






Chinese clothing should seek the right to speak Fashion

China has 20 million people’s clothing textile industry ranks, but in the domestic market’s top apparel brands, 80% from abroad, 10% from Hong Kong and Taiwan. This reality can also be interpreted as, the Chinese clothing brand’s future growth and development potential is still very great.

the growth of space in the wrong? The current international textile value chain, mostly attributable to the proceeds of the most important technologies and brands, access to the profits of the two products accounted for 80 percent of all profits. Therefore, the importance of technology and brand innovation.

In fact, the Chinese garment industry OEM (OEM) has done very well overseas companies often boast of Chinese enterprises from low-grade supermarket goods to the top senior clothing can produce a “seamless.”

In recent years, China’s textile and garment industry in technological innovation has greatly enhanced the contribution rate of science and technology products continue to improve, but our brand building is very slow.

brand building depends on the development of creative fashion. With the people’s material and cultural standard of living improve, clothing trade has not only material transactions, it is more a manifestation of cultural values. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the needs through the creative fashion consumers personalized aesthetic pursuit, which also requires enterprises must change the traditional mode of thinking of the industry, say goodbye to rely on large-scale production of homogeneous products, compressed production costs to obtain the residual value of the production patterns.

fashion discourse through access to the ultimate authority to bring value-added industries, realize the sound development of industries should be the future of Chinese clothing enterprises development. An enterprise to have the right of the field of fashion discourse, we must be creative and innovative enterprise development as a core competence, which is conducive not only to textile and garment enterprises to improve the added value of household goods, consumer electronics, automotive and other lifestyle-related public equally meaningful industrial products.

in the realization of the amount of high-speed growth, China’s textile and garment industry is from the traditional manufacturing industries to service the manufacturing industry, innovative manufacturing shift from “Made in China” to “China to create a” shift from the “World processing plants “to” the birthplace of fashion “changes. (07-12-3)

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