造纸厂黑水包围朝阳遇到困难学校关闭« oursolo.net













Paper mill surrounded Blackwater School Chaoyang encounter difficulty shutting down

A few days ago, Chaoyang District, Shantou City on the streets under the jurisdiction of Kimpo Wo Hang industrial area of eight renewable paper remediation companies. So far, four enterprises in accordance with the provisions of re-install the sewage facilities, Chaoyang District, as approved by the Government to carry out trial production. Another four have been implemented to rectify power production, in accordance with relevant state regulations, which without the approval of environmental protection and no decontamination facilities, enterprises should be closed, shutting down the current difficult but had to suffer.

paper mill smoke Heishui farmhouse surrounded by School

Chaoyang New World English Medium School is located in the peaceful town of the high-Village, and Kimpo梅东village streets, Mei Nishimura (ie Wo Hang Industrial Zone) adjacent to the nearest, only separated by a wall of a paper mill. In the previous campaign, more than 4000 teachers and students suffering from pollution due to the complaints. They reflect the district factory chimneys emitting smoke, the rapid spread of smoke, one after another into a mushroom cloud,遮天蔽日, the formation of a shadow on the ground. Some students told reporters: “paper mills in the vicinity of schools, usually the noise was annoying. Chimney smoke billowing smoke, all风一吹approaching schools, classrooms and dormitories are cast with a thick layer of dust.”

some of the teachers said the school, teachers, parents and students are looking forward to early resolution of this issue may be causing air pollution from smoke too many reasons, some teachers and students often feel the throat discomfort. Liu, a parents of the students said: “4 years ago, I send their children to this school, did not expect two to three years to build the school next to so many paper mills, there are six outer wall chimney, from the School the most recent only 50 meters away, pungent odor campus, some students can only wear masks class. a last resort, so I had to transfer their children. “

mill villages surrounding the high-Village, One白石村more than 10,000 residents have trouble Tut statement. A villager said: “One paper mill chimney emissions, house, furniture, vegetables, above all the black particles, we dare not open the windows. Xiaohe before the village have fish, now wholly dead, floating around the river on floating black objects, surging white foam, and even crop irrigation water can not directly. “

unlawful enterprise stop pollution without clearance难禁

reporter learned that, under the Chaoyang District government’s remediation program, 8 paper mills on the River is divided into two categories: one category of environmental approvals are expected to control pollution through the four production enterprises to implement remediation, one category is no environmental impact assessment procedures to prevent water pollution and no hope of implementing the closure of four enterprises. For the first category of enterprises, environmental protection departments to strengthen supervision, Shantou City by the end of September this year the Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Monitoring Center conducted two monitoring results show that the pollutants can target emissions, currently in pilot production.

for enterprises should be closed, the district apart from the Environmental Protection Agency inspections at a loss. Environmentalists said: “We currently can only strengthen the supervision of regular inspections and to prevent its unauthorized resume production and continue to the sewage. It is clear this is not a permanent solution, but a means of environmental protection departments of law enforcement is limited, unable to shut down its implementation.” He Say, strictly speaking, these four companies did not apply for the EIA procedures and environmental monitoring can not be included in the main. In accordance with the relevant regulations, should be dismantled equipment, the implementation of the closure, “but to achieve this, a clearly depend on environmental protection are impossible.” He says with exasperation.

environmental pre-approval or deliberately ignored

Chaoyang District Environmental Protection Bureau to monitor the shares A staff member said, “EIA Law” as early as 2002 had been implemented, but cause great 4 pollution, should be shut down three paper mills, there are in 2005 and put into operation in 2006, and still obtain a business license to start a business and installation of special equipment such as boilers procedures, “but pre-approval by the relevant departments of environmental protection intended to inadvertently overlooked, in addition, from the current investigation, this paper mill site there are also several significant problems. “the staff member said.

the villagers point out which reporters猫腻

Wo Hang recent field survey, part of the New World School of English parents at night and early morning emissions of smoke from time to time there are still paper mill . They are worried, it is difficult to shut down the mills would cause pollution rebound. The closure of small paper mills are difficult to do so? Living in the vicinity of some villagers, said bluntly: paper industry profits are, and some functional departments do not want to completely shutting down the purpose of “放水养鱼”, the public can be fined for private mills Thanksgiving can send benefits . (07-12-4)

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