
水泵的检修间隙调整 发电厂所有水泵的检修中,给水泵因其级数多、压力高、转速高,所以给水泵检修的技术含量较高。而在给水泵的检修中,在保证水泵动静部分无缺陷的情况下,水泵检修的质量xx靠间隙的正确测量与调整来保证。在水泵众多的间隙及检修数据中,每种间隙及检修数据并不是独立的,而是互相联系、互相制约的。每种间隙的数值都是由水泵的制造与运行要求确定的。 目前,高压力、大扬程的给水泵使用中,双壳体泵以其运行稳定、检修方便,应用比较广泛。下面结合双壳体给水泵检修过程对水泵各部间隙的作用、测量及调整进行简单阐述。 1、给水泵的解体 a)与上次检修时的数据进行对比,从数据的变化分析原因制定检修方案; 与回装时的数据进行对比,避免回装错误。 1.1轴瓦的间隙紧力及瓦口间隙 轴瓦顶部间隙一般取轴径的0.15%~0.2%,瓦口间隙为顶部间隙的一半。瓦盖紧力一般取0.00mm~0.03mm。间隙旨在保证轴瓦的润滑与冷却以及避免轴振动对轴瓦的影响。如果在解体过程中发现与标准有出入,应进行分析,制定针对性处理方案并处理。 1.2水泵工作窜量 水泵工作窜量取0.8mm~1.2mm。工作窜量的数值主要是保证机械密封在水泵启停工况及事故工况下不发生机械碰撞和挤压。也是水泵运行中防止动静摩擦的一个重要措施。 1.3水泵高低压侧大小端盖与进出口端的间隙 测量水泵高低压侧大小端盖与进出口端的间隙目的在于检查紧固螺栓是否有松动现象,同时为水泵组装时留下螺栓紧固的施力依据。 1.4水泵半窜量的测量 在未拆除平衡盘的状态下测量水泵的半窜量,水泵的半窜量应该是水泵总窜量的一半,一般情况下其数值为4mm左右。检查水泵半窜量与原始数据进行比较,可找出平衡盘磨损量及水泵效率降低的原因。 1.5水泵总窜量的复查 拆除平衡盘后即可测量水泵总窜量,水泵总窜量是水泵的制造及安装后固有的数值,一般水泵总窜量在8mm~l0mm。水泵总窜量如果发生变化,则说明水泵各中段紧固螺栓有松动或水泵动静部分轴向发生磨损。 1.6水泵各级窜量 水泵在抽出芯包后就要对各级中段及叶轮进行解体,在解体过程中应对水泵逐级进行窜量测量,在测量各级窜量的过程中还应对各级中段止口轴向间隙进行测量。各级中段的窜量应在总窜量数值的附近,一般不超过0.50mm,如数值偏差较大或与原始数据出入较大,应认真分析原因,并进行xx。各级中段止口间隙的测量是为了检验水泵总装的误差。 1.7解体过程各数据的测量,目的是根据数据进行分析,找出水泵故障的原因,制定本次检修的方案及针对性处理措施。同时,在回装过程中进行参考,检验回装过程的误差。 2、水泵静止部件检修中间隙的测量与调整 2.1各中段止口径向间隙的测量与调整 将相邻两泵段迭起,再往复推动上面的泵段, 百分表读数差就是止口间隙。然后按上法对90°方位再测量一次取其平均数。其间隙值一般为0.04mm~0.08mm,当大于0.1mm时,就要进行修理。简单的修理方法,可在间隙较大的中断凸止口周围均匀地堆焊6~8处,每处长度25mm~40mm,然后将止口车削到需要尺寸。各中段止口间隙数据在水泵检修中非常重要,止口间隙过大,则增加了水泵转子的相对晃度,造成水泵通流间隙的偏移,二单侧间隙减小,运行中则有可能发生动静摩擦引起水泵抱死。止口间隙过小则有可能发生中段安装不到位,人为减小水泵总窜量,轻则降低水泵效率,重则引起动静摩擦,损坏设备。 2.2导叶与泵壳的径向间隙测量与调整 现代高压给水泵的导叶一般采用不锈钢制造,当导叶冲刷损坏严重时,应更换新导叶。新导叶在使用前应将流道打磨光滑,这样可提高水泵效率。导叶与泵壳径向间隙一般为0.04mm~0.06mm。固定导叶的定位销与泵壳为过盈配合,其紧力为0.02mm~0.04mm,与导叶为间隙配合。导叶在泵壳内应被压紧,以防导叶与泵壳隔板平面磨损。为此可在导叶背面沿圆周方向,并尽量靠近外缘均匀地钻3~4孔,加上紫铜钉,利用紫铜钉的过盈量使两平面压紧,如图2a所示。在装紫铜钉之前,先测量出导叶与泵壳之间的轴向间隙,其方法是在泵段的密封面及导叶下面放上3~4根铅丝,再将导叶与另一泵段放上,如图2b所示,垫上软金属用大锤轻轻敲打几下,取出铅丝测其厚度,两个地方铅丝平均厚度之差,即为间隙值。紫铜钉的高度应比测出的间隙值多0.5mm,这样泵壳压紧后,导叶便有一定的预紧力。 2.3水泵密封环、导叶套间隙的测量与调整 密封环与导叶衬套分别装在泵壳及导叶上。它们的材料多采用黄铜制造,其硬度远远低于叶轮。当与叶轮发生摩擦时,首先损坏的是密封环和导叶衬套。若发现其磨损量超过规定值或有裂纹时,必须进行更换,密封环同叶轮的径向(直径)间隙,随密封环的直径大小而异,一般为密封环内径的1.5‰~3‰;磨损后的允许{zd0}间隙不得超过密封环内径的4‰~8‰(密封直径小,取大比值;直径大,取小比值)。密封环同泵壳的配合,如有紧固螺钉可采用间隙配合,其值为0.03mm~0.05mm;若无紧固螺钉,其配合应有一定紧力,紧力值为0~0.03mm。导叶衬套同叶轮的间隙应略小于密封环同叶轮的间隙(小1/10)。导叶与导叶衬套为过盈配合(过盈量约为0.015mm~0.02mm),还需用止动螺钉紧固。 3、水泵转子部件检修中间隙的测量与调整 3.1水泵轴的弯曲 高压水泵结构精密,动、静部分之间间隙小,转子的转速高,轴的负荷重,因此对轴的要求比较严格。轴的弯曲度一般不允许超过0.02mm,超过0.04mm时应进行直轴工作。泵轴弯曲过大将增加水泵转子的晃度,水泵转子晃度增大势必要增加密封环及导叶衬套间隙,以防治动静磨损,而增大其间隙就会降低水泵效率。且间隙增加到一定量,还会形成涡流,引起水泵振动。 3.2叶轮与泵轴装配间隙 多级给水泵的叶轮与泵轴装配一般是间隙配合,其间隙值在0.00mm~0.04mm。这是由水泵轴及叶轮加工公差决定的。间隙过小或过盈一方面增加组装难度,另外影响转子部件热膨胀,增加水泵转子后天性晃度的产生引起转子质量不平衡。间隙过大增加水泵转子晃度,造成水泵转子动平衡不稳定。叶轮内孔与轴的配合部位,由于长期使用和多次拆装,其配合间隙将增大,此时可将配合的轴段或叶轮内孔用喷涂法修复。 3.3泵轴键及键槽间隙的调整 叶轮与泵轴靠键传递转动。键和泵轴键槽应该是过盈配合,紧力在0.00mm~0.03mm。键和叶轮键槽应是间隙配合,其值也在0.00mm~0.03mm。 3.4转子小装 a)小装的目的 转子小装也称预装或试装,是决定组装质量的关键。其目的为:测量并xx转子紧态晃动,以避免内部摩擦,减少振动和改善轴封工况;调整叶轮之间的轴向距离,以保证各级叶轮的出口中心对准;确定调节套的尺寸。 b)转子套装件轴向膨胀间隙的确定 因为转子套装件与泵轴材质不一样,另外,泵轴两端均在泵体以外。所以在热态下,泵轴与转子套装件膨胀不一样,一般情况下,转子套装件膨胀量大于泵轴,所以在转子组装时要对转子套装件留有热膨胀间隙。转子的膨胀间隙的数值是根据转子的长短及水温确定的。一般在10个叶轮左右的转子其膨胀间隙在1mm左右。膨胀间隙过大,则不能很好紧固转子套装件,膨胀间隙过小,则可能造成转子热态下的弯曲,造成动静摩擦,损坏设备。 c)小装前的检查 检查转子上各部件尺寸,xx明显超差。 轴上套装件晃度一般不应超过0.02mm。对轴上所有的套装件,如叶轮、平衡盘、轴套等,应在专用工具上进行端面对轴中心线垂直度的检查。如图4a所示,假轴与套装件保持0.00mm~0.04mm间隙配合,用手转动套装件,转动一周后百分表的跳动值应在0.015mm以下,用同样方法检查另一端面的垂直度。也可不用假轴,将装件放在平板上测量,如图4b所示,这样的测量法不能得出端面与轴中心线的垂直误差,得出的是上下端面的平行误差。 d)水泵转子晃动度的测量 做好上述准备工作后,将套装件清扫干净,并按从低压侧到高压侧的顺序依次装在轴上,拧紧轴套锁母,留好膨胀间隙(对于热套转子,只装首、末两极叶轮,中间各级不装)。然后分别测出各部位的晃动。 转子小装晃度符合要求后,应对各部件相对位置做好记号,叶轮要打好字头,依次拆除,等待总装。 4、水泵芯包组装及总装间隙的调整 4.1转子总窜量的测量 在芯包组装过程中要对每级叶轮进行总窜量测量以保证水泵轴向间隙,组装过程中{zd0}与最小窜量的偏差不能超过0.50mm,否则就得检查原因并xx。水泵总窜量关系到叶轮出口中心线与导叶入口中心线的对中,直接影响水泵的效率及水泵的运行周期。