塑料餐具的招待费“时尚” « Reuse world



我市的观察,许多小型和中小型酒店和街头大排档几乎xx使用超薄塑料桌布。一个小餐馆老板说,他的店一共有10桌,良好的业务时,在一个约40至50张塑料桌布晚上食用。 “使用这一点,不仅我们保存,人也觉得吃干净。”老板说,小型和中小型酒店使用超薄塑料桌布动机多数。

这些塑料餐具真的干净吗?记者在市环保局的今天,一个人的意见,遇到这样的塑料用品上的热变形的东西,而且还发出了难闻的气味。这些塑胶餐具使用后不容易降解,会造成很大的环境污染。这个城市也是小型和中等规模的中广泛使用的超酒店超薄塑料桌布餐厅表示关注。他说,这些塑料台布,主要是从聚氯乙烯在生产过程中,还增加了受污染的食具或食品增塑剂和稳定剂,这些有毒物质进入体内,导致慢性中毒。 06.9.7

Plastic tableware hospitality as a “fashion”

Huicong net plastic inquiry: “white” put on the table plastic tableware, cup after messy plastic tablecloths with a pack of ultra-thin after thrown away, the entire desktop suddenly clean. Today, readers call the party hotline reflect Mr. Wang, plastic tableware rural hospitality in the city has become a kind of “fashion.” While this obviates the need to make dinner洗涮rinse after washing the trouble, but these low-grade plastic appliances, not only environmental, but also toxic.

readers reflect Mr. Wang today, because the working relationship, he often went to the city in rural counties, see peasant weddings marriage dinners, often using plastic utensils. Understanding of the field survey, according to Mr. Wang, the use of this disposable plastic utensils, cups filled with 10 dishes together with a plastic spoon as long as 2.3 yuan tablecloths, even weddings and funerals when the first requested a twenty tables, but also spend tens of dollars, but also save the trouble of cleaning meal, so popular in rural areas, nearly one in two years it is gradually “pop.” According to a press

observation, in our city, many small and medium-sized hotels and street food stalls are used almost exclusively ultra-thin plastic tablecloths. A small restaurant owner said his shop to a total of 10 tables, good business when it was consumed in one evening about forty to fifty Zhang plastic tablecloths. “Use this, not only we save, people also think that eating clean.” The bosses say the majority of small and medium-sized hotels to use ultra-thin plastic tablecloths motive.

those plastic utensils really clean it? Journalist to the City Environmental Protection Bureau today, the person advice that one encounter such a plastic supplies hot things on the deformation, but also emit an unpleasant odor. These plastic utensils are not easily degradable after use, will cause great environmental pollution. The city is also small and medium-sized restaurant on the hotel in the widespread use of ultra-thin plastic tablecloths expressed concern. He said that these plastic tablecloths are mainly made from PVC, in the production process also added plasticizers and stabilizers, which are toxic substances, through contaminated utensils or food enters the body, leading to chronic poisoning. (06-9-7)

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