游戏前沿博客 » Blog Archive » American Idol PC Game With ...

Coinciding with the Season 9 finale of the American Idol TV show, the franchise’s creator and cross-platform developer Ludia have released , a free downloadable PC game with heavy Facebook integration features.

American Idol fans enter their existing Facebook login information to create a game account and download American Idol Star Experience’s Performance Creator component. With the Performance Creator, gamers can design stage performances, create and customize an avatar, choreograph dance moves, direct stage elements/camera angles/special effects, and more.

Players choose a song from “dozens of hits”, selecting either pre-recorded voice tracks or recording their own voice with a karaoke-style setup. They can then upload their performances to Facebook, where others will watch it, rate it, choose favorites, leave comments, and discuss the best/worst submissions on the social network.

Montreal-based Ludia has a history of creating cross-platform titles based on popular brands such as The Bachelor & The Bachelorette, Family Feud, Hell’s Kitchen, Press Your Luck, The Amazing Race, The Price Is Right, and Where’s Waldo.

“We are excited to release a unique game experience based on American Idol, one of the most important entertainment franchises in the world,” says Ludia founder and CEO Alex Thabet. “American Idol Star Experience reinforces our existing multiplatform game strategy, now seamlessly integrated with robust social features.”

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