水泵芯包组装完毕穿入外壳体内,水泵进出口端安装完毕并将拉紧螺栓全部拧紧后,还要作一次总窜量的测量,此时不装轴承及轴封,也不装平衡盘,而用专用套代替平衡盘套装在轴上,并上好轴套螺母,在轴端装一百分表,然后拨动转子,转子在前后终端位置的百分表读数差即是水泵的总窜量。测出的窜量数值与分级窜量进行比较,如有出入要分析原因并xx。 4.2转子轴向位置(半窜量)的调整 完成转子总窜量的测量调整后,将平衡盘、调整套装好并将锁母紧固到小装位置,架上百分表,前后拨动转子,百分表读数差即为转子半窜量。转子半窜量应为总窜量的一半,如半窜量与总窜量不符,应对调整套进行调整使之符合。 4.3工作窜量的调整 大型给水泵都装有工作窜量调整装置,有的给水泵用推力瓦进行调整,有的给水泵用推力轴承进行调整,测量方法与转子测总半窜量方法一样,在推力轴承(或推力瓦)工作面或非工作面进行加减垫即可对工作窜量进行调整。一般给水泵工作窜量取0.8mm~1.2mm。当泵启动与停止而平衡盘尚未建立压差时,叶轮的轴向推力由推力轴承的工作瓦块承受。平衡盘一旦建立压差,叶轮的轴向推力就xx由平衡盘平衡,而推力盘与工作瓦块脱离接触。要达到这样的要求,将转子推向进口侧,使推力盘紧靠工作瓦块,此时平衡盘与平衡座应有0.01mm的间隙。若间隙过大或无间隙,可调整工作瓦块背部的垫片,也可调整平衡盘在轴上的位置。推力轴承在运行时的油膜厚约为0.02mm~0.03mm,要使推力轴承在泵正常运行时不工作,平衡盘与平衡座在运行时的间隙应大于0.03mm~0.045mm,只有这样推力盘才能处于工作瓦块和非工作瓦块不投入工作。如果推力轴承仍然处于工作状态,则应重新调整平衡盘与平衡座的轴向间隙。 推力盘与非工作瓦块的轴向间隙远远小于转子叶轮背部间隙(即半窜量),当水泵因汽蚀或工况不稳而产生窜轴时,推力盘与非工作瓦块先起作用,不致发生转子与泵壳相摩擦的故障。 4.4水泵径向间隙的调整 泵体装完后,将两端的端盖、瓦架装好,即可调整转子与静子的同心度(抬轴)。 对于转子与静子的同心度要求是:半抬等于总抬量的一半或者稍小一点(考虑转子静挠度),瓦口间隙两侧相等且四角均匀。 抬轴的测量:未装轴瓦前,在两端轴承架上各装1只百分表,表的测杆中心线要垂直于轴中心线并接触到轴颈上。用撬棍在轴的两端同时平稳地将轴抬起,其在上下位置时百分表的读数差,就是转子的总抬量。 将转子撬起,放入下瓦,此时百分表的读数应为转子半抬量,并且应该是总抬量的一半,否则就需进行调整。调整时如果轴承架下有调整螺栓,则只需松、紧螺栓即可。若无调整螺栓,则可调整轴瓦下面的垫片厚度。 对于转子与静子两侧的同心度,一般借助轴瓦两侧瓦口间隙是否均匀来认定。放入下瓦后用塞尺测量轴瓦4个瓦口间隙,调整均匀且瓦口单侧间隙应为轴瓦顶部间隙的一半。 4.5轴瓦及机械密封间隙的调整 轴瓦间隙紧力的调整参照解体过程所说的要求进行调整。机械密封的间隙调整原则是:机械密封静环预紧力的压缩量是总压缩量的一半,调整方法是将水泵转子推向水泵低压侧,调整机械密动环与泵轴密封圈的紧力,保证水泵高低压侧机械密封的预紧力。 5、其它间隙的调整 5.1联轴器中心 给水泵联轴器中心的调整是水泵检修中的一个重要的间隙调整,中心调整不当直接危害是水泵的振动加大。联轴器中心一般要求外园偏差小于0.05mm,两对轮张口偏差小于0.04.发电厂所有水泵的检修中,给水泵因其级数多、压力高、转速高,所以给水泵检修的技术含量较高。而在给水泵的检修中,在保证水泵动静部分无缺陷的情况下,水泵检修的质量xx靠间隙的正确测量与调整来保证。在水泵众多的间隙及检修数据中,每种间隙及检修数据并不是独立的,而是互相联系、互相制约的。每种间隙的数值都是由水泵的制造与运行要求确定的。

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Pump Maintenance gap adjustment Maintenance of all pumps in the power plant, because progression to pump more, high pressure, high speed, so to pump high-tech overhaul. Maintenance in a pump, in the static part of the pump to ensure defect-free case, the water pump repair quality entirely by the gap to ensure correct measurement and adjustment. Many gaps in the pump and maintenance data, maintenance data for each gap and not independent, but interrelated and mutually conditioned. The value of each space by the water pump manufacturing and operational requirements identified. Currently, high pressure, large head of a pump in use, the double hull pump with its stable operation, easy maintenance, used widely. The following combination of double hull to the water pump repair process on the role of gap ministries pumps, measurement and adjustment of a simple set. 1, to the disintegration of the pump a) when the last maintenance of data comparing the changes from the data analysis of the reasons for development of maintenance programs; And return the data when comparing loaded to prevent loading errors returned. 1.1 Bearing capacity and tile gap tight and gap And generally the shaft bearing at the top clearance of 0.15% and 0.2%, tile gap and gap to the top half. W rouse the general power to take 0.00mm ~ 0.03mm. Clearance to ensure the lubrication of bearings and cooling and to avoid the impact of axial vibration on the bearing. If the disintegration of discrepancies found during the standard should be analyzed and processed to develop targeted treatment programs. 1.2 Clearance of pump work The work of channeling water pump to measure 0.8mm ~ 1.2mm. Clearance of the value of work is mainly to ensure the water pump mechanical seal condition and accident operation Kai lockout does not occur collision and extrusion machinery. Pump operation to prevent the movement is an important measure of friction. 