
调节机构是将执行机构的输出位移变化转换为控制阀阀芯和阀座间流通面积变化的装置。通常称调节机构为阀,例如直通单座阀、角形阀等。其结构特点可从下列几方面分析。 从结构看,调节机构由阀体、阀内件、上阀盖组件、下阀盖等组成。阀体是被控流体流过的设备,它用于连接管道和实现流体通路,并提供阀座等阀内件的支撑。阀内件是在阀内部直接与被控介质接触的组件,包括阀芯、阀座、阀杆、导向套、套筒、密封环等。通常,上阀盖组件包括上阀盖、填料腔、填料、上盖板和连接螺栓等。在一些调节机构中下阀盖作为阀体的一部分,并不分离。下阀盖用于带底导向的 调节机构,它包括下阀盖、导向套和排放螺丝等。为安装和维护方便,一些调节机构的上阀盖与阀体合一,而下阀盖与阀体分离,称为阀体分离型阀,例如一些高压阀和阀体分离阀。 从阀体结构看,可分为带一个阀座和一个阀芯的单座阀阀体、带两个阀座和一个阀芯的双阀座阀体、带一个连接人口和一个连接出口的两通阀体、带三个连接口(一个人口和两个出口的分流或两个人口和一个出口的合流)的三通阀体。 从阀芯位移看,调节机构分为直线位移阀和角位移阀。它们分别与直线位移的执行机构和角位移执行机构配合使用。直通阀、角形阀、套筒阀等属于直线位移阀,也称为滑动阀杆阀(SlidingStemValve)o蝶阀、偏心旋转阀、球阀等属于角位移阀,也称为旋转阀(Ro-taryValve)o近年也有一些制造·厂商推出了移动阀座的控制阀,它与角行程执行机构配合,但从阀芯的相对位移看,仍是直线位移,例如Nufflo控制阀。 从阀芯导向看,可分为顶导向、顶底导向、·套筒导向、阀杆导向和阀座导向等类型。对于流体的控制和关闭等,阀芯的导向十分重要,阀芯导向用于阀芯和阀座的对中配合。顶导向采用阀盖或阀体内的一个导向套或填料结构实现导向;顶底导向采用阀盖和下阀盖的导向套实现导向,对双座阀和需要xx导向的调节机构需采用顶底导向;套筒导向采用阀芯的外表面与套筒的内表面进行导向,这种导向方式具有自对中性能,能够xx实现阀芯和阀座的对中;阀杆导向采用上阀盖上的导向套与阀座环对中,用轴套与阀杆实现导向;阀座导向在小流量控制阀中被采用,它用阀座直接进行对中。 从阀芯所受不平衡力看,调节机构的阀芯有不平衡和平衡两种类型。平衡式阀芯是在阀芯上开有平衡孔的阀芯,当阀芯移动时,阀芯上、下部因有平衡孔连接,因此,两侧压力差的绝大部分被抵消,大大减小不平衡力对阀芯的作用,平衡式阀芯需要平衡腔室,因此,需密封装置密封。根据流向不同,平衡阀芯所受的压力可以是阀前压力(中心向外流向),也可以是阀后压力(外部向中心流向)。平衡阀芯可用于套筒结构的阀芯,也可用于柱塞结构的阀芯。不平衡阀芯的两侧分别是控制阀阀前和阀后的压力,因此,阀芯所受不平衡力大,同样口径控制阀需要更大推力的执行机构才能操作。 从阀芯降压看,阀芯结构有单级降压和多级降压之分。单级降压结构因两端的压差大,因此,适用于噪声小、空化不严重的场合。在降噪要求高,空化严重的场合。 在多级降压结构中,控制阀两端的压差被分解为几个压差,使在各分级的压差较小,都不会发生空化和闪蒸现象,从而防止空化和闪蒸发生,也使噪声大大降低。 从流量特性看,根据流通面积的不同变化,可分为线性特、等百分比特性、快开特性、抛物线特性、双曲线特性及一些修正特性等。流量特、J陛表示阀杆位移与流体流量之间的关系。通常,采用流量特性来补偿被控对象的非线性特性。阀芯的形状或套筒开孔形状决定控制阀的流量特性。直行,程阀芯可分为平板型(用于快开)、柱塞型、窗口型和套筒型等。由于开孔面积变化不同,阀芯移动时,流通面积也不同,从而实现所需流量特性。柱塞型阀和窗口型阀也可根据所需流量特性有不同形状。角行程阀的阀芯也有不同形状,例如,用于蝶阀的传统阀板、动态轮廓阀板; 用于球阀的O形开孔、V形开孔和修正型开孔等结构。 快开 线性 等百分比     图1 三种常用套筒控制阀的套筒示意图 从阀内件的互换性看,一些调节机构的阀内件可方便地更换和维护,例如,套筒阀可方便地更换套筒实现不同流量特性;顶底导向的阀内件可方便地翻转阀芯和阀座来实现正体阀与反体阀的更换,从而实现气开和气关方式的更换;阀体分离阀可方便地拆卸,用于阀座更换和清洗。 从上阀盖结构看,根据不同应用要求,可采用普通阀盖,也可采用长颈型阀盖或带散热或吸热片的长颈型阀盖,另外还有波纹管密封型阀盖。长颈型阀盖用于高温和低温的应用,保护阀杆填料,使之不受介质温度影响,防止黏结、咬卡、泄漏或降低润滑效果。除了通过把阀盖延伸,使填料处温度远离介质工作温度的长颈型阀盖外,也可增加散热或吸热片,制成带散热或吸热片的长颈型阀盖,使介质温度得到降低或提高。通常,铸造的长颈型阀盖具有较好的散热性和较高的高温适应性,被用于高温应用场合;不锈钢装配的长颈型阀盖具有较低的热传导性和较好的低温适应性,被用于低温应用场合。当不允许被控介质泄漏时,不能采用常用填料结构的上阀盖,必须采用带波纹管密封的上阀盖。这种结构采用波纹管密封,可使被控介质被密封在阀体内,不与填料接触,防止流体泄漏。在选用时需考虑波纹管的耐压和温度影响。 从调节机构与管道的连接看,有旋人式管螺纹连接、法兰连接、无法兰的夹接连接和焊接连接等几种。小型控制阀常采用旋人式管螺纹连接,阀体连接端是锥管阴螺纹,管道连接端为锥管阳螺纹。这种连接方式适用于口径小于2”的控制阀阀体与管道的连接,不,适用于高温工况。由于维护、拆卸困难,因此,需要在控制阀的上下游安装活接头。法兰连接采用与控制阀配套的法兰,用螺栓和垫片进行连接,配套法兰焊接在管道上。根据控制阀连接法兰的不同,有不同的配套法兰,例如,有平法兰、凸面法兰、环形结合面法兰等。所用法兰应与控制阀额定工作压力和温度相适应。平法兰连接时,可在两片法兰面间安装垫片,适用’于低压、铸铁和铜质控制阀的安装连接。凸面法兰上加工有扒紧线,它是一个与法兰同心的小槽,当两片法兰间安装的垫片在螺栓作用下压紧时,垫片会进入扒紧线的槽内,使连接处的密封更紧密,凸面法兰连接适用于大多数应用场合使用的铸钢、合金钢的控制阀。环形结合面法兰用于高压控制阀的连接,采用透镜垫片,当压紧垫片时,垫片被压人法兰凸面上的U形槽内,形成严密密封。夹接连接适用于闸阀、蝶阀等低压、大口径控制阀的连接,采用外部的法兰夹住控制阀,并在连接面安放垫片,用螺栓压紧法兰完成阀与管道的连接。焊接连接将控制阀直接与管道焊接,可采用套接焊接或对接焊接。焊接连接的优点是可实现严格密封,缺点是焊接连接需要阀体材质可焊接,而且不易从管道拆卸,因此,一般不采用焊接连接。

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Adjusting mechanism is the executive body converts the output of displacement control valve spool and valve seat area change between the flow of the device. Valve regulating agencies are usually called, for example, through single-seat valve, angle valve. Its structural features can be analyzed from the following areas. From the structure, the regulatory agencies from the valve body, valve parts, components on the valve cover, under the valve cover and other components. Body is charged with fluid flowing through the device, which is used to connect pipes and achieve fluid