
不锈钢齿轮泵在其使用过程中容易出现以下故障: 1、油泵内部零件磨损 油泵内部零件磨损会造成内漏。其中浮动轴套与齿轮端面之间泄漏面积大,是造成内漏的主要部位。这部分漏损量占全部内漏的50%~70%左右。磨损内漏的齿轮泵其容积效率下降,油泵输出功率大大低于输入功率。其损耗全部转变为热能,因此会引起油泵过热。若将结合平面压紧,因工作时浮动轴套会有少量运动而造成磨损,结果使农具提升缓慢或不能提升,这样的浮动轴套必须更换或修理。 2、油泵壳体的磨损 主要是浮动轴套孔的磨损(齿轮轴与轴套的正常间隙是0.09~0.175mm,{zd0}不得超过0.20mm)。齿轮工作受压力油的作用,齿轮尖部靠近油泵壳体,磨损泵体的低压腔部分。另一种磨损是壳体内工作面成圆周似的磨损,这种磨损主要是添加的油液不净所致,所以必须添加没有杂质的油液。 3、油封磨损,胶封老化 卸荷片的橡胶油封老化变质,失去弹性,对高压油腔和低压油腔失去了密封隔离作用,会产生高压油腔的油压往低压油腔,称为“内漏”,它降低了油泵的工作压力和流量。CB46齿轮泵它的正常工作压力为100~110kg/平方厘米,正常输油量是46L/min,标准的卸荷片橡胶油封是57×43。自紧油封是PG25×42×10的骨架式油封,它的损坏或年久失效,空气便从油封与主轴轴颈之间的缝隙或从进油口接盘与油泵壳体结合处被吸入油泵,经回油管进入油箱,在油箱中产生大量气泡。会造成油箱中的油液减少,发动机油底槽中油液增多现象,使农具提升缓慢或不能提升。必须更换油封才可排除此故障。 4、机油泵供油量不足或无油压现象:工作装置提升缓慢,提升时发抖或不能提升;油箱或油管内有气泡;提升时液压系统发出“唧、唧”声音;拖拉机刚启动时工作装置能提升,工作一段时间油温升高后,则 提升缓慢或不能提升;轻负荷时能提升,重负荷时不能提升。进口泵阀门 故障原因: (1)液压油箱油面过低; (2)没按季节使用液压油; (3)进油管被脏物严重堵塞; (4)油泵主动齿轮油封损坏,空气进入液压系统; (5)油泵进、出油口接头或弯接头“O”形密封圈损坏,弯接头的紧固螺栓或进、出油管螺母未上紧,空气进入液压系统; (6)油泵内漏,密封圈老化; (7)油泵端面或主、从动齿轮轴套端面磨损或刮伤,两轴套端面不平度超差; (8)油泵内部零件装配错误造成内漏; (9)“左旋”装“右旋”油泵,造成冲坏骨架油封; (10)液压油过脏。 排除方法: (1)根据季节添加或更换符合要求牌号的机油至规定油面处。取出油管内的异物,上紧接头处的螺栓或螺母; (2)更换老化或损坏的骨架油封或“O”形密封胶圈; (3)更换磨损的齿轮油泵或油泵轴套,磨损轻微时在平板上将端面磨平整。其不平度允许误差0.03mm;上轴套端面低于泵体上平面(正常值低于2.5~2.6mm),如超差时应在下轴套加0.1~0.2mm铜片来补偿,安装时则应套在后轴套上装入; (4)卸荷片和密封环必须装在进油腔,两轴套才能保持平衡。卸荷片密封环应具有0.5mm的预压量; (5)导向钢丝弹力应能同时将上、下轴套朝从动齿轮的旋转方向扭转一微小角度,使主、从动齿轮两个轴套的加工平面紧密贴合; (6)套上的卸荷槽必须装在低压腔一侧,以xx齿轮啮合时产生有害的闭死容积; (7)压入自紧油封前,应在其表面涂一层润滑油,还要注意将阻油边缘朝向前盖,不能装反; (8)“右旋”泵不能装在“左旋”机上,否则 会冲坏骨架油封; (9)在装泵盖前,须向泵壳内倒入少量机油,并用手转动啮合齿轮; (10)在装好油泵盖未拧紧螺栓之前,应检查泵盖和泵体之间的间隙,是否在0.3~0.6mm之间,若间隙过小,应更换大密封圈和卸压件。液压油泵装好后,应转动灵活无卡滞现象。 不锈钢齿轮泵适用于输送无润滑性,有腐蚀性,卫生条件要求高不含有固体颗粒,纤维等物质的一般粘度和高粘度的流体。介质温度-20-80℃,粘度5-5000cst。 用于机械、石油、化工、食品、医药、冶金、印染、酿造、化妆品、饮料等行业。 动力传动齿轮和流体输送齿轮处于不同的泵腔中,它们按照各自不同的功能设计制造,因此,泵有更高的可靠性。FXB在FXA不锈钢齿轮泵泵型的基础上,增加一级支承,提高了工作压力,并设计为法兰联接。本泵有机械密封和填料密封两种形式。

“Concrete pump can not pump the Fault Analysis ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Stainless steel gear pump is easy in its use during the following breakdown: 1, the internal pump wear parts Pump within the internal parts wear will cause leakage. One sleeve and the gear end float between the leakage area, is the main part of the internal leakage caused. This part of the internal leakage leakage accounted for all of 50% to 70%. Wear within the leak of gear pump its volume reduced efficiency, oil pump output power well below the input power. The loss was transformed to heat, so it will cause pump overheating. If we combine graphic compression, due to work, there will be a small amount of floating sleeve wear caused by movement, resulting in slow or not to upgrade tools to upgrade, so that the floating bushings must be replaced or repaired. 2, pump casing wear Mainly floating shaft bush wear (gear shaft and sleeve of the normal gap is 0.09 ~ 0.175mm, the maximum shall not exceed 0.20mm). Gear oil pressure on the role of work, gear oil pump housing near the tip, wear low-pressure cavity pump parts. Another is to wear face into the circle within the shell-like wear, such wear is not primarily the net result of adding the oil, so oil must be added without impurities. 3, seal wear, rubber seal aging Unloading pieces of rubber oil seal deterioration of aging, loss of elasticity, high pressure oil chamber and low pressure oil chamber lost its seal isolation effect, will produce high-pressure oil chamber of the hydraulic oil to the low pressure chamber, known as "endoleak", which reduces the pump pressure and flow of work. CB46 gear pump its normal working pressure of 100 ~ 110kg / square centimeter, the normal oil level is 46L/min, the standard rubber seal unloading film is 57 × 43. Since the tight seal is PG25 × 42 × 10 of the skeleton-type oil seal, its damage or failure in a long time, the air did give oil seal and the gap between the shaft journal or from the inlet plate and the pump shell access junction has been inhalation of oil pump, through return pipe into the tank, a large number of bubbles generated in the fuel tank. Will cause the oil to reduce fuel tank, engine oil increasing the oil tank bottom, thus making a slow or not to upgrade tools to upgrade. Must be ruled out that this failure to replace seals. 