
使用小型潜水泵时应注意以下七点: 1、安装漏电保护器 漏电保护器也叫保命器,它的作用从“保命器”这三个字就可以理解。因为潜水泵在水下工作,容易漏电造成电能损失甚至引发触电事故。如果装有漏电保护器,只要潜水泵漏电值超过漏电保护器的动作电流值(一般不超过30毫安),漏电保护器就会切断潜水泵的电源,避免漏电浪费电能,确保安全。 2、电源电压异常莫开机 农村由于低压供电线路比较长,线路的末端电压过低是常有的事。当相电压低于198伏,线电压低于342伏时,潜水泵电机转速下降,当达不到额定转速的70%时,启动离心开关会闭合,造成启动绕组长时间通电而发热甚至烧坏绕组和电容器。相反,电压过高引起电机过热而烧坏绕组。因此,潜水泵在作业中,操作者必须随时观察电源电压值,若低于额定电压10%以下,高于额定电压10%以上,应使电机停止运转,找出原因并排除故障。 3、避免频繁开关 不要频繁地开关潜水泵,这是因为电泵停转时会产生回流,若立即开机,会使电机负载启动,导致启动电流过大而烧坏绕组。由于启动时电流很大,频繁启动也会烧坏潜水泵电动机绕组。 4、莫让潜水电泵长期超负荷工作 为避免潜水电泵长期超负荷工作,不要抽含沙量大的水并随时观察电流值是否在铭牌上规定的数值,若发现电流过大,应停机检查。另外, 电泵脱水运行的时间不宜过长,以免使电机过热而烧毁。 5、电机的旋转方向要正确 应搞清电机的旋转方向,现在有许多类型的潜水泵正转和反转时皆可出水,但反转时出水量小、电流大,其反转时间长了会损坏电机绕组。 6电缆线安装与潜水电泵的绝缘电阻要求 安装潜水泵时,电缆线要架空,电源线不要太长。潜水泵下水或提出时切勿使电缆受力,以免引起电源线断裂。潜水泵工作时不要沉入泥中,否则会导致电机散热不良而烧坏电机绕组。安装时,电机的绝缘电阻不应低于0.5兆欧。 7、勤查勤看发现问题及时修复 平时要经常检查电机,如发现下盖有裂纹、橡胶密封环损坏或失效等,应及时更换或修复,避免水渗入潜水泵

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Use a small submersible pump should pay attention to the following seven: 1, earth leakage protection devices Leakage protection devices, also known as life insurance, its role from a "life insurance device," the three words you can understand. Submersible pump in the water because of the work, easy to leakage caused by power loss or even lead to electric shock. If equipped with residual current protection, as long as the submersible pump leakage exceeds the action leakage protection current value (generally not more than 30 mA), electric leakage protection device will cut off the submersible pump power, to avoid wasting electricity leakage, to ensure safety. 2, Mo Power supply voltage abnormality Comparison of low-voltage power lines in rural areas as a long line of the end of the voltage is too low is common. When the phase voltage below 198 volts, the line voltage is lower than 342 volts, the submersible pump motor speed down, when up to 70% less than rated speed, the centrifugal start switch closed, resulting in long start winding power and heat and even burn winding and capacitor. On the contrary, high voltage winding causing motor overheating and burnout. Therefore, the submersible pump in operation, the operator must always observe the power supply voltage value, if less than 10% of rated voltage less than 10% higher than the rated voltage, should the motor stop running, find out the reasons and troubleshooting. 3, to avoid frequent switching Do not frequently switch pump, this is because when the pump stops and will have returned, if an immediate start, will start the motor load, resulting in excessive current and burn start winding. As the start when the current large, frequent starts will burn submersible pump motor windings. 4, Do not Let the long-term overload of work Submersible Pump Submersible pump in order to avoid long-term overload of work, not pumping the water and sediment large current values observed at any time whether the value specified on the nameplate, if too much current is found, should be down to check. In addition, dewatering pump run time should not be too long to avoid the motor overheating and burning. 5, the motor direction of rotation to the right Should figure out the direction of motor rotation, there are many types of submersible pumps is transferred and the reverse when the Jieke water, but the reverse when the water is small, current, its inversion a long time may damage the motor windings. 6 submersible pump cable installation and the insulation resistance requirements Installation of submersible pumps, cables to overhead, power lines not too long. Submersible pump water or raise, not to force the cable in order to avoid power line fault. Submersible pump at work do not sink into the mud, otherwise they will lead to poor motor cooling motor windings burned. Installation, electrical insulation resistance of not less than 0.5 MΩ. 7, Qin Chaqin see the problems to fix Normally should always check the motor, found a crack under the cover, rubber sealing ring is damaged or lost, etc., should be replaced or repaired to prevent water infiltration submersible pump

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