插齿刀前角对刀具寿命和轮廓误差的影响« oursolo.net

在机械加工,工具的使用寿命由主切削刃磨损的限制。因素影响刀具磨损的,包括工件材料及刀具材料的机械物理性能,如切削条件和使用工具的结构和参数,几何。加工齿轮,对工具的耐用性和轮廓度误差前角插齿刀有直接的影响。插齿刀1几何角度的标准插齿刀的顶部边缘克= 5 °前角。插齿刀前刀面的凹锥面,所以对前角外侧边缘形成。插齿刀前角侧刀片和切削刃应在对部分垂直表面的基线预测(即如图1所示与基神经断面切缸)测量。任何一方的前角青年华商峰会的一个tangyc = tangsinay型边缘点计算公式:阿伊??在任意切割A点处压力角渐开线,cosay = rb0/ry可以在对青年华商峰会前角值附近的尖部较大的前角外侧边缘,靠近根圆不等点一侧的边缘看到边缘新华社侧前角较小的优势。由于插齿表面的锥形前刀面铣刀,刀片的外侧边缘,形成一定角度。对叶片角度前沿的各点是不同的叶片中的任何角度点A处光年的tanly = tangcosay为在叶尖{jd0}双方署前角{zd0}的外侧边缘和最小的角度,在圆根侧刃前部边缘的最小倾角和{zd0}的。叶片角度可以在工作前角更大的作用。对于标准的设备(如米= 2.5毫米,1 = 20 °,z0 = 30,克= 5插齿刀°)插齿刀,刀片部侧前角鹅= 2 ° 36′,根圆端外侧边缘处前角崇友= 0 ° 13′。作为前角外侧边缘是非常小的,有一定的切削加工性能的影响。

增加插齿刀的刀具寿命在钢铁加工齿轮前角的影响,适当的插齿刀前角增加,不仅有利于改善牙齿表面处理,而且可以改善插齿刀的耐用性。例如由前角5 °?15 °提高插齿刀,在M = 2.5毫米,1 = 20 °,z0 = 30,z1 = 42,爱= 9 °加工条件下,刀具寿命可提高到134.8分钟252分钟(88%改善),作为一个标准插齿刀(爱= 6 °,克= 5 °)保质期(62.3分钟)4倍(404.7%提高)。前者上升至15度角,外侧边缘可显着提高前角(冰山的边境一侧的边缘部海关总署= 10 ° 39′,一个圆根侧刃前角处gfe = 7 ° 06′) ,从而大大提高加工齿面光滑。插齿刀前3对牙齿的错误影响的角度的增加而增大前角插齿刀,将提高插齿刀的错误文件,因此应处理与精密齿轮按照分析增加的插齿刀的可行性前角。如米= 2.5毫米,1 = 20 °,在插齿刀,z0 = 30时,后角尖爱= 6 °,前角的不同在表配置错误时使用(表价值插齿刀的压力角度,修正后的轮廓度误差)。我们可以看到,当插齿刀前角上升到15 °,轮廓度误差较大,不能忽视。对于大模数,人数较少的插齿刀齿,轮廓度误差会产生更大。因此,大前角插齿刀主要适用于低精密齿轮加工或粗加工。表齿刀前角对插齿刀的错误影响克前角尖部轮廓度误差?发

μm5° 2.8 5.910 ° 5.0 10.715 ° 7.7 15.420 ° 10.0 20.1插齿刀参数m = 2.5毫米,1 = 20 °,z0 = 30 °,在加工爱= 6 °齿轮,有时,当更大的可塑性的工件材料,标准之前和之后的插齿刀加工的角度使用并不容易遵守的牙齿表面粗糙度,形势的要求时,插齿刀可能会增加前角的方法。如处理38CrNiMo阿尔卡特和40CrNiMo齿轮标准时之前及之后,插齿机加工产生的齿面更深的划痕,亨利齿刀的角度来看,恒齿刮伤后的进程是不容易xx。在这一点上增加使用前,后角(爱= 9 °,克= 15 °的加工插齿刀),齿面粗糙度可稳定到5?6。当齿轮精度高,由于增加,以避免前后角轮廓度误差所造成的极端贫乏的插齿刀,可以采取下列措施:①调整齿轮的刀具压力角。表1根圆齿轮插齿刀齿形误差部大于齿尖处错误,如适当的插齿刀,以减少压力角可以根日元部轮廓度误差减少,从而降低整体的轮廓度误差。这种方法需要重复使用,使电子表格的轮廓度误差减至{zd1}。例如压力的齿角方法仍不能使用②修订时精度可实际的插齿刀齿形误差计算,然后到了齿轮砂轮刀磨齿专门整理,使磨切出齿轮齿刀的齿形误差最小。这种方法通常有准确的个人资料时,使用的特殊要求。插齿刀



Gear Shaper Cutters anterior horn of the tool life and the impact of profile error