1.3 water pump cover and the high and low voltage side of the size of the export side of the gap Measurement of high voltage side of the size of the pump cover and the purpose of import and export side of the gap checking whether the loosening fastening bolts, water pump assembly while leaving the force on the basis fastening bolts. 1.4 Measurement of the amount of water pump semi-channeling Balance disc without removal of the state of semi-channeling measured amount of water pump, water pump should be pumping capacity semi-channeling channeling for half of the total, generally its value is about 4mm. Check water pump and a half Clearance of the original data for comparison, can find the balance disc wear and reduced pump efficiency reasons. 1.5 Total Clearance of pump review Balance can be measured after-hours removal of channeling the total volume of water pumps, water pumps, the total amount of channeling is the manufacture and installation of pumps after the values inherent in the general pumping channeling total volume of 8mm ~ l0mm. If the total amount of channeling water pump change water pump is illustrated in the middle of fastening bolts are loose or static part of the axial pump wear and tear. 1.6 Clearance of pumps at all levels Pump in the core pack out the middle and at all levels should carry out the disintegration of the impeller, water pump in the disintegration process step by step should be channeling measurement, the measurement volume in the process of channeling all levels should also at all levels of axial gap to the middle of the Mouth measurement. Clearance of all levels of the middle section of channeling in the total amount of value should be near, not more than 0.50mm, such as the numerical error with the original data out of large or larger, should carefully analyze the reasons and to eliminate. Mouth of the middle of the gap at all levels is to test the water pump assembly measurement error. 1.7 Measurement of the dissolution process the data, the purpose is to analyze the data to identify the reasons for pump failure, the development of this program and targeted maintenance treatment measures. Meanwhile, in the back for reference during the installation, inspection and installation process of returning the error. 2, pump repair in stationary parts of the measurement and adjustment of gap 2.1 The mid-gap measure only diameter and adjustment to The two adjacent pump section repeatedly, and then reciprocating pump above paragraph, dial indicator reading is the only difference and gap. Then click on the method of measuring a 90 ° position and then whichever is the average. The gap value is typically 0.04mm ~ 0.08mm, when more than 0.1mm, the necessary repairs. Simple repair methods can interrupt large gap uniformly convex surfacing around the Mouth of 6 to 8, are each the length of 25mm ~ 40mm, and then only I turned to the need for size. Only the middle and gap data is very important in pump maintenance, only oral clearance is too large, the relative increase of the pump rotor swaying, causing pump flow passage gap offset, the second side clearance reduction, operations are likely to static and dynamic friction caused by water pump locking occurs. I only had a small gap, there may occur the middle of installation are not in place, reduce the pump total artificial channeling amount ranging from reduced pump efficiency, heavy static and dynamic friction is caused by damage to equipment. 