工业设计网站之家 ------------------------------------------------------- 设计在线: 设计时代: 全球设计资讯网 : 中国工业设计协会 : 台湾工业设计协会: 北京工业设计促进中心: 美国: 美国工业设计师协会: 意大利: 德国: 西班牙: 比利时: 澳大利亚: 厄瓜多尔: 瑞士: 荷兰: 丹麦: 法国: 国际工业设计联合会官方网站: 日本工业设计促进会: 韩国工业设计促进研究会: 世界xx设计公司-美国 --------------------------------------------------------- design and development firm, industrial design, mechanical design, and prototypes, specializing in ergonomic and rugged handheld products 美国卢勒设计公司:数字化产品设计 美国艾柯设计顾问公司,一家蜚声 国际的产品设计公司,多次荣获国际性的设计奖项 美国IDEO设计与产品开发公司:战略服务、 人因研究、工业设计、机械和电子 工程、互动设计、环境设计等 美国奇芭设计公司:产品设计、 环境设计、传达设计--产品识别,交互设计,机构设计,企业 识别, 包装,新媒体,展示... 青蛙设计公司:平面设计、新媒体、 工业设计、工程设计和战略咨询。成功设计有索尼的特丽珑彩电、 苹果的麦金塔电脑、罗技的高触觉鼠标、宏基的渴望家用电脑、 Windows XP品牌... 美国提格设计公司:产品开发、 交通工具设计、系统工程 Stone, LLC is a product development firm with design and sales offices in Chicago, IL, USA, and manufacturing plant in Guangdong, China. Our company exists to help developing products from concepts to realization, including engineering, tooling, manufacturing, branding, and marketing. We provide full services from design to manufacturing. Our core services include: industrial design, structure design, mold design, mold manufacturing and plastic injection molding. We also provide e-Marketing services, which are web-based interaction design and communication design. Contact us 645 West 9th Street Chicago, IL 60616 USA TEL: (+1) 312-567-9305 FAX: (+1) 312-567-9350 Email: info@sanstonemedia.com URL: building product design 一间传统性强,基础稳固的工业设计公司, 除了大型机具,健身用品,医疗器材之外,近年来藉由消费性电子产品获 得不少奖项。客户包括Zebra,GE,Dixon等知名公司 Central's team is comprised of a broad spectrum of development professionals, from user-interface developers, engineers, and product designers to human factors specialists and visual communication designers. Continuum specializes in holistic, user-focused design. and development. We offer user research, design strategy, proprietary form development, and full mechanical and electrical engineering. Through our interdisciplinary practice, we provide clients with innovative products and business strategies. Continuum serves distinguished clients such as Procter and Gamble, Samsung, and Master Lock. Studios are located in Boston, San Francisco, Milan and Seoul. Design is a leading innovator in product development. We offer industrial design and engineering solutions for the consumer, telecommunication, medical and industrial product marketplaces. Industry-specific research, focused concept development, value engineering, state-of-the-art prototyping, and rapid tooling technologies drive our customer's success. is an internationally recognized consultancy that specializes in automative, transportation and product design. Product Development is an award-winning, San Francisco/Silicon Valley based industrial design / product development company bringing innovation and market appeal to manufactured goods. Metaform's founder is Chinese American and interested in working with Chiense manufacturers. helps leading companies develop powerful connections with consumers through insightful and innovative research, award winning design, and refreshingly usable interaction strategies. #----Bleck Design Group provides award winning industrial design and mechanical engineering for electronic and computer manufacturers. 世界xx设计公司-欧洲 --------------------------------------------------------- 法国无限设计群:互动媒体、 高科技产品、人机工程、交通工具等设计 英国费奇设计顾问公司:品牌开发、 消费环境、新媒体、产品开发 一家在德国、荷兰、及台湾皆设 有分公司的工业设计公司 英国费若迈尔斯设计公司:咨询顾问 及战略策划、研究与分析、品牌开发、产品、结构包装、系列家具、 交通工具等设计、计算机辅助设计、模型样机制作 及虚拟模型制作 意大利阿莱西设计公司 飞利浦设计中心 英国潘塔格拉姆设计公司:国际化、 多专业设计公司,企业形象识别系 统设计、室内设计、环境标识系 统设计、展览设计和产品设计等 位于德国幕尼黑,在 台湾及大陆亦成立分公司,提供符合欧美市场的工业设计。 作品 在国外获 IF、IDEA、GIO等设计奖。Pilotfish is an International ID Design House with a base in Germany Munich and Taipei. Our main strength is that we know the European, American and Japan markets better than any of the other ID design houses here in Taiwan and China. 英国伦敦的设计公司,网站内产品 大多以3D图呈现,当然也有真实的产品介绍,强调曲线柔性的设计手法, 值得一看 |