4, oil pump fuel supply shortage or non-hydraulic phenomena: Equipment upgrade slowly, shaking or can not upgrade when upgrading; tank or pipeline bubbles; upgrade issue when the hydraulic system, "ji, ji" sound; tractor had just started working device can improve the working oil temperature rise after a period of time, then improve slowly or not to upgrade; light load can be enhanced when the heavy duty can not upgrading. Import pump valves Fault: (1) hydraulic tank oil level is too low; (2) do not use hydraulic oil according to season; (3) into the pipeline is a serious blockage of filth; (4) The oil pump drive gear oil seal is damaged, the air into the hydraulic system; (5) into the pump, the oil port connector or bend connector "O" ring damaged or bent into the joint fastening bolts, the pipe nuts are not tightened, the air into the hydraulic system; (6) pump internal leakage, seal aging; (7) pump seal or the main, driven gear shaft seal wear or scratches, the two sleeve face roughness tolerance; (8) oil pump internal parts within the assembly error caused by leakage; (9) "L" loaded "right hand" pump, resulting in washed out skeleton oil seal; (10) Hydraulic oil too dirty. Remedy: (1) According to the season to add or replace to meet the requirements provided grades of oil to the oil surface Department. Remove the foreign body within the tubing, tighten the joints of the bolt or nut; (2) the replacement of aging or damaged oil seal or "O"-shaped sealing gasket; (3) the replacement of worn gear pump or oil pump sleeve, minor wear and tear will end when the plate mill in the formation. The roughness tolerances 0.03mm; on the sleeve below the pump on the plane face (normal less than 2.5 ~ 2.6mm), such as the poor should be the next super plus 0.1 ~ 0.2mm brass sleeve to compensate for installation, then put on the rear axle load should be set; (4) unloading film and sealing ring must be put into the oil chamber, the two bushings in order to maintain balance. Unloading film sealing ring should have 0.5mm of preload volume; (5) guide wire tension should be at the same time, the lower sleeve toward the direction of reverse rotation of the driven gear of a small angle to the primary, driven gear sleeve processing of two closely fitting plane; (6) put on unloading tank must be installed in low pressure chamber side of the gear mesh to remove harmful closed when the dead volume; (7) pressed into self-tight seal, should the surface coat of oil, but also attention to the resistance toward the edge of the front cover oil, can not hold against; (8) "D-" pump can not be installed in the "L" machine, or skeleton oil seal will be washed out; (9) installed before the pump cover is required to pump a small amount of oil poured into the crust and hand turning gear; (10) in the bottles and pump cover bolts are not tightened before the pump cover and pump body should check the space between, is between the 0.3 ~ 0.6mm, if the gap is too small, should replace the big ring and relief items. Hydraulic pump bottles should turn flexible cable wiring. Stainless steel gear pumps are suitable for delivery without lubrication, corrosive, sanitary conditions do not contain solid particles with high requirements, fiber and other substances in the general viscosity and high viscosity of the fluid. Medium temperature -20-80 ℃, viscosity 5-5000cst. For machinery, petroleum, chemical, food, medicine, metallurgy, printing and dyeing, brewing, cosmetics, beverage and other industries. Fluid power transmission gears and transmission gears in different pump chamber, which functions according to their own design and manufacture, so the pump has a higher reliability. FXA FXB stainless steel gear pump in the pump based on the increased level of support, increased work pressure, and designed for the flange connection. The pumps have mechanical seals and packing seal forms.

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