[2010.05.13] Light without logic 无逻辑之光- 科技Science ...
本帖{zh1}由 asd053 于 2010-5-23 10:41 编辑

Optical computing's bright future


Light without logic


Optical devices are finally going inside computers, but only in parts


“GOD is light”, says the Bible. Light is also a source of inspiration in computing. Ever since the first optical transistors were developed in the late 1980s, researchers have dreamed of building a light-powered computer, radiating with knowledge. Yet this breakthrough has proved elusive. Now, however, new developments mean that optical technologies are starting to appear inside computers. The all-optical computer remains a dream, but selected components that can work with light will make their way into computers ever more deeply.


It is easy to see the attraction of replacing electrons, which travel along copper wires and make today’s computers tick, with photons. These particles of light are the fastest things in the universe, so an optical computer could theoretically process information at speeds that make even a supercomputer look glacial. So far, however, optical technology has been confined mostly to telecoms networks and some of the cabling in data centres. Photons are ideal for piping information over long distances. They whizz through optical fibres, rarely getting lost or interfering with one another (which is why different coloured signals can be sent down a single fibre, to multiply its capacity).


But at each end of the fibre, optical signals must be converted to and from the electrical signals that computers use to process information. The components that do such conversion are expensive. This does not matter in a network, where costs can be spread among many users. But this expense has kept optical data-links from being used inside personal computers and servers. That is now changing because computer systems are outrunning their electrical wiring. Peripheral devices like printers, hard drives and screens are getting more demanding; networks are running faster and, most importantly, the power of processors continues to increase exponentially. The so-called “interconnects” between all these components are struggling to keep up. It is in this area where a number of new optical alternatives are emerging from some of the biggest firms in the business.


Data in a flash

One of these new interconnects, called Light Peak, has been developed by Intel. It is being used to give ordinary PCs the ability to connect with other devices using high-speed optical cables at ten gigabits per second—20 times faster than a standard USB cable. This means the cable could drive a high-definition display or transfer a movie in seconds. Light Peak, predicts Mario Paniccia, the head of Intel’s photonics lab, will make optical connections as pervasive as wireless ones—and drive demand for more powerful processors, which explains Intel’s interest.

因特尔公司研发出来一种新型互联技术,我们叫它”Light Peak”。这种用于联接计算机与外部其他设备间高速传输的光缆速率可达10Gb/s,是普通USB线速率的20倍。这意味着它可以驱动高清显示或者在几秒钟的时间内传输一部电影。因特尔光子实验室负责人Mario Paniccia预测,Light Peak会让光传输像无线传输一样普及——并且促进更强大的处理器的研发,这就是因特尔公司的利益所在。

Intel did not have to invent anything new, but it did have to work out how to make small, cheap versions of the converters that turn electrical signals into light and vice versa. Having developed a simplified, low-cost chip to do the job, Intel also devised ways to assemble and test the components quickly, and signed up a group of suppliers to churn them out by the million, starting next year.


Hewlett-Packard’s concern is keeping its servers competitive: their cabling is getting bulkier, and data centres are becoming much harder to cool and increasingly energy hungry. So it is developing an optical replacement for the interconnects in server “racks”. Instead of optical fibre, HP is using waveguides—small strips of plastic with grooves on their highly reflective metallic walls. Again, using this technology to transmit light is not a new thing, but HP’s researchers have managed to cut costs by making waveguides with an injection-moulding system similar to that used to mass-produce CDs.


Over at IBM, researchers are using optical interconnects to make supercomputers run faster. To speed up the flow of data, electrons need to be turned into photons “as close as possible to where the signal is processed”, explains Bert Offrein of IBM Research. For this reason, it is mounting fibre-optic cables straight onto the chips that direct the traffic between a supercomputer’s multiple processors.

