How to choose medium-sized grass in aquarium landscaping
At the same time, the length of the growth of the different Sutra is not the same. This will be able to more meet the different size of the aquarium home. Therefore, in the process of selecting the medium-sized grass, it is necessary to consider the space size of the landscaped aquarium to select a suitable medium-sized grass.
For example, the size of cress is about 30 cm in height, the height of green lotus is about 12 cm, the height of four-color water lily is about 20 cm, the height of grass is 20-30 cm, the height of red pepper grass is 10-15 cm, and the height of purple lotus root is about 20 In centimeters, the height of cynthia is about 10 cm. Therefore, when choosing, we should pay attention to its high selection, and ensure that we choose the right middle-grass to make the setting of the aquarium more perfect.
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