
Anchor Rodes


What to look for


Rode Types


All-Nylon Rodes : Small boats often use anchor rodes made entirely of three-stand nylon because thy are lightweight, inexpensive and, for boats without a windlass or anchor well, easier to stow than rodes with chain. Although all-nylon anchor rodes can be quite strong, they lack the chafe resistance of rodes with chain and therefore not appropriate for extended use or for use in rough weather. As the rode for a lunch hook, stern anchor or spare anchor, however, an all-nylon rode functions quite well.

全尼龙绳型: 小船通常用”三股”的全尼龙系锚绳是因为比较轻,便宜, 或是船上没有装起锚机或锚, 而且它比锚链易存放的得多. 虽然全尼龙的系锚绳有粗的,但缺点是无法避免摩擦, 而且不适于长期或者是糟糕的天气使用. 全尼龙绳用到下水钩,船艉的锚或是副锚的停泊也都非常的不错.


Combination Rodes: A good compromise between all-nylon or all-chain rode is to use a short length of chain (6’-30’) connected to the anchor, with a long length of three-stand nylon line connected to the chain. This combination satisfies nearly all requirements of a good anchor rode, except that it is not abrasion resistant over its entire length, and the weight of the chain is pretty ineffective in keeping the pull on the anchor horizontal; even a 15-knot wind will lift short lengths of chain off the bottom. The primary function of chain is to handle the chafe from rough bottoms that would otherwise abrade the soft nylon line. Long scope (7:1) must be used to for the lack of weight to keep the pull horizontal. Nylon is preferred for its elasticity. Its stretch reduces peak loads on the anchor and on your boat.

锚链和锚缆绳结合型: 有一个好的折衷的方法就是用一截短短的锚链(6’-30’)连接到锚上, 然后用比较长的”三股”尼龙绳接到锚链上. 这种方法的安全性几乎达到了好的系锚绳的要求. 但是这样并不能做到整个的避免摩擦, 而且锚链的重量也不能在起锚机在平行的方向起锚的时候起到作用, 即使15节的风也会把锚链从水底拉起. 这种方法最主要的作用就是用锚链就抵抗凹凸不平的水底摩擦, 否则的话尼龙绳很容易磨断. 长的系锚缆绳(7:1)必须要弥补保持平行方向拉力不够的弱点.{sx}尼龙绳是因为它比较好的弹性. 它的一定程度上减少了船及锚的负载.


Rope-to-Chain Spliced Rodes : One drawback of the normal combination rode with nylon and galvanized chain is the interface between them consisting of a shackle and a galvanized thimble. While long-lasting, this connection is bulky and adds a shackle to the system which could possibly fail or lose its pin. Therefore, many boaters splice their nylon line directly to the last link of chain, a technique originally developed for self-trailing windlasses. This produces a very sleek rode which stows easily, passes through a chain pipe more easily than a splice/thimble, and which retains about 90% of the breaking strength of the line compared to new line.

锚缆绳和锚链叠接型: 尼龙绳和镀锌锚链一般的结合有一个缺点就在于之间结合点由U形套钩和镀锌套管组成. 长时装使用时, 这个接点就笨拙得难以控制, 而且把U形套钩加到这里面的话, 有可能会导致无法使用或者是插梢丢掉. 因此, 许多船东将尼龙绳直接连接到锚链{zh1}的一环. 这样就产生了比较圆滑的易存放的系锚绳, 通过锚链导槽时比跟U形套钩接合的更容易通过,与新相比的锚缆绳保留了90%的强度.


All Chain Rodes : Larger boats with windlasses generally use all chain rode. This reduces the need for long scope (except in shallow water) because the chain is heavy and lies on the bottom until conditions are encountered, when more scope may be required. Since chain has very little elasticity, care should be taken to prevent the chain from becoming “bar tight” in high winds by using a snubber made of nylon line. The drawbacks to all-chain rode are weight, expense, and the need for a windlass. A windlass and all-chain rode may add 300-600lb. in the bow and can adversely affect the performance of your boat. Owners of modern, lightweight cruising boats are probably unwilling to suffer the reduced speed and increased pitching caused by this extra weight.

