Motorola Droid Shadow 间碟再现,这次看到HDMI 及4.1寸屏幕

涓€濡傞鏂欙紝鎴戜滑寰堝揩鐪嬪埌鏇村 Motorola Droid Shadow 闂寸鐓э紝杩欐鎴戜滑寰堟竻妤氱湅鍒版墜鏈洪厤澶?HDMI 鍙?Mini USB 鎻掑ご锛岃€屼笖鏈洪潰鍗版湁 Motorola 鍙?Verizon 鐨勫瓧鏍枫€傝鏍兼柟闈篃鏈夋洿澶氫俊鎭紝鍖呮嫭浣跨敤 4.1瀵稿睆骞曘€乀1 OMAP 3630 澶勭悊鍣紙Cortex A8 ARM 720Mhz锛夈€佸唴缃?8GB 鍐呭瓨銆侀厤澶?800涓囧儚绱犻暅澶达紝鎵€浠ヨ鏍煎惛寮曞悧锛熺湅璧锋潵鏄笉閿欏暒锛屾兂涔板悧锛熺湅鐪嬫湁娌″緱鍗栧厛銆?/div>

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