2.2 The guide vane and the pump casing radial clearance measurement and adjustment Modern high-pressure feed water pump of stainless steel guide vane general, when the guide vane erosion seriously damaged, replace the new diffuser. The new guide vanes in the flow channel should be polished before use smooth, it can improve the pump efficiency. Guide vane and the pump casing radial clearance is generally 0.04mm ~ 0.06mm. Vane positioning pin and the pump casing to fit, the tightening force is 0.02mm ~ 0.04mm, and the guide vane for the clearance fit. Guide vanes in the pump shell should be pressed to prevent the guide vane and the flat diaphragm pump shell wear. This can lead surface of leaf along the circumferential direction, and as close to the outer edge of the uniformly 3 to 4 holes drilled, plus copper nails, copper nails used to make the amount of interference of two plane compression, as shown in Figure 2a. Copper nails in the installation before measuring out the guide vane and the axial clearance between the pump casing, which is in the pump section of the sealing surface and the guide vanes placed below 3 to 4 wire, then with another pump guide vane segment placed, as shown in Figure 2b, the soft pad tapping metal using a sledgehammer a few, out wire measured the thickness of lead wire in two places the difference between the average thickness, that is, the value gap. Copper nails should be higher than the height of the gap value measured more than 0.5mm, so pressed pump casing, the guide vanes have a certain degree of pretension. 2.3 water pump seal rings, guide vanes set clearance measurement and adjustment Seal ring and guide vanes were installed in the hub shell and the guide vanes on the pump. They use more brass material, its hardness is far below the impeller. When the friction with the impeller, the first sealing ring and the damage to the guide vane bushing. If found to wear more than the specified value or a crack, must be replaced, with the impeller of the radial sealing ring (diameter) space, with the sealing rings vary in diameter size, the inner diameter of seal ring is generally 1.5 ‰ ~ 3 ‰; the wear and tear shall not exceed the maximum clearance to allow the inner diameter of seal ring 4 ‰ ~ 8 ‰ (seal diameter and small, to take a large ratio; diameter, and take a small ratio). Seal ring shell with the same pump, if space can be used with screws, the value of 0.03mm ~ 0.05mm; without screws, there should be a tight match its power, compact power value of 0 ~ 0.03mm. With the impeller vane bushing clearance should be slightly less than the seal ring with the impeller clearance (small 1 / 10). Guide vane and guide vane bushing for the interference fit (interference is about 0.015mm ~ 0.02mm), needs to tighten the screws with a stopper. 3, pump rotor parts repair and adjustment of gap measurement 3.1 The pump shaft was Precision high-pressure water pump structure, dynamic and static part of the gap between the small, high speed rotor, axle load weight, the more stringent requirements on the shaft. Axis of curvature generally does not allow more than 0.02mm, 0.04mm more than the work should be carried out straight axis. General increase in pump shaft bending over swaying of the rotor, increasing the rotor is bound to increase the swaying of the sealing ring and the guide vane bushing clearance to control movement and wear, and increased its space will reduce the pump efficiency. And the gap increased to a certain amount, will form a vortex, causing pump vibration. 