

2010-05-25 11:08:28 阅读8 评论0 字号:

今年上半年, 西安泵阀总厂有限公司生产的锆材泵阀已实现销售额1500多万元,国内外订单纷至沓来,标志着我国自主研发生产的锆材泵阀开始大量取代进口产品。 西安泵阀总厂有限公司在泵阀行业拥有完整的真空冶炼铸造生产线,有20多年的钛材泵阀研发制造经验。公司自2006年开始进行锆材泵阀的研发制造,经过多年的研究,特别是近两年的科研、设计、制造和使用相结合的实践,他们进一步自主创新,联合攻关,针对锆材产品开发了独特的熔炼铸造工艺,在锆材泵阀国产化工作中脱颖而出,可生产出符合美国ASTM标准和国标的各种牌号化学成分要求和机械性能要求的锆材铸件。公司成功研制了针对醋酸行业使用的系列锆材泵阀产品,结束了以往该类产品只能依赖进口的历史,填补了国内锆材泵阀生产的空白。    进口锆泵修复彰显技术优势    2009年7月,西安泵阀总厂有限公司接到了河南顺达化工科技有限公司急需对两台进口醋酸母液循环泵进行修复的协助请求。西安泵阀总厂有限公司的科技人员连夜对进口醋酸母液循环泵进行了测算分析,发现进口醋酸母液循环泵泵轴、泵盖密封环、叶轮轮毂等部件已严重损坏。损坏的原因是密封环间隙以及和其配套的叶轮平衡孔的过流面积不合理,使叶轮轮毂与轴连接孔前后压差升高,进而使轴与叶轮轮毂孔配合的表面冲蚀加剧,加之残余轴向力较大,致使叶轮与轴的轴向相对滑移振荡,造成疲劳性断轴,说明进口醋酸母液循环泵存在着许多设计、工艺、制造的不合理之处。当时,科技人员面临三个修复难题:一是轴与叶轮的配合精度以及轴表面的强化处理;二是锆材叶轮的铸造与焊接工艺要领;三是装配尺寸精度的确定与控制。西安泵阀总厂有限公司克服困难,在一周内完成了修复工作。修复后的泵在河南顺达化工科技有限公司现场调试并连续运转一个月后停车解体检查结果显示,原来的冲蚀破坏现象没有了,密封环部位也没有磨损,内部运行状况良好。西安泵阀总厂有限公司在锆材泵阀的研发方面独特的技术优势不言自明。 国产泵运行良好市场前景广阔    2009年,西安泵阀总厂有限公司与山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司签订了P102锆泵国产化合同。同年11月,西安泵阀总厂有限公司研发的{dy}台国产锆材母液循环泵交付山东华鲁恒升化工股份有限公司投入使用。半年来运行状况良好,表明西安泵阀总厂有限公司研发的锆泵毫不逊色于进口锆泵,为锆材泵阀国产化打开了新的市场。    行业推介加快国产化步伐    2009年11月2日,锆材泵阀国产化推介会在西安泵阀总厂有限公司召开,中国通用机械工业协会宋银立副秘书长亲临会场指导工作。西安泵阀总厂有限公司黄湘云总经理从设计开发、制造工艺、独有的冶炼加工设备到过程控制、试验检验等方面介绍了锆材泵阀科研开发过程。宋银立副秘书长对西安泵阀总厂有限公司研发生产的锆材泵阀给予了高度肯定,指出西安泵阀总厂有限公司生产的钛泵钛阀闻名全国,这次依托生产钛材泵阀的成功经验开发的锆材泵阀,结束了锆材泵阀依赖进口的局面,填补了国内空白,更重要的是降低了醋酸行业装置的采购成本,提高了经济效益,保障了企业的安全生产,为提升民族工业的竞争力做出了贡献。 与会科研机构和国内知名醋酸企业代表就锆材母液循环泵与西安泵阀总厂有限公司进行了广泛的技术交流,参观了锆材泵阀生产现场,观摩了锆材母液循环泵的全性能试验,认为西安泵阀总厂有限公司生产的锆材母液循环泵性能不亚于同类进口产品。大家对西安泵阀总厂有限公司开发出锆材泵阀表示热烈祝贺的同时,纷纷表示希望西安泵阀总厂有限公司开发出更多取代进口的国产泵阀产品,以满足国内外市场的需求。会议期间,河南顺达化工科技有限公司与西安泵阀总厂有限公司签订了两台锆材母液循环泵的购货合同;上海吴泾化工有限公司也与西安泵阀总厂有限公司签订了两台锆材旋塞阀的购货合同。 2010年,河南顺达化工科技有限公司又与西安泵阀总厂有限公司签订了一套锆材外循环泵的购货合同;陕西延长石油榆林煤化有限公司也与西安泵阀总厂有限公司签订了锆材止回阀、旋塞阀的购货合同。4月,河南顺达化工科技有限公司再次与西安泵阀总厂有限公司签订了38个规格型号的锆材蝶阀、旋塞阀、止回阀、取样阀、过滤器等购货合同,不到半年,西安泵阀总厂有限公司锆材泵阀的市场销售额已突破1500万元。 如今,西安泵阀依靠自身的科技力量和独有的装备设备,实现了锆材泵阀的国产化。未来,西安泵阀将抓住国内外市场机遇,力促国产化再上台阶,开拓进取,努力将西安泵阀打造成钛、镍、锆等稀有金属泵阀的主要生产基地。