In machining, the tool’s useful life by the main cutting edge wear restrictions. Factors that affect the tool wear more, including the workpiece material and tool material mechanical physical properties, tool geometry of the structure and parameters, such as cutting conditions and usage. For processing gear, gear shaper cutters of the anterior horn of the durability of the tool and the profile error has a direct impact. Gear Shaper Cutters 1 geometric angle standard gear shaper cutters anterior horn of the top edge g = 5 °. Gear Shaper Cutters Rake Face for the concave conical surface, so the formation of the lateral edge of anterior horn. Gear Shaper Cutters anterior horn of the lateral blade and the cutting edge should be in the baseline projection of the vertical surface of the section (that is shown in Figure 1 with the base tangent cylinder NN cross section) measured. Any point on side edge of the anterior horn GYC A calculation formula for tangyc = tangsinay type in: ay?? Cutting edge at an arbitrary point A Department involute pressure angle, cosay = rb0/ry can be seen in the side edge on the point of the anterior horn GYC values ranging from near the tip Department larger anterior horn lateral edge, close to the root circle Agency smaller anterior horn lateral edge. Since the gear shaper cutter rake face for the cone surface, the lateral edge of the blade to form a certain angle. Various points on the cutting edge of the blade angle is different from any point in the blade angle A Department ly for tanly = tangcosay for both sides of the cutting edge in the blade tip Department anterior horn lateral edge of the largest and the smallest angle, in the root side of a round-edged former Department the smallest edge inclination angle and the largest. Blade angle can play a larger role in the work of anterior horn. For standard gear shaper cutters (such as m = 2.5mm, a = 20 °, z0 = 30, g = 5 ° of the gear shaper cutters), tip of lateral blade Department anterior horn gac = 2 ° 36 ‘, the root circle Office lateral edge of anterior horn gfc = 0 ° 13 ‘. As the lateral edge of anterior horn are very small, has some influence on cutting performance.

increased gear shaper cutters anterior horn of the impact of tool life in the processing of steel gears, the appropriate gear shaper cutters increased anterior horn is conducive not only to improve tooth surface finish processing, but also improve the gear shaper cutters durability. Gear shaper cutters such as the anterior horn increases by 5 ° to 15 °, at m = 2.5mm, a = 20 °, z0 = 30, z1 = 42, ae = 9 ° machining conditions, tool life can be 134.8 minutes improve to 252 minutes (88% improve), as a standard gear shaper cutters (ae = 6 °, g = 5 °) durability (62.3 minutes) 4 times (404.7% improve). The former increased to 15 ° angle, the lateral edge can significantly increase the anterior horn (tip side edge of the Frontier Department gac = 10 ° 39 ‘, the root side of a round-edged anterior horn Department gfe = 7 ° 06′), thereby significantly improve the processing tooth surface smoothness. Gear Shaper Cutters 3 increased before the tooth angle on the impact of errors increased anterior horn gear shaper cutters, will increase the profile of gear shaper cutters error and should therefore be processed in accordance with the precision gear to analyze the increased gear shaper cutters the feasibility of anterior horn. Such as for m = 2.5mm, a = 20 °, z0 = 30 of the gear shaper cutters, when the posterior horn tip ae = 6 °, the use of different anterior horn at the time of the profile error in table (the table value of gear shaper cutters pressure angle, as amended, the profile error). We can see that when the gear shaper cutters before the angle increased to 15 °, the profile error is quite large, can not be ignored. For large modulus, less number of teeth of the gear shaper cutters, profile error will be generated even greater. Therefore, the large anterior horn gear shaper cutters are mainly applicable to low-precision gear machining or roughing. Table knife before gear tooth angle on the impact of error of gear shaper cutters g anterior horn tip Department profile error? Fa
μm root yen Department profile error? Ff

μm5 ° +2.8 +5.910 ° +5.0 +10.715 ° +7.7 +15.420 ° +10.0 +20.1 gear shaper cutter parameters m = 2.5mm, a = 20 °, z0 = 30 °, ae = 6 ° in the processing of gear, sometimes when greater plasticity to the workpiece material, the use of standard before and after the angle of gear shaper cutters processing is not easy to comply with the requirements of the situation of tooth surface roughness, when the gear shaper cutters may increase the anterior horn of the Ways. Such as processing 38CrNiMo ALA and 40CrNiMo A gear when a standard before and after the angle of gear shaper cutters processing generated tooth surface deeper scratches, Henry Tooth, Heng tooth scratches after the processes are not easy to eliminate. At this point the use of increased pre-and post-angle (ae = 9 °, g = 15 °) of the gear shaper cutters for processing, tooth surface roughness can be stable up to 5 ~ 6. When the gear accuracy is high, due to increase in order to avoid gear shaper cutters before and after the angle profile error caused by ultra-poor, may take the following measures: ① revised gear pressure angle of the knife. Table 1 root circle gear shaper cutters Department profile error is greater than the tooth tip Department error, such as appropriate gear shaper cutters to reduce the pressure angle can root yen Department profile error decreases, thus reducing the overall profile error. This method required the use of repetition spreadsheet so that the profile error to a minimum. ② amendments such as the use of the method of pressure angle of the tooth still fail when accuracy can be the actual gear shaper cutters profile error calculated, and then to the grinding of the gear tooth grinding wheel knife specialized finishing, so that grinding cut out of gear tooth profile error of the smallest knife. The method generally have accuracy of the profile when using the special requirements. Gear Shaper Cutters

rake face grinding to increase the special gear shaper cutters anterior horn of the lateral edge, but also the use of special grinding method of grinding gear shaper cutters former flank. For a general modulus gear shaper cutters, to be used as shown in Figure 2a grinding methods, gear shaper cutters so that the top edge and side edge of anterior horn anterior horn at the same time increased. Grinding wheels used by both sides of the cone surface and between the cylindrical surface of the cylindrical surface equal to the width of the gear shaper cutter tip thickness, both sides of the cone surface with the gear shaper cutter rake face of the intersection line for the hyperbola, the Gear Shaper Cutters hyperbola with the theoretical involute tooth profile is very close, so the gear shaper cutters磨出profile error very small. Modulus for the larger gear shaper cutters, to be used as shown in Figure 2b grinding methods, respectively, gear shaper cutter grinding out the top edge and side edge of anterior horn anterior horn. Due to special grinding method is complicated, so only the use of individual special occasions.

To sum up, in the roughing process or do not ask for much of the machining accuracy, the appropriate gear shaper cutters increased anterior horn not only can improve tool life and processing of tooth surface roughness, but also to some extent also machine tools can reduce the cutting force, it is an economical and practical method of processing gear. (07-12-4)

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