3.2 impeller and shaft assembly gap Multi-level to the water pump impeller and shaft assembly is generally clearance fit, the gap value 0.00mm ~ 0.04mm. This is from the water pump shaft and impeller machining tolerance decision. Gap is too small or too difficult to profit on the one hand increase the assembly, also affect the thermal expansion of the rotor components to increase the swaying of the rotor acquired the quality of the production caused by rotor imbalance. Increase the pump rotor clearance is too large swaying, causing instability in the rotor balancing. Impeller and shaft with the hole location, as long-term use and repeated assembly and disassembly, it will increase with the gap, then you can be with the impeller shafts or repair the hole with the spray. 3.3 The pump shaft key and keyway Clearance Adjustment Impeller and pump shaft rotation by key pass. Key and keyway shaft should fit, tight capacity in the 0.00mm ~ 0.03mm. Key and keyway should be a gap with the impeller, its value is also 0.00mm ~ 0.03mm. 3.4 Rotor small equipment a) The purpose of small equipment Small rotor, also known as pre-installed or installed test equipment, assembly quality is the key to the decision. Its purpose: to measure and remove the rotor tight swing states in order to avoid internal friction, reduce vibration and improve the seal condition; to adjust the axial distance between the impeller, the impeller of the exports of all levels to ensure the center alignment; determine the regulation sets size. b) Set the rotor, axial expansion of the gap identified Because the rotor set pieces with different shaft materials, In addition, the shaft ends are outside the pump body. So hot, the pump shaft and the rotor is not as expansive set pieces, under normal circumstances, inflation is greater than the rotor shaft set pieces, so when the rotor assembly of the rotor set pieces left on the thermal expansion of space. Expansion of the rotor gap values are based on the length of the rotor and the temperature set. Generally about 10 impeller rotor about its expansion space in the 1mm. Expansion gap is too large, you can not tighten the rotor set pieces very well, expansion gap is too small, it may cause the rotor thermal bending under, resulting in dynamic and static friction, damage to equipment. c) pre-installation inspection of small Check all parts of the rotor size, to eliminate obvious tolerance. Swaying of the shaft set pieces should generally not exceed 0.02mm. All set pieces on the axis, such as impellers, balance disc, sleeve, etc., should end in the face of special tools on the center line of the vertical axis degree of inspection. Figure 4a shows, the false axis and set pieces to keep 0.00mm ~ 0.04mm gap with the hand rotating set pieces, rotating dial indicator after a week of beating the value of the following should be 0.015mm, check the other end the same way the vertical degree. Can not leave axis, measuring equipment pieces on the plate, as shown in Figure 4b, this measurement can not come to face with the center line of vertical axis error, leads to an upper and lower end of the parallel error. d) Measurements of the rotor are shaking Do the preparatory work, it will set pieces cleaned, according to the high side from the low pressure side of the order installed in the shaft, tighten the lock sleeve mother, left a good expansion space (for the hot set rotor, loading only the first, impeller end of the bipolar, intermediate levels do not install). Were measured and then each part of the rock. Swaying of the rotor to meet the requirements of small equipment, the relative position of each part should do a good job mark, impeller Yaoda good character first, followed by demolition, waiting for final assembly. 