access, and to provide valve seat and other trim support. Trim in the valve within the direct contact with the charged media components, including valve, valve seat, stem, guide sleeve, sleeve, seal ring. Typically, the valve cover components including the valve cover, fill cavity, packing, on the cover and connecting bolts. In some regulatory agencies as the lower body part of the valve cover, not separation. Under the valve cover for the adjusting mechanism with bottom-oriented, it includes the next valve cover, guide sleeve and emission bolts. Easy to install and maintain a number of regulatory agencies in the valve cover and body unity, while the separation under the valve cover and valve body, known as the separation of valve body, such as some high-pressure valve and the valve body separation. From the body structure, can be divided into a spool with a single-seat and seat valve body, valve seat and a spool with two dual-seat body, with a population and a link connecting the two export pass valve, with three connector (with a population, and two export diversion or two people and a confluence of exports) of the valve body. View from the spool displacement, regulatory agencies are divided into linear displacement and angular displacement valve valve. They are with the linear displacement and angular displacement of the implementing agencies with implementing agencies to use. Through valve, angular valve, sleeve valve is linear displacement valve, also known as sliding stem valve (SlidingStemValve) o butterfly, eccentric rotary valve, ball valve and so on are angular displacement, also known as the rotary valve (Ro-taryValve ) o There are some manufacturers in recent years launched a mobile seat control valve, which match with the rotary actuator, but the relative displacement of the spool of view, is still linear displacement, such as Nufflo control valve. Guidance from the spool of view, can be divided into top-oriented, top and bottom guidance, * sleeve orientation, stem orientation and other types of seat orientation. Fluid control and shut down for so orientation is important spool, spool valve guide and seat for the match against China. Top guide valve cover or valve body with a guide sleeve or packing structure to achieve orientation; guided by top and bottom valve cover and valve cover, under the guidance sets to achieve orientation of the two-seat valves and precision-oriented regulatory agencies need to be guided by top and bottom ; sleeve oriented with the outer surface of the spool and the inner sleeve surface orientation that this method on the performance of self, to achieve accurate on the spool and the valve seat; stem with the valve cover of the guide guide sleeve and valve seat rings, the use of sleeve and stem to achieve orientation; seat-oriented flow control valves in the small was used, it is used directly on the valve seat. Unbalanced force suffered from the spool of view, regulating body spool with two types of imbalance and balance. Balanced valve is opened in a balanced valve hole on the spool, when the valve moves the spool on the lower part due to a balance hole connection, so most of the pressure difference on both sides were offset by significantly reduced The role of unbalanced force on the valve, balanced the need to balance the spool chamber, therefore, need to seal