全锚链型: 比较大的船有装起锚机的一般都会装整条的锚链. 这样可减少用锚链的长度(浅水区除外), 因为锚链很重而且是放在船底(锚链舱)直到出现很严峻的状况出现时才会用. 因为锚链弹性很小, 在大风中锚链负载过重而变成“杆状物”,所以在使用尼龙制成的锚链制止器时,一定要小心。 锚链的缺点就是太重, 太贵, 同时还需要安装起锚机. 一台起锚机和锚链可能会在船艏增加300到600磅的重量, 反而会影响船的性能. 现代的船东们都希望比较轻的巡航艇, 可能不愿意去忍受由于额外的重量而影响速度和增加船的俯仰晃动.


A logical compromise : Because we feel strongly that a decent length of chain is critical for effective anchoring, and because we also like boats that perform well, we offer the following suggestion:

折衷方案: 因为我们强烈感觉到标准长度的锚链对于泊锚是很重要的, 同时也希望船的各方面的性能发挥得很好, 所以提出以下的建议:

●Use 60-100’ of high test chain spliced to 250’ of 3-strand nylon line

This combination provides sufficient chain to ward off bottom abrasion, and in shallow anchorages, you may not even need to pay out nylon. It is reasonably light(as little as 65lb.) and tremendously strong.

●  用60-100尺的”high test”锚链接合250尺的”3股”的尼龙绳

这种接合能保证足够长的锚链来避免水底的磨损, 而且在浅水区泊锚,你也不需要用到尼龙绳. 因它同时相当地轻(差不多65磅)而且非常的牢固.


Chain Types



High Test : Grade 40, called G4 or HT; made from high-carbon steel. G4 is the preferred chain for anchoring or windlass applications, and has twice the working load of BBB chain, so you can use a smaller size with the same strength.

High Test(高性能): 等级40, 被简称为G4或HT, 由高碳钢制成. G4是泊锚或起锚机应用的{sx}, 而且是BBB锚链工作负荷两倍, 因此你可以选择比较小尺寸HT锚链而具有同样的强度.


Proof Coil and BBB

Grade 30; made from low-carbon steel. BBB or “Triple B” has a uniform pitch short link, and works well on windlass gypsies. BBB used to be the most popular type for windlass designs of the past, but has been replaced by G4. Proof Coil does not have a uniform pitch and does not work with anchor windlasses.

等级30: 由低碳钢制成. BBB或”Triple B”有一定标准的短锚链环, 而且能在起锚机的绞绳轮上用. BBB以前是起锚机设计及格应用得{zshy}的锚链,但是现已被G4代替了. Proof coil型没有一定标准的短锚链环而且也不能用在起锚机上面.


Grade 70: called G7 or Transport Chain; extremely high strength-to-weight ratio, is substantially stronger than G4 High Test, and resists wear because of its exceptional hardness properties. Compatible with very few windlasses, but recommended by some noted cruising authorities.

等级70: 被称为G7或Transport Chain, 有着非常高强度重量的比率, 比G4要强得多。 因为它有着异常坚固的特性,所以能抗磨损. 很少有起锚机能匹配这种锚链,但仍被一些巡航界xx所推荐.


Compatibility with your windlass


Every anchor windlass is equipped with a gypsy, the wheel or capstan on the winch that hauls the rope and / or chain up and down. Each gypsy fits one or more diameters of line(of three-strand, twelve-strand or eight-strand construction) and specific types and diameters of chain(like 1/2” Grade 40, 5/16” BBB or 3/8” Grade 70, for example). The gypsy and rode must be an exact match, and most windlasses are available with a choice of gypsies to fit some different line and chain types. Check for compatibility before buying your windlass or rode.