4, pump core package assembly and assembly gap adjustment 4.1 Total Clearance of measuring the rotor In the core package assembly process, we need the total of each class impeller pump channeling measurement of axial clearance in order to ensure the assembly process of channeling the amount of the maximum and minimum deviation of not more than 0.50mm, or have to check and eliminate the reasons. The total amount related to the water pump impeller channeling export center line and center line of the wicket entrance, the direct impact the efficiency of pumps and pump operation cycle. Penetrate the core package assembled pump body housing, water pump and tighten the import and export side installed after tightening all the bolts, but also as a measurement of the total amount of channeling, then do not install bearings and seals, or equipment balance disc , while the balance disc with special set packages instead of the shaft, and Shang Hao sleeve nut, install a dial indicator in the shaft, then move the rotor, the rotor position in the terminal before and after the dial indicator reading difference is the total pump Clearance of. Clearance of values measured in the amount of comparison and classification of channeling, if access to analyze the reasons and to eliminate. 4.2 Axial position (semi-channeling volume) adjustment Completion of the measuring rotor to adjust the total channeling, it will balance the dish, adjust and lock sets a good mother to the small installation fastening position, the shelves dial indicator, front and rear toggle rotor, rotor dial indicator readings shall be semi-Clearance of poor . Clearance of the rotor and a half to be half of the total amount of channeling, such as semi-channeling channeling volume and total volume of inconsistent sets should be adjusted to adjust to conform. 4.3 Clearance of adjustment work Pumps are equipped with large-scale work to adjust the device volume channeling, some to the pumps used to adjust thrust pad, and some to the water pump with thrust bearing adjustment, measurement, and the rotor measured the same way as the total amount of semi-channeling, the thrust bearing (or thrust watts) or face to face can be plus or minus pad to adjust the amount of work channeling. General to the pump to measure the work of channeling 0.8mm ~ 1.2mm. When the pump start and stop the pressure balance disc has not been established, the impeller of the axial thrust bearing from the thrust bearing pad work. Once pressure balance disc, the impeller axial thrust on the balance disc balance entirely, but thrust pad disengagement work. To achieve such a request, the rotor into the import side, so close to the work of tile thrust plate, this time due balance disc and balance Block 0.01mm gap. If the gap is too large or without gaps, adjustable back pad tile work, but also adjust the balance disc to the shaft position. Thrust bearing oil film thickness at run time is about 0.02mm ~ 0.03mm, make the normal operation of thrust bearings when the pump does not work, balance disc and balance seat in the run-time gap should be larger than 0.03mm ~ 0.045mm, the only way thrust plate to the work of tile in the tile block and non-work not to work. If the thrust bearing is still in working condition, you should re-adjust the balance disc and balance seat axial clearance. Thrust blocks and non-work-watt axial gap is far smaller than the rotor impeller back clearance (ie semi-channeling volume), when the pump due to cavitation or unstable conditions caused by channeling shaft, the thrust plate and the first non-working bush work, thus preventing friction shell of the rotor and pump failure. 