seal. According to different flows, the pressure balance spool valve can be pre-pressure (center outward flow), can also be a back pressure valve (external to the center of the flow). Balance the spool valve can be used for the sleeve structure, the structure can also be used for the plunger valve. The sides are unbalanced spool control valve before and after the pressure valve, so valve core suffered unbalanced force, the same caliber need for greater thrust control valve actuator to operate. Step-down view from the spool, spool structure of single-stage step-down and multi-stage step-down of the points. Single-stage step-down structure, large because of the pressure difference at both ends, therefore, suitable for low noise, cavitation is not a serious occasion. Noise reduction requirements in high cavitation serious occasions. In the multi-stage step-down structure, both ends of the pressure control valve was broken down into several pressure, so that the pressure in the lower grades, will not occur the phenomenon of cavitation and flashing, to prevent cavitation and flashing steam occurs, also greatly reduced noise. View from the flow characteristics, according to the different variations of flow area can be divided into linear characteristics, such as the percentage of features, quick open feature, the parabolic characteristics, hyperbolic properties and characteristics of some correction. Flow characteristics, J Pi, said stem displacement and fluid flow relationship. Typically, the use of flow characteristic to compensate for the nonlinear characteristics of the controlled object. Spool or sleeve in the shape of the shape of the decision opening the flow control valve characteristics. Straight-way valve can be divided into flat type (for quick), plunger-type, window type and sleeve type and so on. As the different changes in open area, the spool moves, the flow area is different, in order to achieve the required flow characteristics. Plunger-type valve and the window valve flow characteristics can be different according to the required shape. Rotary valve spool also have different shapes, for example, for the traditional butterfly valve plate, the dynamic contour valve plate; O-shaped hole for ball valve, V-shaped opening, and Modified hole structure. The percentage of linear and so quick Figure 1 Three common control valve sleeve sleeve diagram Interchangeability of parts from the valve to see some adjusting mechanism trim can be easily replaced and maintained, for example, the sleeve valve sleeve can be easily replaced to achieve different flow characteristics; top and bottom-oriented trim can be easily turn the spool and the valve seat to achieve positive and anti-body to replace the valve body to achieve the air to open the way to replace gas off; valve isolation valve can be easily dismantled for the seat replacement and cleaning. From the valve cover structure, according to different application requirements, can use regular valve cover, also can use the long-necked type valve cover, or with heat or heat-absorbing film of the long-necked type valve cover, in addition to Bellows seal valve cover. Long-necked type valve cover for the low and high temperature applications, the protection valve stem packing, so from medium temperature to prevent the bond, biting card, leakage or reduced lubrication. In