Prof. Wang Yingkuan, as representative for CIGR Ejournal.
Thank you,
Soeren Pedersen
President of CIGR 2009-2010
Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Biosystems Engineering.
Mail address: Soeren Pedersen, Birketoften 1, DK- 8700 Horsens, Denmark
Mobil: 45 2548 7761, Private: 45 7561 3047, Email: soeren.pedersen@agrsci.dk