4.4 Adjustment of radial pumps Pump Bahrain, will cover both ends, tile rack is good, you can adjust the rotor and stator concentricity (lift shaft). The rotor and stator concentricity requirements are: half the amount carried is equal to half of the total lift or a little smaller (taking into account the rotor static deflection), watts equal on both sides and corners of mouth gap uniformity. Lift axis measurement: not installed before the bush, the shelves at both ends of the tube with a bearing dial indicator, measure the table's center line to be perpendicular to the axis bar and access to the journal on the center line. Both ends of the shaft with a crowbar while a smooth lift shaft, its position in the upper and lower dial indicator reading is poor, is the total carrying amount of the rotor. The rotor Lever, into the next tile, reading dial indicator at this time should raise the amount for the rotor and a half, and should be half the total carrying capacity, or would need to be adjusted. Adjustment if the adjustment bolt under bearing frame, just loose, the bolt can be. Without adjusting bolt, you can adjust the thickness of bearing pads below. For both sides of the rotor and stator concentricity, the general population with bearing on both sides of tile gap is uniform to identify. Placed under the tile with a feeler after 4 watts I measured bearing clearance, adjust the uniform and tile port side bearing clearance should be the top half of the gap. 4.5 Bearing and mechanical seal gap adjustment Tight bearing clearance adjustment of the light power requirements of the disintegration process of adjusting said. Mechanical seal gap adjustment principles are: mechanical seal static preload of compression ring is half the total amount of compression adjustment method is to pump low-pressure side of the rotor into the pump, adjust the dense ring and shaft mechanical seal of the tight power to ensure that high and low voltage side of the pump mechanical seal preload. 5, the other gap adjustment 5.1 Coupling Center Adjustments to the water pump is the pump coupling center of a major overhaul of the gap adjustment, the center is improperly adjusted directly against the vibration of pumps increased. Coupling center deviation is less than the general requirements Park 0.05mm, two pairs of round mouth opening deviation is less than 0.04. Power plant maintenance of all pumps, the feed water pump for its multi-series, high pressure, high speed, so to pump overhaul higher technological content. Maintenance in a pump, in the static part of the pump to ensure defect-free case, the water pump repair quality entirely by the gap to ensure correct measurement and adjustment. Many gaps in the pump and maintenance data, maintenance data for each gap and not independent, but interrelated and mutually conditioned. The value of each space by the water pump manufacturing and operational requirements identified.

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