“ Zirconium valve successfully developed to fill the gaps ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国气动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

The first half of this year, Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. has been producing the zirconium material valve more than 1,500 million yuan in sales, domestic orders were up, indicates that China has independently developed and produced in large quantities to replace valve zirconium material imports. Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. in the valve industry has a complete line of vacuum smelting foundry, 20 years of research and development of titanium valve manufacturing experience. Since 2006 the company began the development of zirconium material valve manufacture, after years of research, particularly in the last two years of research, design, manufacture and use a combination of practice, they further innovation, joint research, product development for zirconium materials a unique melting casting process, the localization of zirconium material valve stand out, to produce a consistent national standard of American ASTM standards and requirements of various grades of chemical composition and mechanical performance requirements of the zirconium material casting. Successfully developed for the industry to use a series of zirconium acetate material valve products, such products can only be the end of the previous history of dependence on imports to fill the domestic blank of zirconium material valve production. Import zirconium pump repair demonstrated technological superiority July 2009, Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. received the Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. Henan Shunda urgent need for both imports acetic acid mother liquor circulation pump repair requests for assistance. Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an overnight scientists acetic acid mother liquor circulation pump on imports was calculated analysis showed that imports of acetic acid mother liquor circulation pump pump, pump cover seal ring, the impeller hub and other components have been severely damaged. Damage due to clearance and sealing ring and the accompanying flow impeller balance hole over an area of reasonable, so that the impeller hub and the shaft hole before and after the pressure increase, thereby enabling the impeller hub shaft and hole with the increased surface erosion, combined large residual axial force, resulting in the axial impeller and shaft slip oscillation, resulting in fatigue off-axis, indicating import of acetic acid mother liquor circulation pump, there are many design, engineering, production of the unreasonable. At that time, scientists face three repair problems: First, with the precision of shaft and impeller and the shaft surface hardening; second zirconium impeller casting and welding essentials; third assembly dimensional accuracy of the determination and control. Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an overcome the difficulties, in a week to complete the repair work. After pump repair Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. Henan Shunda site commissioning and continuous operation one month after stopping the disintegration test results show that the phenomenon is not the original erosion damage, and seal rings and no wear parts, the internal running well. Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. R & D in the zirconium material valve's unique technology advantages speak for themselves. Made a good market prospect pump operation In 2009, Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. and Huaneng Power Chemical Co., Ltd. signed a contract P102 Pump in zirconium. In the same year in November, Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. developed the first mother liquor circulation pump made of zirconium materials delivered Huaneng Power Chemical Corporation put into operation. Half a year to run in good condition, indicate Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an developed favorably in the import of zirconium zirconium pump pump, pump and valve for the localization of zirconium materials opens up new markets. Promote the industry to speed up the pace of domestic November 2, 2009, Valve made of zirconium materials promote Valve Factory Co., Ltd. will be held in Xi'an, China General Machinery Industry Association Song Yinli guide the work in person, Deputy Secretary-General. Valve Factory Co., HUANG Xiang-yun, general manager of Xi'an from the design and development, manufacturing process, refining and processing equipment unique to process control, test and inspection paper introduces the research and development process zirconium material valve. Song Yinli Deputy Secretary-General Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an R & D production of zirconium valve highly positive that Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an production of titanium valve titanium pump famous for the production of titanium valve relies on the successful experience in the development of zirconium material valve, valve end to dependence on imports of zirconium material situation, to fill the gap, more importantly, reduced the acetic acid industry equipment purchasing costs, improve economic efficiency, protect the safety and production, To enhance the competitiveness of national industries to make a contribution. Participating research institutions and famous enterprises acetic acid mother liquor on behalf of the zirconium material circulating pump and Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an conducted extensive technical exchanges, visited the zirconium material valve production site, observed the mother liquor circulation pump zirconium full performance test that Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an zirconium production of inferior material properties of mother liquor circulation pump similar imported products. Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an we developed zirconium warmly congratulated, while valve, have expressed the hope Valve Factory Co., Ltd. Xi'an to develop more domestic valve replace imported products to meet market demand at home andabroad . During the meeting, Henan Shunda Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. and Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. signed a two zirconium mother liquor circulation pump in the purchase contract; Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd. Valve Factory Co., Ltd. and Xi'an have also entered into two zirconium material plug in the purchase contract. 2010, Henan Shunda Xi'an Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. Valve Factory Co., Ltd. has signed a zirconium material purchase contracts outside the circulation pump; Shaanxi Yulin Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. to extend the oil-Valve Factory Co., Ltd. has signed with the Xi'an the zirconium material check valve, plug valve of the purchase contract. April, Henan Shunda Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. Valve Factory Co., Ltd. and Xi'an again signed a 38 standard models of zirconium butterfly, plug valves, check valves, sampling valves and filters the purchase contract, less than six months, Xi'an Valve Factory Co., Ltd. zirconium valve market sales has exceeded 15 million yuan. Today, Xi'an valve technology on their own strength and unique equipment, equipment, implementation of domestic production of zirconium material valve. The future, Xi'an valve will seize market opportunities at home and abroad, urged the localization Zaishangtaijie, and to strive to create play Xi'an valve titanium, nickel, zirconium and other rare metals production base of the main valve.

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