再看看IBM公司,研究者们正在通过光学链接让超级计算机运行更快。IBM研究院的Bert Offrein解释道:“要想提高数据流,就需要在信号被处理的前一瞬间将电子转换成光子”。因此,越来越多的光纤电缆直接应用到芯片上以建立超级计算机多处理器间的直接通信。

The idea of using similar optical interconnects between a computer’s various components is, based on existing technology, not something that is about to appear in humble home or office PCs any time soon. It is hard to make such components small and cheap enough to compete with copper wiring. But one technology that does show promise in making such connections is called “silicon photonics”. It uses similar methods to those employed to manufacture processors and other types of integrated circuits.


Conveniently, silicon is not a bad material for making optical devices. Researchers at HP Labs recently managed to etch a pattern into a flat piece of silicon so that it could focus light “like a spoon”, says Raymond Beausoleil of HP Labs. This effect, he says, could be used to improve lasers and replace expensive lenses in DVD players and other consumer products.

并且硅还是一种制造光学设备不错的材料。惠普实验室的Raymond Beausoleil称,其研究院最近成功的将晶格蚀刻在一片平坦的硅片上以至于能像匙状物般聚焦光。这样的话就能用来增强激光和替换DVD播放器与其他消费品上昂贵的镜头。

For its part, IBM has used silicon to develop a fast and extremely thin photodetector to convert optical signals into electrical ones. And Intel has come up with an entire kit of tiny optical devices made of silicon, which it hopes one day to combine on optical chips, such as waveguides and lasers. But one vital building block is missing from Intel’s kit: an optical equivalent of the transistors that perform the logical operations at the heart of a computer.


This missing bit does not surprise David Miller of the Photonics Research Centre at Stanford University. Optical transistors, he says, will have a hard time competing with electrical ones, not least because there is no agreement over the best way to build them. Various techniques for making optical transistors regularly appear in laboratories. But using light to process information is tricky, requires exotic materials and lasers that demand more power than conventional transistors. Moreover, miniaturisation is not straightforward, not least because lasers cannot be made as small as transistors. So mass-produced optical processors remain far off. But at least the other bits are on the way.

斯坦福大学光电研究中心的David Miller认为这种缺失一点都不稀奇。光电晶体管难以与电子晶体管竞争,这不仅仅是因为没有一项协议提供{zh0}的制造方式。各种制造光电晶体管的技术陆续在实验室出现。但用光学处理信息是非常复杂的,它需要进口材料与比传统晶体管更高的功耗。此外,小型化的困难尤其体现于激光器无法做得像晶体管一样小。所以,虽然大规模生产光处理器还任重道远,但至少它已经启程了。
all-optical computer  写成全光计算机就可以了 那个学字没必要的 专业术语是全光计算机
It is easy to see the attraction of replacing electrons, which travel along copper wires and make today’s computers tick这句里的tick指的是现在计算机里的线路 不是光纤吧?
These particles of light  不要用 光粒子 读起来别扭的 直接说 光子好了
waveguides 就是波导 不要加那个管
an optical equivalent of the transistors 意思是一个等效于晶体管的光学器件 不是光纤...
回复 asd053
all-optical computer  写成全光计算机就可以了 那个学字没必要的 专业术语是全光计算机
It is easy to see the attraction of replacing electrons, which travel along copper wires and make today’s computers tick这句里的tick指的是现在计算机里的线路 不是光纤吧?
These particles of light  不要用 光粒子 读起来别扭的 直接说 光子好了
waveguides 就是波导 不要加那个管
an optical equivalent of the transistors 意思是一个等效于晶体管的光学器件 不是光纤...
回复 kik1111

‘It is easy to see the attraction of replacing electrons, which travel along copper wires and make today’s computers tick,with photons.’

有一个tick的意思是:In simulations, the discrete unit of time that passes between iterations of the simulation mechanism. In AI applications, this amount of time is often left unspecified, since the only constraint of interest is the ordering of events. This sort of AI simulation is often pejoratively referred to as "tick-tick-tick" simulation, especially when the issue of simultaneity of events with long, independent chains of causes is handwaved。    ()

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