在人体内的作用食用油是提供营养呢? « City life wiki 城市百科
























1。 2石油:原油的脱胶,洗涤,脱水,脱溶剂,如加工,其石油自己的口味,为二级油国家标准;第2行中石油从健康安全考虑:他们的酸价,剩余的主溶剂等有严格的要求。
5。调和油:两个或两个以上的先进,食用油和油脂类,根据对高了科学级石油部署的比例。 1)。风格型混合油:能否菜子油,米糠油,棉籽油等,毕竟,精炼后,与浓香花生油或芝麻油按比例调和丰富的石油制成的。 2)。营养调和油:使用玉米胚芽油,红花籽油,番茄籽油,米糠油,大豆油制剂含有在对高血压的营养保健油平衡比例高亚油酸,维生素E含量,冠心脏病和必需的脂肪酸缺乏症患者的饮食。 3)。炸调和油:氢化植物油的使用,以及整个棉籽油,菜籽油,猪油或其他油脂提炼成脂肪平衡部署氨基酸组成,缩短性能好,煎炸油的烟点高。

Edible oil in the human body’s role is to provide nutrition do?

edible oil in the human body’s role is to provide nutrition do?

proper use, or have a nutritional role. Body fat composition of edible oil is a basic food, of course, are too fat is not good, but there is no fat is impossible, and the other edible oils on the body also play a major role in some organizations, the lack of will be sick.


the past 20 years, as people, including eating too much fatty foods, including high heat, or because of improper use of fat, so that overweight, obesity, arteriosclerosis , high blood lipids, hypertension, high incidence of gallstones and other diseases. And the community on a variety of edible oil has a lot to say, in the face of the edible oil market, there are numerous, the people very confused, then how to deal with these problems?

edible oils have their own characteristics

olive oil

it with a single unsaturated fatty acids are among the highest of all edible oils in a class, it has a good reduction in LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), increase high-density cholesterol (good cholesterol) functions, so the prevention of cardio-cerebral vascular diseases, reducing cholecystitis, gallstones occur role; olive oil also contains vitamin A, D, E, K, carotene, to improve digestive function, increase of calcium in the bones in the calm, slow brain atrophy have a certain role. But the olive oil price of expensive, tasteless, lack of attractive aroma of fat, so it tastes of most Chinese people are not welcome.

tea oil

contained in monounsaturated fatty acids and olive oil is similar, so there are “Oriental olive oil,” said. It is reported that the residents of a tea oil origin, their cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality rates lower than other parts of the crowd.

rapeseed oil

monounsaturated fatty acids contained in a high, so it is a similar role with the olive oil, it also choleretic effect. As the rapeseed oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids of all edible oil in the lowest price, so more and more people welcome.

peanut oil

rich in oleic acid, lecithin and vitamins A, D, E, K and biological activity of a strong natural polyphenols, so there are reduced platelet aggregation, reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels, prevention of atherosclerosis and cardio-cerebral vascular diseases function. People think that eating peanut easy to ‘get angry’, this is because the peanut oil in peanut allergy acid led to the human body’s sake.


rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, D, has reduced cardiovascular disease, enhance immunity, to the frail wasting the role of those who have increased body weight. Soybean oil containing polyunsaturated fatty acids are more, so in a variety of oils and fats are most vulnerable to rancidity changes in consumption, so be sure to select plants to purchase soon, and as far as possible take advantage of “fresh” eat.

sunflower oil

rich in essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid in vivo synthesis and nutrition-related brain DHA, pregnant women eat sunflower seed oil are beneficial to fetal brain development; contains vitamin E, A, etc. , there is softening blood vessels, lower cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, slow aging, prevent dry eye, night blindness, dry skin effect. It also contains a high polyunsaturated fatty acids, so there are the same note with the soybean oil.


It is the highest grade vegetable oil processing edible oils, vegetable oils have basically divisible by all the impurities and waxy, so the most light colors. Salad oil for frying, deep-fried, fried, and salad, which is the reach of the other edible oil.

sesame oil

the “vegetable of the King” reputation, rich in a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, lecithin, vitamin A, D, E, scavenging free radicals, improving immunity, anti-aging, prevent constipation, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hair white as well as moisturizing beauty as early as the role of Chinese medicine that the emphysema patients, in the pre-drink before going to bed and wake up the next day a little sesame oil, relieve cough symptoms.


it is high in saturated fatty acids, eating too easily lead to high blood lipids, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis, obesity and so on, but do not dare to eat because the body’s manufacture of cholesterol-containing steroids , adrenal cortex hormones, sex hormones and the synthesis of vitamin D on their own raw materials. Lard of the α-lipoprotein could prolong the life of animals, which is lacking in vegetable oil.

the main component of edible vegetable oil is unsaturated fatty acids, animal oil is unsaturated fatty acids. enter the human body has three main functions, if the energy supply is insufficient can be broken down to provide energy. If sufficient energy source, fat is transport through the blood to the skin \ greater omentum \ mesentery, etc. storage, the formation of adipose tissue; Some of it was involved in the formation of some structures, such as the cell membrane, so that cells have a certain flexibility.

can be vegetable oil for human consumption grade:
1. 2 oil: crude oil by degumming, washing, dehydration, de-solvent such as processed, with its own flavor of oil, in line with national standards for secondary oil; 2 oil from health Security considerations: The main of their acid value, residual solvent and so there are strict requirements.
2. an oil: crude oil by degumming, deacidification, washing, dehydration, melting and other processes de-processed, with its own flavor of oil, in line with an oil national standards; a hygiene and safety aspects of the oil from its to consider: The main remnant of its melting and so there are strict requirements.
3. Advanced cooking oil: After degumming, deacidification, dehydration, bleaching, deodorization refining processes processed oil reached a certain professional standards and the requirements of the oil is called “advanced cooking oil”; advanced cooking oil: the refined oil .
4. Salad: Advanced cooking oil and then processed through the lost-wax process, mainly for salad oil or as mayonnaise, seasoning oil, the raw material oil. Cooking oil with the high-level technical obvious difference is: smoke-point demand higher; requirements to meet the freezing test, a higher degree of oil’s health and so on. With the people’s living standards to increase food production in the cooking oil demand increase and the rapid development of deep-fried foods, high required cooking oil and salad oil volume was rapidly increasing.
5. blend oil: two or more kinds of advanced edible oils and fats, according to the proportion of the deployment of science made of high-level oil. 1). Style-type blend oil: Can the rapeseed oil, rice bran oil, cottonseed oil, etc. After all, after refining, with fragrant peanut oil or sesame oil rich in proportion to reconcile made of a mixture of oil. 2). Nutritional blend oil: Use corn germ oil, safflower seed oil, tomato seed oil, rice bran oil, soybean oil preparation containing linoleic acid, vitamin E content in a high proportion of the oil balance of nutritional health for high blood pressure, crown heart disease and essential fatty acid deficiency in patients with eating. 3). Fried blend oil: the use of hydrogenated oils and refined by the whole cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil, lard or other fats into fatty acid composition of a balanced deployment, shortening good performance, smoke point of frying oils high.


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