每一款起锚机上会配备一个锚链轮, 锚链轮/绞绳轮拉着锚缆绳/锚链上锚或下锚. 每一个锚链轮配一个或更多个尺寸的锚缆绳(“3股”,”12股”或”8股”)及一定规格的锚链(如1/2” G40, 5/16” BBB或3/8” G70). 锚链轮及锚链必须匹配得相当xx,而且大多数锚机可选择锚链轮来匹配不同尺寸的锚缆绳及锚链. 所以订购起锚机或锚链/锚缆绳之前要检查一下是否相互兼容.


Rode Sizes and Lengths



Scope is defined as the ratio of water depth(plus freeboard) to anchor line paid out. Most anchoring texts and anchor manufacturers agree that a scope of 7:1 achieves the anchor’s designed holding power, and more scope is better than less. In theory, 7:1 scope is great, but at a crowded anchorage most cruisers scoff at the idea of paying out more than 3:1 or 4:1—there just isn’t that much space for boats to swing. Any reduction in scope, of course, must be made up for by using larger anchors and /or larger chain.

锚缆绳范围要以水深度 (加上干舷)与释放出的锚缆绳的比率来确定的. 理论是来讲, 7:1的范围是非常好的, 但是很多巡航艇者一想起在拥挤的地点停泊的时候, 就会放出3:1或4:1的锚缆绳, 然而这个并不足船摆动的空间. 任何锚缆绳范围的减少时,要用比较大的锚或锚链来弥补.


      Heavy or high windage boats should use 1/8” of diameter for every 8’ of boat length.


 “Normal” boats can use 1/8” diameter for every 9’ of boat length.


      Lightweight or low windage boats can use 1/8” of diameter for every 10’ of boat length.


      BBB chain should be half the line diameter (1/2” nylon line would be matched to 1/4” galvanized chain.)


      Use shackles one size larger than the chain (1/4” chain would use 5/16” shackles.)

使用U形套钩时要比锚链的尺寸大一号(如: 1/4”锚链就要配5/16”U形套钩)


In general the load on an anchor line varies with the square of the LOA of the boat. A high windage, heavy displacement boat such as a trawler or fishing boat will require heavier anchor rode than an ultra-light racing sailboat of the same LOA. As a general guide, for winds up to 30 knots, we recommend the following anchor line and chain diameters, using three-strand, high quality line. This table assumes an 8:1 working load ratio.

通常锚链/绳的负载同船的直截面的不同而有所不同(如图1中所示)。 受风力影响较大船或者是排水量较大的船比如同长度的拖捞船或渔船与超轻型的比赛用的帆船相比就要求比较重的锚链/缆绳. 总的来说, 如果风力升到30节的时候, 我们建议要使用以下的”3股”高品质的锚缆绳及锚链的直径. 这张表(图中2所示)采用的是8:1的工作负荷比来做的.











较轻的船      中等重量的船     较重的船    3级标准尼龙绳       锚链

26’-30’           23’-27’          21’-24’            3/8”             3/16” PC

31’-35’           28’-32’          25’-28’            7/16”            1/4” PC

36’-40’           32’-36’          29’-32’            1/2”             1/4” PC

41’-45’           37’-40’          33’-36’           9/16”  5/16”PC/BBB or 1/4”HT

46’-50’           41’-45’          37’-40’           5/8”        5/16” PC/BBB/HT

51’-60’           46’-54’          41’-48’           3/4”   3/8”PC/BBB or 5/16”HT

61’-70’           55’-63’          49’-56’           7/8”        1/2”PC or 3/8” HT

71’-80’           64’-72’          57’-64’            1”         5/8”PC or 1/2” HT




In inland, coastal, and performance cruising applications, boaters should use a combination of nylon line and galvanized chain. For serious cruisers, all-chain rode may be better solution.


内陆及沿海地区, 船东应该用尼龙绳和镀锌锚链相结合的系锚绳. 对于要求比较严格的巡航者来说, 全部用锚链可能是比较好的解决方案.


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