什么是高压柱塞泵? - 化工泵- 化工泵- 和讯博客
什么是高压柱塞泵? [转贴 2010-05-26 09:50:47]   

所谓高压柱塞泵,实际上就是象xx、洗车场用的高压水枪的压力泵。它的主要作用就是给水、空气加压,使其具有较大的压力。一个柱塞泵上有两个单向阀,并且 方向相反,柱塞向一个方向运动时缸内出现负压,这时一个单向阀打开液体被吸入缸内,柱塞向另一个方向运动时,将液体压缩后另一个单向阀被打开,被吸入缸内的液体被排出。这种工作方式连续运动后就形成了连续供油、水、空气。使其能连续在高压下正常工作。

“ What is a high-pressure piston pump? ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

The so-called high-pressure piston pump, in fact, as the police, the car wash using high pressure water jets to the pressure pump. Its main function is water supply, air pressure, it has more pressure. A piston pump with two one-way valve, and in the opposite direction, the direction of plunger movement to a negative pressure occurs when the cylinder, then a one-way valve is opened the cylinder of liquid is inhaled, the direction of plunger movement to another fluid to be compressed to open
another one-way valve, sucked the tank is drained. This work formed a continuous row movement after the oil, water and air. So that it can continuously work under high pressure.

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