addition to extending through the valve cover, so that the temperature packing medium temperature of the long neck away from the valve cap, the can increase heat or heat-absorbing film, made with heat, or heat-absorbing film of long-necked type valve cover to medium temperature is reduced or increased. Typically, the cast of the long-necked type valve cover has good heat dissipation and high temperature adaptation, be used for high temperature applications; stainless steel valve cover assembly of the long neck has a lower thermal conductivity and good low-temperature adaptation sex, were used in cryogenic applications. When accused of media leaks are not allowed when the structure can not be used on a common filler valve cover must be sealed with a bellows on the valve cover. This structure with bellows seal can be sealed in the valve was charged with medium body, not with the packing contacts, to prevent fluid leakage. Should be considered in the selection of bellows when the pressure and temperature. From regulating agencies and the pipeline connection to see, spinning one pipe thread connection, flange connection, the clip can not access lan connection and welded connections of several. Small rotary control valves were often used pipe thread connections, valve connectors are tapered pipe female thread, pipe connectors for the male cone tube. This connection applies to diameter smaller than 2 "of the control valve body and pipeline connections, is not suitable for high temperature condition. Due to maintenance, removal difficulties, therefore, need to install control valves upstream and downstream activities connector. Flange complete with control valve connected with the flange, bolts and washers to connect, matching flange welded on the pipe. under the control valves and flanges of different, have different matching flanges, for example, have flat flange, convex flange ring flange combination of such surfaces. The flange should control valve rated pressure and temperature adapt. flat flange connection can be installed between two flange gasket, for 'in the low pressure, cast iron and brass control valve connected to the installation. convex flange on the process with Grilled tight line, it is a little slot concentric with flange, when the two flange gasket is installed in the room under the action of clamping bolts, the gasket will Grilled tight line into the tank, so that the sealing junction more closely, convex flange connections for most applications the use of cast steel, alloy steel valves. annular flange joint surface pressure control valve for connection with lens gasket, gasket when compressed, the gasket being pressed on the flange convex U-slot form tight seal. folder then connect suitable gate valve, butterfly valve and so low pressure, large diameter valve connection, use of external control valve flange clamp, and placed in the connecting surface pads, complete with bolt clamping flange valve and pipe connection. welded directly connected to control valves and pipe welding, socket weld or butt weld can be used. welding connection can be realized the advantages of strict sealing, welding defects is needed to connect body material can be welded, but not easily from the pipes dismantled, welded connections are generally not used.

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