2010-05-19 20:22:02 阅读19 评论0 字号:大中小
布里顿 Britten
诺亚方舟 Noyes Fludde
金色梳妆台T he Golden Vanity
脚本取自切斯特奇迹剧(The Chester Miracle Play set to music)
欧文布.兰尼根 Owen Brannigan
水陆.雷克斯 Shuilu Rex
特雷弗.安东尼 Trevor Anthony
English Opeta Group Orchestro
诺曼.戴尔.马尔 Norman Del Mar
EMI 公司 出品
CD 编号:436 397—2
1.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-think on me
2.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-I God-that all this worlde hath wroughte
3.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Have done-you men and wemen all
4.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Now in the name of God I will begyne
5.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Noye Noye,-ake thou thy company
6.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Wiffe come in-why standes thou their
7.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Ha! Children-me thinkes my botte removes
8.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Now forty dayes are fullie gone
9.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Noye-take thy wife anone
10.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus- Noye-heare I behette thee a heste
11.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus- The spacious firmament on high
12.布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅰ-There was a ship came from the North Country
13.布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅱ-Then up spark the Cabin-boy
14.布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅲ-Casting his clothes off he dived into the sea
15.布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅳ-They laid him on the deck
《诺亚方舟》;是布里顿(Britten)所作的独幕歌剧,Op 59,脚本取自切斯特奇迹剧,描写诺亚洪水的故事,1958年首演于奥尔福德教堂(参加奥尔德堡音乐节)。用成人合唱和儿童合唱,室内乐队和儿童交响乐队,刚开始用于教堂演出,观众一起唱传统的赞美诗,后用于独立的演出,这部神剧,在儿童的演唱下清新动人,这张唱片也是录音的佳作;音场同样有深度与宽广度,仔细分辨,可分辨出舞台上上帝、诺亚和孩子们的不同位置,及舞台上细微的动作声响,美国TAS评为{zj0}名片。
这张唱片上另有一个曲目是《金色梳妆台The Golden Vanity》。
这张唱片是xx录音师Kenneth Wilkinson的杰作。
1.布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-think on me
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-I God-that all this worlde hath wroughte
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Have done-you men and wemen all
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Now in the name of God I will begyne
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Noye Noye,-ake thou thy company
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Wiffe come in-why standes thou their
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Ha! Children-me thinkes my botte removes
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Now forty dayes are fullie gone
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus-Noye-take thy wife anone
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus- Noye-heare I behette thee a heste
布里顿-Britten-诺亚方舟-Noyes Fludde-Lord Jesus- The spacious firmament on high
布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅰ-There was a ship came from the North Country布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅱ-Then up spark the Cabin-boy
布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅲ-Casting his clothes off he dived into the sea
布里顿-Britten-金色梳妆台-The Golden Vanity-Ⅳ-They laid him on the deck